I was a hardcore liberal until Obama took office. When I found out he was running over a Trillion dollar deficit on his second year, I got so angry I rebelled and became a conservative.
When I see Trump outdoing Obama on wasteful spending, I'm no longer MAGA with Trump. I can be MAGA without Trump. I dont have to accept the MAGA trump package deal. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. When he runs a 1.47 deficit, I'm not giving him a freepass. He abuses his privileges, and needs to learn to respect his voters, and the people who didn't vote for him.
He's weak on Trade, and is pissing on Canada, because China has him compromised. I'm Canadian, and we're not going to be made scapegoat. Whatever happened to Trumps inauguration Speech? Whatever happened to the guy with backbone? Now he's just buffoon that Tweets and plays Golf. Dude, rant all you like! It makes for more interesting conversation. I'm the last person to tell anyone to tone it down. It's just not my style.