HIGH LEVEL INSIDER AMA from 4Chan transcripts ... easy to read, not in 4Chan form.... PART 7: 7/11/16 (5)

in conspiracy •  8 years ago  (edited)

I will be posting one of these threads as quickly as I can get to transcribing them.

I'm transcribing these AMA sessions from HLI on 4chan.

This is not because I'm necessarily subscribing to every word or believing it without question, but it was more compelling than any AMA I've seen in a long time. It takes a long time to read them on 4chan so I thought this might be quicker for busy people to get at the content.

He says some pretty heavy shit along the ride. Obama = Osama, Clinton blackmail/pedo/cocaine dealing/9-11, he even says Hillary's campaign logo is symbolic of her pride behind closed doors over 9/11.

He wholly ignores the maelstrom of racist shitposters on 4chan - but if one of them does have an intelligent question underneath the epithets, he will skip over the offensive language and answer the question.

He starts later posts with mysterious photos - for example, the spooky Bank of America mural in Charlotte, NC and Plato's Allegory of the Cave, plus many more. I'm including those in the transcripts. He refers to his organization as Three and is completely non-racist on all fronts (unlike FBIanon). It's compelling stuff when you dig through it. I wanted to see if anyone is as fascinated as I am.

7.11.2016 (5)

HLI: Question Time Part 4

PNG titled Three.png

/pol/: I'll try one last time, any thoughts on AGI?

HLI: We're not there yet. Very sophisticated problem.

/pol/: It is time to explain why would there be a second global economic crisis so soon.

HLI: There is a need for some sense of forward momentum to maintain confidence.

As I have already pointed out, the system is very vulnerable to insurgents.

Think about the power of the idea of an inevitable march to world order. See what I mean, right?

/pol/: Give us a comment on ancient Egyptian/Babylonian mystery schools

HLI: The originated from recognition that consciousness was lost and a goal to prevent that from happening again. Much broader scope of derivative activity today though.

/pol/: Thoughts on the Fermi Paradox?

HLI: Bad input assumptions.

/pol/: in your last thread you mentioned that most things paranormal are bs, I was wondering if there's any truth to extraterrestrials communicating with world governments? If so, any chance of disclosure within the next 10 or 15 years?

HLI: No. I've personally expended great effort on this question. It's an appealing explanation, but untrue.

/pol/: I've been finding dozens of documents detailing massive holdings of precious metals. Usually they are under the same couple of names. I have reason to believe these names are falsified, intentionally used to manipulate the precious metals market.

Know anything about that?

Pic related.

HLI: Yes, that market and many others are rigged.

/pol/: Didn't you say earlier that the predicted crisis would be the doing of the dark priests / kings in response to Trump's victory? And that it would occur in order for them to discredit his views on nationalism / populism?

Why would you need to justify the crisis if your faction's not instigating it?

HLI: We don't justify it or encourage it, just explain why.

/pol/: Is this 'loss of consciousness' theory explicitly outlined in any published works? From what I understand of your previous answers, it is only alluded to peripherally in 'The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind', correct me if I'm wrong.

HLI: That's the most explicit public and straightforward treatment of the topic, but you can see it is clearly present in the mystery schools and major religions among other places.

/pol/: is the name anon an AI

Theres something about how he writes that doesn't add up although im not going to write what because whats the point

If there were more things certain on top of the iD

also is this correct?

HLI: Clever

/pol/: What opinion does your group have on Evola and his work?

HLI: We have more faith in your potential than he does.

/pol/: Do you think Chinese-style media censorship works? Do you think it will work in the long run?

HLI: We don't generally support censorship of others, although we find some degree of self-censorship prudent.

/pol/: So how would you describe your ideal society? does it include the concept of democracy?, free market trade? or alternatives?

HLI: We generally try to promote both order and individual agency, although these two are conflicting to some degree. It's a difficult balancing act and prudent action can change over time.

/pol/: Is human sacrifice among elites a thing?

HLI: Very overblown, but not unheard of.

/pol/: Is there an age in which you can no longer find your "niche" assuming everyone has some sort of predetermined "skill"

is IQ malleable or does it remain constant with only knowledge changing?

HLI: The mind is very malleable and you can improve markedly.

We expect that augmentation is not terribly far away, and this will be more increasingly true.

/pol/: How much influence does your faction specifically have to prevent censorship? Could you prevent the NSA from enabling a totalitarian state? What's the relative strength / ability of the four factions?

HLI: We can issue diktats to some extent and have.

/pol/: My own explanation of why the Chinese did not do more given their intellect is that people are ruined by success (they want what worked yesterday) and a powerful, centralized state misinterprets innovation as a threat. Therefore, censorship is actually a major self-limitation. I think China would be much better off without censorship, but that would be too scary for the Politburo. Am I on the right track?

HLI: Yes, organized power often engenders its own psychosis this way.

