in conspiracy •  8 years ago  (edited)

We are about to journey down a rabbit hole that reveals the most important key to the modern human dilemma. So lets begin with a question...

What if I was able to prove to you, with the help of modern science, that mankind, namely first world countries, have been victims of a psychological operation unlike anything in recorded history, and it is happening to you right this very moment?

If you are thinking this is merely about the advent of television / computer screens and our high dependency on technology, then pay attention, because there is so much more to understand. I will provide keys to nature that many are missing, as to help you protect yourself.

First we must understand the Moon

When we see moonlight, it is not actually light of the moon, but light from the sun. The moon absorbs the lower light frequencies and refracts the higher. This is why objects that are normally white will appear blue under strong moonlight.

As far back as recorded history goes, we have tales of the moon and how it causes natures creatures to take on qualities that today we term schizophrenic or in the least, disturbed. But is there really anything to it? You better believe it!

Modern science supports the position that the moon increases scattered brain activity. A study was done where people were observed for the 5 days of a peak moon cycle. Subjects did not know what was being studied; the rooms also had no windows.

They found that as the moon became more full, sleeplessness and increased scattered neural activity coincided, and as the moon went away, so did the effects.

So what have we learned here?

That the moon does have an effect on brain activity, and it is not because of the knowledge of the moonlight. It obviously uses higher frequencies, and this is how its power is able to penetrate through walls. Sort of like your wireless router, only higher frequencies may move through solid matter.

Next, Circadian Rhythm

Man is most healthy when he is in this rhythm. It is a rhythm with the daily sun cycle. We used to be more circadian, as before these last 150 years, when the sun went down, we didn’t have high frequency light keeping us up. At best we had candles or fires; natural warm light or lower frequency light. We produced melatonin on much healthier levels and at times that allowed us to be more in tune with nature around us. People that are more circadian are less likely to experience depression or schizophrenic tendencies as well as many other adverse mental conditions.

And finally, high frequency light; blue being the highest we can see before the invisible waves.

The higher the light frequency, the deeper it goes into our eye. This is why we wear sunglasses on sunny days. We protect ourselves from INVISIBLE UV rays. Sometimes we also protect our skin, because it is also penetrated, and it is actually not bad to have these waves, because they do help us in various ways biologically. Its just that many human beings have a constitution that is sensitive to direct sunlight for extended amounts of time.

High frequency blue light in particular, travels past the lens and inhibits healthy pineal gland function. This is where we produce melatonin, a sleep aid, but more importantly, a DREAM AID. Remember that no time in history before the electronic age, were people exposed to these high frequency light energies after the sun went down, except in those rare occurrences during strong moon light. We began producing melatonin when the sun went down and it helped us stay in a rhythm with nature.

Now that we are caught up on the science, lets get strange.

In our recent history, there was no decade crazier than the 1960s.

Everything from the violent crime and murder rate DOUBLING from the previous decade, psychedelics, MK Ultra as well as other psychological operations, the advent of microwave technology, mass radio technology, the boom in psychiatric disorders and thus big pharma, the Satanic Church, the New Age movement, Free love, civil rights, feminism, the assassination of many political figures, the removal of the gold behind the currency, consumer credit, shit…Im just going to stop.

The shit was nuts!

Guess what they called the decade before this one

The 1950s were coined “The Happy Days”. How the fuck do we go from the happy days to the craziest decade in modern history? What ticked the mass psyche enough to jump to what historically looks like a societal mental breakdown?

I mean the war was over, fathers came back home, and life was easy in the 1950’s, that is, aside from the civil rights struggles of blacks and women. But in the full context of American life, the 1950’s were pretty swell.

But then…

It was decided, after decades of trial and study, that televisions were to be mass produced and made affordable. At this point only wealthy people had them, but there was no programming yet. It was merely a luxury something to show off. The power of the moon, and then some, was planted into millions of living rooms across the country. People spent hours a day SUDDENLY staring into a box of flickering light patterns, blasting high frequency blue light into their pineal glands. We are talking the power of the moon times THOUSANDS.

I say the power of the moon because one can just walk down the street at night and see the pulsating blue hues on the curtains in peoples windows. Like the moon makes things that are white in normal light seem blue, so do televisions and modern electronic devices. This is how you can tell who is having an artificial dream.

Is it unreasonable to think that staring directly into these devices would make us collectively insane? And this is not even counting the actual programming that we are absorbing during the alpha brainwave state!

The key determiner in schizophrenics is the fact that they stay up later. They have trouble getting to sleep, trouble producing MELATONIN. Schizophrenics essentially dream while awake. They are out of sync with nature, and thus are in disharmony. This is increasingly the norm today.

Am I crazy for believing that a mass psychological operation was done on the American public in the 1950s, resulting in collective schizophrenia, a sleepwalking society?

We call it a crazy world, and indeed it is, but there is a scientific reason for it. WE DON’T DREAM true anymore. We dream "their" dreams.

