The Layers of Existence

in consciousness •  7 years ago  (edited)


Looking at day to day activity, we may not find the significant change in our body. But within ten years, almost all (90%) atoms in our body is changed. Materially our body that used to be us in 10 years back has died. There are two parallel thoughts in molecular chemistry: ‘Chemical Evolution’ and ‘Biological Evolution’. In Chemical Evolution more and more advanced molecules (not necessarily biomolecule) are formed within the past of a long time whereas in biological evolution not only advanced biomolecule are formed, there is a method to supply energy to the molecular system as well called “Metabolic Pathways”. Every living organism, all billions of cell in our body has metabolic pathways while they were constructed. The answer to all questions about ‘why is there inhale-exhale, heartbeat, aging etc and eventually birth and death ?’ is metabolic pathways. These metabolic pathways are not only a single human or any other organism. As beautifully described in biology, it is a network of life. It is a web of life.

We want to focus on how a single human is interacting with the whole cosmos. When a retrospection is traced back to the birth, it becomes the subject of gratitude to be expressed on parents. Thanks for giving birth. Eventually, a new question arises, what made them interact. They initiated your identity. You started to collect and build required proteins to construct your whole body using the blueprint of DNA. The very first layer or Zero layer you interacted with is the great motherhood. When you get birth mother nature stand by your side. She provides all foods not essentially through umbilical cord but through your mouth. You don’t need to worry about the food for next year because they are being grown in some corner of mother earth. She already knows you will be hungry next year too. Salute to those farmers! We all are children of the great mother nature. The point is that the first layer by which you get yourself surrounded is mother nature. By looking dynamics of the first layer, we can visualize it as a Natural-molecular-layer. Because the whole dynamics is in the molecular layer and ‘metabolic pathways’ is the king of the whole dynamics. The energy released in this layer is from breaking and forming of molecular bond. The construction of more complex molecules from simpler ones or breaking more complex molecule to simpler one is the main game!

It looks interesting, once the energy(sunlight) enter into metabolic pathway into leaves of a tree, it gets accumulated into fruits and seeds for reuse. We are ultimately eating sunlight from our birth. As the matter of fact, the layers being constructed in our mind are not the layer of distance, these layers are being constructed by studying microcausality and preciseness of interactions. The second layer is ‘Atomic-material-layer’. In this layer, the dynamics is motivated by interaction in the realm atoms. Interaction enters into the core of atoms called nucleus through ‘Nucleosynthesis’. This layer essentially asks the formation of atoms similar to biomolecules in the first layer. Similar to metabolic pathways, there are different cycles of nuclear reactions into the core of stars which construct higher atoms from simple atoms or break giant atoms to simpler one. Nucleosynthesis is king dynamics of this layer. This does not mean that atoms are inactive in the first layer. In fact, the property of these atoms design new property of the molecule.

The question may arise, why are we so much excited about this layer? Every biomolecule is a fusion of atoms like: H, C, N, O and few other elements. These atoms don’t get broken in the first layer and don’t fuse to form higher atom either. These atoms are the skeleton of the first layer. This layer extends our existence to far beyond the mother nature. There was a grand design from past billions of year that's why we are here today. This means we are interacting with cosmos through the second layer from distant past. And this atomicity holds the first layer of molecularity.

The third layer we are looking for is more microscopic in nature. The king of dynamics in this layer is “Hadronization” . The meaning of hadronization is the formation of constituents of the nucleus (protons, neutrons, mesons etc) from quark-gluon plasma. These nucleons join together in process of “Nucleosynthesis” to form higher atoms. We are talking about more deeper. How would we talk to this layer in practice? There is not any hadronization taking place in our body. It had happened in distant past. It made our existence! It made the existence of second and first layer. This layer is below atomicity called sub-atomicity. Sunlight we are eating every day, which is a source of all energy, came to us through the dynamics of this sub-atomic level. It made nucleosynthesis possible. And it is still happening in some corner of the universe. Hadronization brings 98% mass to the universe.

The fourth layer which goes more deeper then the third layer is “Boson-Fermion-Transition”. Leptons and quarks are most fundamental constituent of matter. During matter formation process, energy gets converted to matter called ‘boson-fermion transition’. Matter and interaction between matter (quarks and leptons) made other layers to exist. What do we have to do with this layer with our life? It is inherently related to third, second and first layer. One can find oneself as a form of energy.

The fifth and last layer is the layer of “Super Existence”. In this layer, there is a dynamics of space-time and energy. This layer asks for the existence of space-time with energy content. The central idea is space-time without energy or matter does not exist at the beginning. One can not ask the beginning of space-time only. Every question like “who am I?”, “why do I exist?” Etc has originated from this layer. One can start to look the answer to these questions from the very first layer and finally end to this layer. In this level, one finds oneself as a single event of space-time.

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