The Conspiracy Myth by Charles Eisenstein

in conspiracy •  4 years ago 

God love Charles Eisenstein! He endeavors to understand/define/explain how the universe works and then bring it into our everyday lives. Precisely what I've been working on, my entire life - alas not near as eloquently as Charles does.
I finally began to understand the workings of this world more accurately when I looked thru the lens of dimensions. Is this person, doctrine, news article in 3/4 dmension or 5th? Then it started to make more sense to me; and then I had to factor in the infinite number of steps in each dimension; was there an ultimate Truth? Always coming back to 'now' and who was attempting to 'sell me' on what and why? So much reseach...essential research to understand this Universe is a spiritual/quantum physics universe....thus Applied Spirituality(tm). Meanwhile, Charles Eisenstein, well done on this essay - so broad in scope! But never underestimate the Godchip within each being to guide them Home....the journey and scenery along the way - much of it is simply instructive to how our Universe works, our place within it; and therefore all of it some point. Blessings Charles! Keep us thinking/feeling! <3 I heartily urge you to READ THE WHOLE THING - several times if need be.

The Conspiracy Myth by Charles Eisenstein

May 2020

..."To those who categorically dismiss any information that seriously challenges conventional medicine, lockdown policies, vaccines, etc., I would ask, Do you need such high walls around your kingdom? Instead of banishing these unruly subjects, would it hurt to give them an audience? Would it be so dangerous to perhaps tour another kingdom, guided not by your own loyal minister but by the most intelligent, welcoming partisans of the other side? If you have no interest in spending the several hours it will take to absorb the following dissenting opinions, fine. I’d rather be in my garden too. But if you are a partisan in these issues, what harm will it do to visit enemy territory? Normally partisans don’t do that. They rely on the reports of their own leaders about the enemy. If they know anything of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s or Judy Mikovitz’s views, it is through the lens of someone debunking them. So give a listen to Kennedy, or if you prefer MD’s only, to David Katz, Zach Bush, or Christiane Northrup,

I would like to offer the same invitation to those who reject the conventional view. Find the most scrupulous mainstream doctors and scientists you can, and dive into their world. Take the attitude of a respectful guest, not a hostile spy. If you do that, I guarantee you will encounter data points that challenge any narrative you came in with. The splendor of conventional virology, the wonders of chemistry that generations of scientists have discovered, the intelligence and sincerity of most of these scientists, and the genuine altruism of health care workers on the front line who have no political or financial conflict of interest in the face of grave risk to themselves, must be part of any satisfactory narrative.

After two months of obsessively searching for one, I have not yet found a satisfactory narrative that can account for every data point. That doesn’t mean to take no action because after all, knowledge is never certain. But in the whirlwind of competing narratives and the disjoint mythologies beneath them, we can look for action that makes sense no matter which side is right. We can look for truths that the smoke and clamor of the battle obscures. We can question assumptions both sides take for granted, and ask questions neither side is asking. Not identified with either side, we can gather knowledge from both. Generalizing to society, by bringing in all the voices, including the marginalized ones, we can build a broader social consensus and begin to heal the polarization that is rending and paralyzing our society."

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