/pol/: I honestly thought you were bullshit, but I've been doing some digging, and an engineered collapse seems almost guaranteed at this point.

Know anything about "banking viruses?”

HLI: There have been instances of software siphoning off small amounts many times, but the system is very rigged and centralized with plenty of backups. It's not subject to take down this way.

/pol/: What would you characterize as a reasonable reaction to human sacrifice?

HLI: Disgust

/pol/: To add to that, I concluded that China is approaching a point where Deng-ism has done all it can, and now the center needs to back off and trust the ordinary Chinese person more. They are at the point where they need something like American or Enlightenment values to get to the next stage. But everything in their culture militates against this, and Brother Eleven appears to have been moving strongly in the wrong direction, ensuring future problems and stalled growth. This stengthens the chances of a military adventure or scapegoating foreigners.

Am I wrong? Is there a way for Xi to both crack down and facilitate growth?

HLI: You can enumerate the possibilities for growth:

innovation, foreign plunder, domestic plunder

Obviously on the first is viable in the long term. Is Xi up to the task? Possibly, and shows more inclination than his American counterparts these days.

/pol/: What's the boogeyman in this econ collapse? DB derivative exposure? Failing petrodollar? Equity, student loan bubble?

HLI: Boogeyman depends on the timing. They cycle through propaganda of newer ones all the time. Keeping the gun loaded. It's a very rigged market, these are not legitimate explanations, just covers.

/pol/: Are Snowden / Greenwald more than they seem? If so, how?

HLI: Snowden is a CIA asset that was meant to put the NSA in check for taking down a variety of people, most prominently Petraeus.

/pol/: Are Snowden / Greenwald more than they seem? If so, how?

HLI: Snowden is a CIA asset that was meant to put the NSA in check for taking down a variety of people, most prominently Petraeus.

/pol/: So, assuming this is all real, I'm trying to make sure I don't wind up doing something that's going to get me assassinated.

One thing I'm interested in is educating the general public on politics. Assuming I was successful at this, would it be something that elites would consider dangerous enough to kill me for?

HLI: Generally, the cat is out of the bag. Talking about it isn't that big of a deal.

Talking about doing something about it is.

/pol/: Can you give a little more detail on the "heard of" aspects of it?

HLI: It's mostly just a limited set of particularly unhinged people.

Sometimes you get powerful people that become that way through senility, genetic defect, etc. Other times you get it on a large scale, i.e., the syphilis outbreak before it was treatable and mass associated psychosis.

/pol/: What is the single best thing any capable individual can do to benefit society?

Should I help my self before I help others, or should I help others so they can help me?

HLI: Exert yourself in designing a better way, and the means to protect yourself when articulating it.

/pol/: I sincerely believe in Constitutional values as a solution to the world's problems and want to push this in cultures that never had English common law tradition. Thus my idea that China needs free speech in order to have growth, which is clearly a tortured concept. Am I fetishizing?

HLI: Free speech has never existed in any general sense. You can only test the existence or nonexistence at the extreme of dangerous speech, and that's never been widely available.

/pol/: Hmm.

I've noticed that the major banking institutions have stopped their normal line of, "everything is ok, don't worry" and have been sowing distrust and a lack of confidence on purpose.

Specifically in smaller euro banks. Ex. Italy, france, Spain.

Seems legit. If there was an actual crisis they would say everything is fine. If it's an engineered crisis, they'd promote it like they are now.

You might be legit.

On an unrelated note, how accurate are Albert pike's predictions regarding the means for a third world war?

HLI: Albert Pike's work is an exercise in attempted self-fulfilling prophecy.

/pol/: Alright, I'll bite.

What's your organizations view on Christianity?

HLI: Symbolically, highly important.

Literally? We lament the silliness.

/pol/: Do the Rothschilds hold as much influence as /pol/ make them out to?

Are these families still relevant?

Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) family
Rockefeller family
Oppenheimer family
Goldsmid/Goldsmith family
Mocatta family
Montefiore family
Sassoon family
Warburg (del Banco) family
Samuel family
Kadoorie family
Franklin family
Worms family
Stern family
Cohen family
Schiff family
Morgan family
Lazard family
Schröder family
Harriman family
Royal Family of England
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) family
Hanover family
Cavendish (Kennedy) family
Medici family
Plantagenet family
Habsburg family
Krupp family
Bruce (Bruis, Brix, or Broase) family
Carnegie family
Vanderbilt family
Du Pont family
Sinclair family
Astor family
Romanov family
Li family
Onassis family
Van Duyn (Dien, or Duyne) family
Bush family
Reynolds Family

HLI: This world is really not so different than your experience in high school. Popularity waxes and wanes, as does wealth, belief in various agendas, etc.

The difference is that the popularity contests decide the fate of billions rather than who gets laid.

/pol/: i just graduated with a degree in electrical engineering. Is there a known physical law/phenomenon that will change humanity like electricity did?

