Posting the other half to the transcript yesterday.
/pol/: Why dont you use your influence to shift the narrative and public opinion about (((diversity)))?
As a law student and fellow sculptor how do i get in contact with you guys?
HLI: We're trying to get you outside of the Overton window that allows these types of strategies of tension to be viable.
/pol/: Does meditation help clear the mind?
Asking questions about things is something I plan on doing after all of this revelation.
But do you have other tips for me so I may be able to spread my ideas through publicized texts, yet still keep myself safe of potential enemies? What should I focus on from here on out?
HLI: I'm not personally the sort to set with my legs crossed in silence or anything like that. It works for some people though.
As your sophistication grows, so will your techniques for defending yourself. You should just take care that neither gets ahead of the other. Exercise due caution and always continue to reapply and integrate what you've learned to improve your methodologies.
/pol/: On the subject of how we got here, is part of that answer due to the regime's insistence of getting an education in order to achieve a secure life? Or put in another way, they are instilling fear in us purposefully, that we are focused on our (artificial?) income-driven survival instead of looking at the big-picture, as you say?
If basic societal needs like food and housing were met, to eliminate fears of basic survival, would humanity be able to more align their intellectual and life goals toward the future you envision? If so, can you point in the direction on how we should begin implementing such a society?
HLI: You are onto something here.
People gravitate up when the have the resources to support it. It's an important explanatory framework for the overt attack on the middle class, spreading of ideas like overpopulation, necessary scarcity, and so on.
This should reveal to you both some degree of optimism and help you constrain yourself to viable strategic routes.
/pol/: where the fuck have y'all been my entire life?
I've been looking for and theorizing to myself that a group such as you represent just had to exist but had not really found any evidence of such other than the fact that we live in a dualistic world and if we have groups that seem to bent on the active enslavement of human ideologies to purposes not originally intended, then there has to be an opposite group that acts as either shepherds (and not in the sheople sense) or at the very least want to prevent such a complete descent into absolute despotism.
I imagine your group (or something similar) has been around since before Sumer was built.
Hell, I may have even encountered agents of your organization at various points in my life but did not quite recognize them for what they were.
You stated before that you have all of the members you "need" but that you will seek out individuals you feel would be a benefit to your goals.
Are these always among the youth, or do you ever approach someone in their adulthood due to not having noticed them before?
And yes, in case it isn't obvious, I'm pitching myself for consideration.
HLI: We've really only about 2800 years old, not quite back to Sumer.
It took some time for the mystery schools to be corrupted with dark agendas, and we are a reaction to that.
/pol/: Is reverse human aging really possible and do the elites ruling things from behind the scenes already have it ?
HLI: Not quite, but close.
The most viable short-term techniques will involve a combination of the ability to cure malignant cancer with switching certain stem cell populations back on. Your youth and vitality are largely, not entirely, a function of more active germ lines in your youth that tend to shut down overtime. This protects you from cancer, but isn't necessary if we can provide the same protection via other means.
There are many other significant hurdles that remain to reach anything like a "fountain of youth" beyond this though.
/pol/: Do ethnic cultural values, and in the same way religious ones, present a passable or impassable barrier in order to achieve the best interests of your organization? Are any of them beyond redemption? Can this be achieved non-violently, or is some violence ultimately necessary?
Is there a past society (however far or close it is from your optimal "society") that can be looked upon to extract ideas in order to base said "optimal" society?
HLI: The central tenets of most societies have the same origin. Particular dogmatic practices hardly seem worth mentioning when you start to see the bigger picture.
/pol/: Are there references to your group in historic literature, especially any of that related to the ancient mysteries?
When did the corruption of those schools begin and was there a particular incident which brought about your groups desire to react and come in to being?
and repeating unanswered question
HLI: The assassination of Socrates is the oldest well-recorded confrontation our group with others.
/pol/: Forgive me for going on about this. But you have really opened my mind much more than FBIanon did a week ago.
I just wish I had clear questions to ask you.
Let's just say I do publish something. What would your people be looking for in it to warrant your people to contracting me?
HLI: If you are writing with the intent of getting our attention, you probably won’t.
/pol/: Ignoring the potential war possibilities, the second question we should be asking is the incoming inevitable monetary system collapse.
