Is Alex Jones part of the "system"?steemCreated with Sketch.

in conspiracy •  8 years ago  (edited)

I just got curious cause I have a hunch Alex Jones is in the secret society scene, so I googled it and found this link, which I found really interesting.. I'll post it below, but.. I was wondering what anyone who happens to see this thinks? Whether you watch the video or not, do you think Alex Jones is legit? Or do you think he is.. Co-intel or something like that? Kinda like the alternative conspiracy theory version of the mainstream media?

His response in this video I will link below is very very strange.
The reason I personally came to this train of thought was because.. I figured out in my own my at least to like a 99% degree that a number of AJ's close friends and people he interviews on his show like Joe Rogan are Free Masons, and that at the very least, if he isn't one.. He is like surrounded by them.(And his support of Trump who seems so clearly part of the system)

So in the video, he admits his family is like "Illuminati" but that he himself has never taken any oaths or initiation rites or something to that effect..(He could probably still be an honorary member like some celebrities without doing those things, or be in a group without such things) And Then he goes into this crazy rant that is what in my opinion something an occult person would say, in regards to like.. The original Illuminati and 1776 being a good thing, and that it's been hijacked.. And.. It's very confusing.

Like it really seems like he was flustered and reacting in a strange double speak kind of way that he's often known for, additionally he said the guy could come back and talk afterwards, but in this clip at least.. AJ never let us hear what the guys response was.. Maybe it's out there somewhere in a full episode, but.. It's weird how he just cuts him off and doesn't give him a chance to respond.

This clip seems like.. Massive propaganda to me.. Like.. Just as bad as mainstream media stuff.. I'm gonna have to do some more research before I come to a more solid opinion, but more and more AJ is looking like part of the "system".

The comments are very interesting.. And strangely enough, there's very few views on this vid.. He has other ones on his channel he released like less than a day ago that have more.. I guess AJ fans don't wanna know AJ's secret society ties? smh

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he isn't a part of the solution until he promotes self ownership..
for now he's still promoting slavery (statism).

I agree that it would be better if he promoted government less.. However. I don't think he's useless. He helped me start my research many years ago.. I think he's helped wake a lot of people up even if he is co-intel.. Sometimes the weapons people use are "double edged" and if Alex Jones is a weapon metaphorically speaking.. He's cutting the ones using him simultaneously.

I don't believe Alex is part of the "system", yes he is a bit of a showman, yes he tends to ramble at times, but the A list guests he gets on the program would indicate that he is against the NWO in general.

You mean.. His guests expose too much for him to be a part of it? I can kinda see that.. However, wouldn't that be a great way to be trusted by many? If you were a co-intel person, wouldn't you try to do similar and appeal to the crowd you are targeting?

I believe his guests such as Steve Quayle, Fritz Springmeyer, Larry Nichols, Doug Hagmann, or James Wesley Rawles, if they thought he was a NWO insider, would choose not to appear on his show, these men have discernment. That being said, anything is possible and shouldn't be ruled out!

To be straight forward I'm not really familiar with any of those names very much, but.. Alex Jones is like the #1 source to go to if you wanna get some alternative news out there, assuming it fits in his genre and isn't more extreme stuff like UFO's and aliens and such.

BUT.. Let me posit once again that and.. I'm pretty sure I mentioned this in my OP, but if I didn't.. I don't think being a Free Mason is bad.. I have good friends who are Free Masons. And maybe all those names you mentioned were Free Masons as well, I've become amazed at just how many there are in positions of influence. And.. The line blurs here a bit because secret societies historically speaking like the Illuminati were created to overthrow corrupt kings and offer more freedom to people, so you could in some senses see many of these people as fighters for freedom and fighters against government, but that still I think creates a distinction when someone is a part of the secret society influence, or "one of them".. I think it creates a lil bit of a conflict of interest. So it's something I like to be aware of.. I wanna know where someones motivations are coming from. If they are indebted to secret societies, it may not be a bad thing. I'd just like to be aware of as much as I can be to make sense of the world around me.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I believe at the heart of "secret societies" is luciferianism. At the end of the day, one has to choose sides. Luciferianism vs Christianity (true Christianity not the fake pretentious stuff).

I think the phrase is controlled opposition. Much of what he says will be true, but maybe with various economies and readings that try to herd us in certain directions. Some commentators say stuff, follow the consensus, honestly, even though this might be supporting some minority badness. Others do so deliberately, so the a key question becomes spook or dupe?

Another question is where does all the money come from for such a professional media organisation? He looks to be a pretty well-fed guy.

Controlled opposition is one of the phrases and one I should have used. I like to have more diverse language, though sometimes I'm a lil tired or not the best at expressing myself or whatever.

I agree with pretty much everything else you said.. Especially the money thing.. I hear it was very expensive to get that equipment back in the day, now with YouTube, it's no mystery.. He has enough money just coming from YouTube to do all that in my opinion.. But.. Perhaps it has something to do also with being in an "Illuminati family" like he admitted in the video I linked.. They are usually pretty wealthy families.. And he has a lot of Jewish sponsors I hear..(Which connects to free masonry) Plus, a lot of fanatical fans who donate and buy merch... But yeah.. He definitely seems to be well off money wise, even back in the day.

I wouldn't be surprised if the reason he got into the Bohemian Grove so easily, was because he was already a member. :| Or connected to people who were.

Look around your environment and see if what he says is real...

I personally stopped watching him years ago when I discovered some of his info was false and when confronted on that on his show, he wouldn't do the right thing and admit it. He went kinda crazy like in this video and got defensive instead.

However, just cause someone can't admit they are wrong or chooses not to, doesn't necessarily mean they are part of the system.. It's just really suspicious and incriminating.

He seems to be an egomaniac but that could be an act...I have lots of resources to research the data he puts out, his show was part of my waking up back in 2004/07. I was a Noam Chomsky libertarian socialist (anarchist) back then. I still listen to both, but now I'm just a human without titles and a political atheist. Another site I loved was .... hahaha ;-)

Alex is one of the great American patriots. He is not perfect. Are you? But he is definitely fighting for the American constitution. He is careful what he says at times so that he does not get dragged in to long crippling court cases by the scum banking cabal. I am not even a American but I am proad of every American who stand up and defend the constitution. If America falls to the hand of this evil money loving cabal we all fall. "A house devided will not stand." Where we go one we go all."

You sound like someone who hasn't researched very deep into the history and family lineage of Alex Emerick Jones. You're welcome to your opinion, but.. I don't look at him in the same light as you, there was a time I thought he seemed like a pretty good guy, but now I'm pretty certain he's part of the "system".