The New McCarthyism

in conservative •  7 years ago 


Like many other nations, Russia has interfered with elections in the US for generations.

In school, I was taught that people who complained about Russian interference in US elections committed an intellectual sin called "McCarthyism."

I was trained to see "McCarthyism" as the worst of all intellectual sins.

Having been indoctrinated to see McCarthyism as the gravest of all sins, I've been baffled by the incessant Russian Probe.

Yes, Russia tries to influence elections. But we aren't allowed to talk about it.

Despite the fact that Americans were trained to see complaints about Russian meddling in elections as McCarthyism, the left wing media has embarked on anti-Russian polemics that would make McCarthy blush.

At first I chalked up the New McCarthyism as a symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Hillary lost the election. Democrats must blame someone; So, let's blame the Russians!

The new McCarthyism has been so shrill and has gone on for so long that I finally decided that there must be a deeper explanation for this narrative.

So, I started thinking: Perhaps the New McCarthyism that's taken hold of the International Left isn't about Trump. Perhaps it is about Russia.

The Soviet Union used to be on the avante garde of the International Communist movement.

The Soviet Union imploded. Russia's fervor for Communism appears to have diminished. Some people say that Russia has changed.

If Russia has changed; then what did it change into?

Perhaps we can find this out by looking at the biography of Putin.

Vladimir Putin began his career as a KGB Thug. He bullied his way through the ranks to become head of the Communist Party.

In 2001, Putin became a leader of a new Party called "United Russia."

Wikipedia and other sources classify the ideology of this new party as "Russian Conservatism."

I wasn't expecting to see the word "conservative" used for Putin, but it makes sense.

The ideology of conservatism was created by the Tories to conserve the social order of the monarchy.

When communist states stop being communist, they are destined to become authoritative conservative states.

NOTE: Outside the United States, the term "conservative" means a right wing oligarchy set on conserving the social order.

-----> I really wish that Republicans would research the stupid word "conservative." <-----

Putin is a Conservative. The new McCarthyism isn't just about attacking Donald Trump. The Russian Probe is isolating this new Conservative Russia.

I would like to emphasize. I really dislike Putin.

However, if it is true that Russia is no longer a communist nation; it seems to me that the US should be trying to court the country as an ally.

Unfortunately, America politics has become so divisive that we are no longer able to promote liberty and goodwill at home or abroad.

While it is amusing to see Left wing loons behave worse than McCarthy. I am so dismayed by the sorry state of politics in this world that hypocrisy of the new McCarthyism is no longer amusing.

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