I heard that either World Bank/IMF had a technology to imprint gold into paper currency to back it with real value which makes a lot more sense as a system, which would be a rational system with fractional reserve banking removed in the future, my main question however is what do you see happening when all the system collapses on this debt? Ideally we would just protest - destroy the central banks and go for the paper gold but a lot of people both poor and rich will be unhappy about this. Writing off all the debt would be needed as well but that would mean some nations get a massive advantage.
Do you or your fellow insiders have a solution to this problem? Because I am not so optimistic to think that bankers and politicians will just willingly step down.
HLI: The system is rigged. Spontaneous collapse is the not the nature of a rigged system. Instead, a slow grinding down is what you can expect.
As to gold fetishization, we strongly discourage this. You're trying to stop the bankers from printing freely, but they do this to plug preexisting flaws in the system. It's often presented as if printing money is the flaw in the system, but this isn't the case. You guys are advocating removal of a bandaid and calling that a cure.
/pol/: Do you have any thoughts about the Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis?
HLI: No aliens are here.
/pol/: So I take it you are the good guys reading this and there are obviously others with dark intentions but why do you think it is these people have such dark agendas and what do they really think they'll gain from total control over every living person and making the world into big brother 1984.
What drives these lunatics to do these things besides money and power ?
HLI: You need to try to think about how such a system evolved into its current form.
When you operate in secrecy owing to an agenda in opposition to the masses, you set up systems that stifle dissent and inhibit the flow of information. Even the controllers of these systems fall victim to their own designs and, over time, their competency degrades. At the same time, it is generally the case that by the time you realize these people have no idea what they are doing, you're deep in the doodoo yourself and don't want anyone else to realize you're part of a failing enterprise.
/pol/: Does that include keeping an open mind, respecting all biological life, treating others the way you'd be treated, penalties to those who intentionally sabotage fellow man from advancing mankind as a whole?
How do extremist societies fit in this framework? If these extremist societies are not intellectual maleable, are there other options aside from violence to counter that immaleability? Is there a point when devoting time to addressing such issues becomes futile?
HLI: We're not peaceniks that believe if we all just get together and talk long enough everything will be sorted out by any means. Some people probably need to be put down.
/pol/: Was the Dallas shooting a false flag?
HLI: It was a sanctioned exercise, yes. Also a worrying intensification of strategies of tension. Usually elements of the state are off limits unless they agree not to be (i.e. military personnel subjecting themselves to questionable experimentation or use).
/pol/: Have we made contact before ?
If so give me one of the best examples ?
/pol/: I agree the system is rigged and printing is not the problem itself, however if you leave control of the printing to a nation, then you merely trust that the nation is question is printing it according to the rules. Virtually the only solution would be for every nation to have a single printing press for their currency in some point of the globe and all nations having a representative to check the legitimacy of the printing process. This would be nice but I just can not see it happening.
HLI: Try defining what constitutes legitimate printing.
It's been used to both good effect and bad. Governments used this process to fund the building of infrastructure that leapfrogged many societies into large middle classes, for example.
Today it is, as most can see, largely an aimless enterprise that is skipping around plugging holes in a system that is grinding to a halt.
/pol/: >It's a curious thing that we now know many hundreds of spies were exposed, yet you are taught in history class that the hunt for subversives was irrational ghost chasing.
Why is this? Why are Americans taught to discount suspicions of subversion as being irrational and unamerican when subversion is so widespread? Wouldn't it be in the interest of our govt to be on the lookout for it?
HLI: One of the key people working on the Venona Project was John Nash. You might also be aware that he was developing game theory that rejected Pareto type interpretations of strategic development, which was the policy of the government at the time. In other words, the people exposing the spies were also indicting the sanity of the regime in a very clear and potent way. They were put down for this reason.
/pol/: I tend to think that the way of changing society comes back to what you said about getting past assumptions... and it comes down to people seeing that there is a choice to be complicit or not. At the moment all of our choices as 'consumers' are in a way, a vote. If we all stopped going to McDonald's, it would not exist. If we stop using banks, they will also cease to be powerful. I think we need alternative systems, and to starve the beast, but in a full-spectrum kind of way.
HLI: Yes, but focus less on voting against what exists and instead on voting for something new.
/pol/: what can the average red pilled person do to help?
HLI: You need to deemphasize exposing the current system to some degree, more specifically put it in the context of offering a better alternative and expose what people are missing out on by going along with the current system.
