Many people understand the wide-reaching societal function of spectator sports like Football. They provide a means of capturing the energies of tribal instinct, and releasing them in a manner that is for the most part fairly non-destructive. Your local sports teams provide the people something regional which to identify with, and the games themselves offer a means of playing-out our natural urge to dominate others to end up on top. Although I personally don't enjoy watching most sports, I do however understand the role spectatorship plays in society and know that it can be both beneficial or harmful depending on the various circumstances surrounding it.
What many might not understand however are the full implications of the recent #TakeAKnee protest events surrounding various sports teams/organizations (particularly the NFL), in consideration of recent political and social turmoil.
To start let us consider the following NFL facts:
- The NFL is mostly tax exempt despite making over 10 billion dollars annually
- A decent amount of NFL teams (over a dozen) have received funding from the US Department of Defense (DoD)
- The NFL works closely with federal agencies such as DHS/FEMA and has even formed partnerships with both
The above 3 facts show quite clearly that the NFL is more then likely one of the many proxies of the Deep State, not only being tax-exempt, but supporting and receiving the support of agencies which are at the upper tier of the Deep State command and control system. The answer is fairly clear as to what forces are involved in, as well as the overall effects of, the NFLs 'take a knee' anti-national political protest controversy. The real question then becomes "why?".
The answer appears to follow the same motive behind Antifa, BLM, and alike, whose goal appears to be to cause chaos, civil unrest and promote further divide within the country as a whole (a country which right now is more divided then it has been in a very long time). To this end, the liberal extremist mobs have been employed to the fullest extent up to this point, and those who aren't among the liberal extremists have attempted to exercise some restraint when faced with them (for the most part). With this said, some people have a theory that the Deep State has shifted its focus towards increasing the odds of violent reactions among the rest of the population, by tampering with various societal foundations that have contained those energies in the past (such as regional team-based sports). In my strong opinion their goal is that by causing the masses to start to abandon spectator sports, their human instinct for tribal warfare will begin to seek fulfillment elsewhere, such as into political conflict, something that is already reaching a tipping point within the highly divided country as it already stands.
“As every divided kingdom falls, so every mind divided between many studies confounds and saps itself.”
-Leonardo da Vinci
“A divided kingdom cannot defend itself from its adversaries. A divided person cannot face life in a dignified way.”
―Paulo Coelho
“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.”
―Audre Lorde