We are out of sync with nature, and increasingly so. While I cant say that nothing good came of the operation, as it did trigger many great minds to go out of bounds enough to make some great art and discovery, it has done more harm than good. People that stay up later tend to be more creative, because they are more conscious during natures sleep, but most people do not handle it well, and that is why collectively we need to understand what has happened.

Do you know why your whole social media experience is blue?

It gets the fucking job done!

It essentially becomes your dream, writing on to your subconscious and mind-controlling you. Blue is the dream, the illusion, and why it is favored by hypnotists, media giants and Hollywood. It lulls you into it. This is why when you are in front of one of these screens ingesting passive entertainment, within minutes you are lulled into an alpha brainwave state, where you are highly suggestible, and your higher brain functions are not there to filter and protect you from bullshit.

So which is it? The left hand path of illusion? Or do you choose to see right?

I don’t believe in presenting such a big problem without a solution though, so here it is.

This is what I use and it works on circadian rhythm, so when the sun goes down, the high frequency light, the light that penetrates into my eye furthest, is cancelled. Not only does this save energy, but it isn’t so invasive. I can still produce melatonin at normal levels which makes my dreams at night more rich and deep, allowing me to connect more often to source, and wake fulfilled and energized. This is essential for a healthy mind, in a world that seems to be going increasingly gonzo.

Like a moth to a flame, we were burned by the introduction of television so suddenly, and then the many products that the technology spawned into later. We must protect our pineal glands and their ability to connect us to source.

Nature heals, but we have to get back in rhythm with her, instead of increasingly against and without her. Let Luna be the only night light guiding us, because she is fixed and natural, unlike the electronic hallucinations implanting false idols into our subconscious, increasing our moral depravity and consumerism.

Don’t let them penetrate into that eye that is most sacred. They have replaced our natural dreams, but we can do work to get that connection back.

With love,


Supporting links...

Moon Sleep Study

Circadian Rhythm

Harm of blue light

Nervous system manipulation from monitors

Television effects on brain chemistry


The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

~ Matthew 6:22, KJB

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Please forgive this re-post. I was only a few days old on steemit and didnt have the post formatting skills I have now, but most importantly, THE FOLLOWERS. This is a very important message and it needs to be spread. Re-Steem this and help heal the world!

With love, Doc.

Thanks for reposting...I just discovered your account and I love it...anyone quoting Carl Jung (and many others) gets my attention.

Blue light... Steemit is blue as well...

Thank you for helping get these posts seen! Jung is tops, and is much of the spirit behind what I post. I am all about bringing the darkness to light.

for example, this image appears on the right side using the code in the article above:

Oh I totally needed that. Thanks!

@docdelux no apologies needed. This is much needed info that needs to get out there. I'm loving your work!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I've always believed it's a conspiracy as to why we don't have large E-ink type monitors for outside use. I'm talking about the types of displays that are used on E-book readers like the Kindle. They operate using reflected light, not a blue blasting backlight. Clearly it's set up this way to both keep us inside and to keep us consuming artificial light while we work.

There is a Chinese company caled Dasung that makes one but it is only 13.3" and costs over $1000. I hope soon we will be able to ditch our backlit monitors and phone screens for e-ink technology and some of the madness will die down.

I work in mental health, and have been following the motion of the moon for the last few months aswell, and have noticed more erratic behaviours on the days around full moons. Truly enlightening read! Flux has now been installed.

Interesting read, the info and the matrix pic reminded me of a special I watched where they explained the back colors used in tbe matrix. I never even noticed it until watching this special, but when you watch the matrix, all of the scenes "in the matrix" are used with a green hue while all of the scenes from "the real/woke world" are filmed with the blue hue. I think they were saying they did it to subconsciously switch the brains from the fake world and the real world in the movie. A bit off your topic but definitely reminded me

You reveal the Matrix and suddenly this happens after reading this article:

enter image description here

  • 111 following
  • 6 hours ago

That got my attention, so I make the screenshot!
Now to make this reply... but how to embed the images?
I think, "Doesn't have image uploading built in?", let me see...

enter image description here

That looks even cooler... but, Busy dosen't have image uploading built in either :(

Now back to Steemit and I'll host these on Imgur:

enter image description here

  • 7 hours ago

Coincidence... You decide!

I love your posts... this one just got way weird.

Ascension of the consciousness!!! Nice!!! Good Morning to you ;)

This post got a 1.58 % upvote thanks to @ausbitbank - Hail Eris !

Haha, I was going to post the link to the US patent in my comment, but saw that you had it here! Yet another great article, thank you! We make sure that we get doses of twilight daily. We get up around 4-5 a.m. to watch sunrise and go out in the evening for sunset. We have also detoxed our bodies, and guess what....we started dreaming again! Beautiful dreams. Plus our view of the physical plane is so much brighter.....we go out every weekend into nature and it's amazing how your depth perception and peripheral vision improve. As well as the colors!!! I just love your articles, they hit home!