If you can do better, you can show people they are being cheated. If you can't offer a better alternative, they will wonder why should they care.
/pol/: Does your group value humanity? Not the existence of the species, but what makes us human.
Namely, the appreciation of beauty, civility, and logic.
HLI: Yes
/pol/: How do you and your group feel about bitcoin and decentralization?
HLI: The biggest opportunities you have are at large scales, not small ones.
/pol/: You speak of helping us come to an eventual new, better, way of governance.
I've been toying with economic theory, struggling to come to something that promotes growth like fiat, but reproduces the success of the petrodollar.
The biggest problem is making it globally used. A resource that every nation needs in order to function. Demurrage won't work on a large scale, gold standard won't work on a large scale (finite resources), fiat is prone to extreme greed and manipulation. It needs to be something that allows the least developed countries compete globally with the most developed.
What about an energy based currency? Whether it's coal, oil, Nat gas, or labor?
backed by labor?
We already do this. We give china dollars, and they give us cheap labor.
Every nation needs energy to do work.
You can't tell me our current system is the best we can do.
HLI: The currency manipulation is an effort to patch holes in a system that engenders systemic bankruptcy.
You're right that energy is the controlling influence on economic outcomes.
Changing the "backing" of the currency doesn't change the underlying tendency to bankruptcy. Your redesign has to promote wealth generation in a markedly better way than what we have now.
/pol/: So was Nash really this crazy or did (((they)) made him?
HLI: Nash was not crazy. He even explicitly characterized the episodes as political questions later in life.
/pol/: Has the Military ever created any genetic experiment creatures eg the Chupacobra or anything like that ?
HLI: They do genetic engineering but not like that. Biological warfare mostly, and to some extent laying the groundwork for super soldiers of the future.
7.12.2016 (1)
HLI: Question Session Open
GIF titled MindBender.gif
/pol/: Is loretta lynch illuminati?
HLI: She is not a member of our faction.
/pol/: Will hilldog ever go to prison?
HLI: We'd like to help you make that a possibility, but you are not yet on the correct trajectory to bring it to fruition.
/pol/: My brain went in a strange state while processing the image... how can i reboot without killing myself?
HLI: Category theory
/pol/: Was relationship do current events have to the subversion occurring during the trials of Alger Hiss?
HLI: Look at the Venona Project.
It's a curious thing that we now know many hundreds of spies were exposed, yet you are taught in history class that the hunt for subversives was irrational ghost chasing.
/pol/: Am I in danger of simply lurking these threads or the cfg threads?
My step-mother just recently told me I should stop doing this, and that I danger not just myself, but her and the family's reputation and way of living.
Should I take her worries into consideration, or is she just overreacting?
HLI: No.
/pol/: Are you the one referenced here:
Red team question:
what if this "high level insider" is legit, do they have a stake in what we are doing?
There are also some implied ideas behind that person's posting.
They are not terribly interested in our definitions of good or evil, they seem to be more interested in making sure there is some sort of order in the world and the current power structure fits that bill regardless of how it is achieved.
They don't seem to be opposed to the idea of us tackling corruption, but I get the sense that they might step in or otherwise dissuade us if we were to embark upon a path which would descend into the kind of chaos that would ensue should all CF related dirt make it into the public awareness.
Order must be preserved no matter what method is used. That might seem anathema to the idea of trying to root out corruption, but if you zoom out and take a longer look, it migt be better than the alternative; CF dirt leaks, all holy hell breaks loose across the globe and we descend into another dark age, or worse.
In light of that mentality, one can see how such people as the Sorosians would be allowed to develop as we have come to understand their network and operating principles.
HLI: Same person as yesterday, yes.
Your summary is good.
/pol/: What part of the Foundation will bring her down?
HLI: You are doing good work in seeking to abstract the general pattern of behavior. We'd like to get you clearer, higher level pictures of what has been going on. We further believe that this process will help you develop clear and cogent alternative systems of governance to replace your current, failing system.
/pol/: How common is human sacrifice and pedophilia among the world elites? Is it a form of Satanism?
HLI: Human sacrifice is not very common.
Where it does exist, it is usually a result of especially aggravated psychosis whether from old age senility, genetic defects with effects on the brain (more common among inbred elites), or things of this nature.
It was much more common 100 years ago when things like syphilis epidemic among elites led to mass psychosis.
