Riffvlog on Eric Dubay's Bible Allegory

in conspiracy •  6 years ago  (edited)

This is a tad sloppy most likely because I'm out of sorts with this head cold. But, in the end, I think I covered the points I was trying to make.  I'm just plain dead against an economic system that rewards disinformation. But I am wholly for free speech so shutting people down isn't the solution. I get that this is one of those intractable problems. I would say that the root of this issue stems from economic corruption. 

Here is the video I’m responding to:

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One of the most important points I was attempting to make is that the esoteric/exoteric/literalist/allegorical division of religion could be a false dichotomy of the archons; that is to say, the archons control both divisions and they are both bullshit. Please consider, again, that there is zero empirical evidence for kundalini, reiki, chi, or whatever one wants to call it and I'm suggesting that that is because it doesn't exist. We are being lied to every which way from Sunday.
Also consider again that it's entirely false to make universal cosmological claims based solely on the experiences within meditation. This elevates phenomenology over ontology and is metaphysical overreach and overshoot.

Dubay responded to my vid. and I'll link it here:
Eric Dubay
Eric Dubay
5 hours ago
Hey Andrew, thanks for the response video. Firstly, I assure you, NASA and the spinning ball Earth is the "organized disinformation," not my work. When you have some time please watch "200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball" and "The History of Flat Earth" to help you get caught up. Regarding the "Bible's Hidden Meanings" documentary, I suggest you also watch my follow-up documentary "Jesus Christ Never Existed," which further explores the allegorical (not literal/historical) truths of the Bible. I definitely agree with your concerns about Kundalini and don't think that somehow makes us gods, not sure how you made that equivalence. Peace
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4 hours ago (edited)
Andrew smiles sardonically. Circa 2006/7 Zaadz.com )...As I surfed I came across the Atlantean Conspiracy:) No sir, I'm not a newbie.
In my estimation, with over 7 years of considering it and a year of intense investigation,​ I remain unconvinced but I couldn't say with 100% certainty unless I could get up to the upper atmosphere.
I can find points of agreement though. The literalist version of all religion is likely false, but I suggest in this video that the esoteric versions may not fare much better.
I'm a Gnostic so I believe Kristo's does make appearances here but I also think this place may be irredeemable--it's thoroughly corrupt and beyond repair. Much like the old Dvaita Vedantist's, I believe God is entirely transcendent to this hellhole run and owned by the demiurge and its archons.
I'm also an incompatibilist on this issue of free will. Having said that, I have no problem per se with anyone acting 'as if' free will exists and entirely support anyone's effort to try and make things better here although I admit it's painful watching people push boulders up mountains:)
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