RE: Is consciousness real or an illusion...???

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Is consciousness real or an illusion...???

in consciousness •  8 years ago 

The signals received by our "Brains" can be an "illusive" visualization or imagination in the form of feelings; thoughts and facts. Such consciouness can be identified with scientific verification and justification as facts; Data of representation or even can be proven functional consistency as hypothesis; theory; Universal Laws; even to be Canonize as "Truth"... Thus, all information, Knowledge or Data flowing through our "Receptors" like Brains, Telescopic Receivers, or Electronic Invented Equipment to processed "Data" can be graded as "Illusions" or "Reality" to be proven as "Truth" as if the existence of "Consciouness" is of GOD! That is GOD..not an illusive fairy tale...! Man existence is to self realize his own existential creation into GOD image - in reality GOD is creating HIMSELF into every Human Being! The problem is factually illusive when Man fails to have faith to believe Himself being GOD but chooses to recognize himself as "Monkey" that is painfully illusive. The Truth share set us "Free" from illusion... Somebody, says he is the Truth; the Ways, the Light and Life... nobody can go to the GOD without HIM... Just receive and accept Jesus by faith - Consciousness will be real. Amen!

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