/pol/: Are the Chinese, Saudis and Sorosians using the methods laid out by Soviet intelligence to subvert the US?
To clarify, is there an established recruitment pipeline from universities to the State/Justice Department for American-born foreign agents?
HLI: There are extensive recruitment programs, especially at the better universities.
Once you are dealing with the top 5 or 10 universities, you'll even find that their applications are subtly crafted in a way to generate the necessary information for personality profiling.
These schools will preferential admit people that they believe are good candidates for recruitment into larger organizations, and this plays as much of a role as any academic merit in the process.
/pol/: Why is the media corroborating with the government to push the anti-gun/anti-AR message in the US?
Why are they vilifying law abiding citizens?
HLI: They want to encourage you to think of small arms as a potent tool, when really they are not.
To be clear, we're not opposed to your right to possess them. The point I am trying to make is that you have a much more effective arsenal available to you.
It's usually best to think of narratives as crafting Overton windows, then deduce the agenda from the Overton window rather than the narratives themselves.
/pol/: Even if damning evidence was synthsized that ties Soros and Clinton together in a cabal that seeks to destabilize the present world order, how would we ever hope to see legal action served when virtually all levels of the American government are corrupted and tied to the CF?
I don't know if even Trump would pick a legal battle with Soros, him being the head honcho and all.
The only way I can see it happening is via mass social pressure and upheaval, but how are we going to convince hundreds of millions of people of this conspiracy and make them want to do something about it when the present millenial generation would mostly be in favour of this world government and social justice shit anyways?
Not trying to shill or put a hamper on things, it's just there is a lot of barriers to overcome. When was the last time a member of these elite families was ever in handcuffs?
HLI: If all you are doing is presenting uncomfortable truth, you will engender as much opposition as you can recruit.
You need explanations for why bad things are done, not just proof of bad things. You also need alternatives.
/pol/: would this system be based on individual microgenerated electricity, being used to power wireless anonymous internet networks permitting cryptocurrency and undocumented commerce that are beyond the reach of centralized authorities?
I've got a fantasy of everybody setting up their own wifi broadcast networks as a decentralized internet.
HLI: We don't see much evidence of the effectiveness of systems that might give a first impression of being able to spontaneously generate order.
The interest rate set by the Bank of England is known as "the Bank rate", and it is a controlling factor in interest rates throughout the world, although rates in other countries may be higher or lower than this "Bank rate". The Bank of England manages the government debt, and is called upon to arbitrate in political affairs. It served as the intermediary with the Iran revolutionaries in negotiating for the return of the American hostages--a recent example.
The present directors of the Bank of England (1982) include Leopold de Rothschild of N.M. Rothschild & Sons, Sir Robert Clark, chairman of Hill Samuel Bank, the most influential bank after Rothschilds, John Clay, of Hambros Bank, and David Scholey, of Warburg Bank, and joint chairman of S.C. Warburg Co.
Well, you may ask, wtf does this have to do with Tavistock?
Few Americans know that almost every development in psychology in the United States in the past sixty-five years has been directed by the Bureau of Psychological Warfare of the British Army. A short time ago, the present writer learned a new name, The Tavistock Institute of London, also known as the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. "Human relations" covers every aspect of human behavior, and it is the modest goal of the Tavistock Institute to obtain and exercise control over every aspect of human behavior of American citizens.
The Tavistock Institute was taken over by Sir John Rawlings Reese, head of the British Army Psychological Warfare Bureau....
James Paul Warburg (son of Paul Warburg who had written the Federal Reserve Act in 1910), financed a subsidiary of the Tavistock Institute in the United States called the Institute for Policy Studies, whose director, Marcus Raskin, was appointed to the National Security Council. James Paul Warburg set up a CIA program to experiment with LSD on CIA agents, some of whom later committed suicide. This program, MK-Ultra, supervised by Dr. Gottlieb, resulted in huge lawsuits against the United States Government by the families of the victims.
The Institute for Policy Studies set up a campus subsidiary, Students for Democratic Society (SDS), devoted to drugs and revolution. Rather than finance SDS himself, Warburg used CIA funds, some twenty million dollars, to promote the campus riots of the 1960s.