HLI: We've developed the ability to put payloads into space at about $20/kg.

/pol/: So you appreciate the cultural benefits of it but don't actually believe in Christ and the lord?

HLI: No, it's more than that. In some sense you might even call us 'christian' but it doesn't have anything to do with popular interpretations.

/pol/: If you find someone who has designed a better way, but who is clueless about self-defense in any sense (as the vast majority of intellectual people are), does your organization step in to defend them?

If not, why not? The stakes seem too high to discard any marginal advantage, especially if, as you said earlier, you have no shortage of assets.

HLI: We probably would, but as you can imagine it is exceedingly unlikely to simultaneously be that sophisticated and vulnerable.

/pol/: Any merits to Laissez-faire capitalism?

HLI: We believe in letting the market reward innovation, but don't consider it a sufficiently sophisticated system by itself.

/pol/: Are specific agencies aligned with specific factions? For example, you mentioned that Obama and Snowden are CIA, and that Obama and Soros are dark priests. If the dark priests primarily influence the CIA, who controls the FBI and NSA? Or do all factions share some degree of influence?

Was FBIanon real?

HLI: Obama is more aligned with the NSA than the CIA. Snowden, Clintons are representative of the CIA.

/pol/: Didn't realize you made a new one.

Is joining the US military now pointless? Would I and many others be fighting for a lost cause and used only as pawns in the distant and near future?

HLI: As a patriotic duty, yes.

It could help you in acquiring skills and a leg up in life though.

Depends on individual circumstances.

/pol/: Alrighty, fair enough.

What about my question about Nigel though?

HLI: Nigel doesn't really possess an agenda, more of an anti-agenda. This is needed in all strategies of tension.

/pol/: what is the symbolism regarding the virgin birth of christ

for how long has your organization existed

HLI: Independent birth of consciousness (no blood oath, third party inducing)

/pol/: Can you estimate for me the maximum payload in 1 trip, one way? How long to get it up there?

HLI: Minutes to hours depending on the sensitivity of the payload to high gee forces.

/pol/: If the methods outlined in the bell curve failed to improve cognitive ability, how then do you "markedly" improve your mind?

I find the need to amass wealth an annoying stepping stone to effecting hard changes in the world. It is inconvenient and wastes time that could be more effectively used.

What recommendations can you make to amass enough "liquid power" (as I think of it) as efficiently and quickly as possible?

Obviously jobs are slavery, so I'm curious to see what you say.

HLI: We live in a very primitive society ruled by the law of the jungle. The most significant capital is weapon-based leverage.

/pol/: Best way (if possible) to raise IQ?

Best fields of study?

HLI: You need extreme breadth and depth if you want agency. You guys want to reimagine the world. Being an expert in quantum mechanics or evolutionary biology by itself isn't going to cut it.

/pol/: In this post you said Obama was primarily a creature of the CIA. Did they create him, and then his allegiance changed? If so, why?

HLI: Obama was created by the CIA and made to believe he was a sort of messiah figure, although he is as much at fault for believing it as those who convinced him. He has a very deep sense of betrayal stemming from this.

/pol/: Sounds like you just use the current technology for cheaper desu. What's the propellant?

HLI: We have the ability to build a space elevator. Rockets cannot get you within an order of magnitude of $20/kg.

/pol/: Earlier you mentioned that the English elite are one of the entities meddling with US domestic affairs.

By "English elite" do you mean the royal family?

Can you provide more insight into how deeply they're involved in American affairs and, perhaps, other mischief outside the UK?

HLI: Yes, as well as their banking houses, think tanks, and propaganda programs.

/pol/: How are the Clintons representative of the CIA?
HLI: They believe in exercising hard-power control, versus a more soft-power type you see out of Obama/NSA.

/pol/: What, in your opinion, is inherently wrong with free capitalist society?

HLI: There are many problems, including but not limited to a lack of rational agents.

/pol/: Are you bored by these questions?

HLI: Some are good, some not so much. It's a worthwhile process.

/pol/: Feelings and/or notion of the world enables to think from micro to both macro and micro (which also heightens micro). This happens from, say, watching a certain film. Is this sort of the path you are describing? Haven't a certain preset of the world that in a maximum-sense of seeing the world which in then turn increases awareness and intelligence? If so what environmental asset do you use to keep within this set of mind?

HLI: None of us are perfect, but we have a good culture that we keep isolated to continually reinforce these principles.

/pol/: Does philosophy matter to you? In general?

HLI: High level mathematics will get you more 'philosophical' value than the works of self-described philosophers.

But you could call us that if you define it sufficiently vaguely or broadly enough.

/pol/: Is it accurate to say Micheal Flynn defected? Any idea what his motivations are?

HLI: There is a lot of tension and infighting going on at high levels of the US government, including the Pentagon refusing direct orders from civilian leadership.

Have to check out for now. Will try to return for another session in the near future.


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