The English Tavistock Institute has not restricted its activities to left-wing groups, but has also directed the programs of such supposedly "conservative" American think tanks as the Herbert Hoover Institute at Stanford University, Heritage Foundation, Wharton, Hudson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Rand. The "sensitivity training" and "sexual encounter" programs of the most radical California groups such as Esalen Institute and its many imitators were all developed and implemented by Tavistock Institute psychologists.
Did you just connect Tavistock to MK-Ultra, of all things?
Yarp, that's something that's been known about in the tinfoil circles for quite some time.
This is where more attention needs to be paid:
the Tavistock Institute in the United States called the Institute for Policy Studies
As Washington’s first progressive multi-issue think tank, the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) has served as a policy and research resource for visionary social justice movements for over four decades — from the anti-war and civil rights movements in the 1960s to the peace and global justice movements of the last decade. Some of the greatest progressive minds of the 20th and 21st centuries have found a home at IPS, starting with the organization’s founders, Richard Barnet and Marcus Raskin. IPS scholars have included such luminaries as Arthur Waskow, Gar Alperovitz, Saul Landau, Bob Moses, Rita Mae Brown, Barbara Ehrenreich, Roger Wilkins and Orlando Letelier.
the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) has served as a policy and research resource for visionary social justice movements for over four decades
HLI: The central banks and tavistock are all very important systems to comprehend.
/pol/: Give that information, what role does the Sidwell Friends School play in this recruitment process?
HLI: A lot of prominent children go there and go on to be recruited. We can say this about a wide variety of schools though.
/pol/: And with the advent of the Internet, it is much easier to gather and compile the information from all of those 'tests' and apply determining factors to seek the types of people are desired.
This also explains why it would seem as though black teams plans are more transparent. People can share more information faster than at any other point in history.
Connections not readily apparent can be made whereas before it took shuffling through hard copy in order to find patterns.
The gathering and sharing (or not) of information is a means to acquire and wield power, money is a side effect of how that power is wielded.
Am I in the right ballpark?
Myers Briggs or something similar?
All of the recent social network "take this test to see which Disney princess you are," type things are extensions of this?
HLI: Of course.
/pol/: Is genetic engineering a good field to get into?
HLI: You need to be especially careful, but it is important already and will grow increasingly so.
/pol/: That of ideas and the same tools that black team has developed to keep control of people.
With the advent of the Internet and the ability to access information, anyone can operate in that theater. In this way a small force can effectively combat a larger, better equipped one.
Close or way off base?
HLI: Yes and yes. Think in terms of the force multiplier. Both ideas and alternative armaments have much higher force multipliers than small arms.
/pol/: Do you think "average" men are able to govern themselves, or do we require "angels to govern us"?
To what extent (aside from the obvious shills) is our media controlled? What types of media should one avoid to prevent having our thoughts made for us?
HLI: We think that the potential of the average man is capable, but as to current realized potential - no.
We also expect the potential of the average to rise going forward, as well as the realization of potential.
/pol/: The cycle of history shows that entropy always prevails. Your desire for order and preventing decay is impossible. Human history is a constant cycle of civilizational rise and fall; the only way to move past this would be to turn all people into automatons in order to eliminate entropy behaviour.
HLI: We reject your premise, e.g., "Can Population Grow Forever?" - Journal of the British Interplanetary Society
/pol/: My understanding is that we are not meant to find a smoking gun. If one were found, it has the potential to bring down the whole system, which will result in global chaos. We are only meant to find enough connections to sabotage Clinton's image to the public.
I feel like the public will need to hear some damning evidence (admitting to lying to the public or something similar) coming directly from her mouth. I'm sure something exists. But where?
HLI: That's correct. Even politicians you might consider allies will go a long way to prevent actual judicial action against the syndicate they claim to oppose.
/pol/: Is allowing limited bouts of disorder necessary as a catharsis?
Sorry for the inundation of questions. First opportunity to reply
HLI: There are orders that believe this, but we do not.
/pol/: Have decided to contact /pol/ because of FBIanon whistle blowing and telling us to look into the foundation?
Or is it just coincidence?
HLI: Coincidence. Your society is entering an especially tumultuous period and there is widespread dissent.
/pol/: >politicians you might consider allies will go a long way to prevent actual judicial action against the syndicate they claim to oppose.
Because they too would rather have order than what would result from complete exposure of the current system?
Better the enemy you know, than to not have a theater in which to engage at all, eh?
Ok, so what we need to do is see about changing the current methods of operation from within the existing frame work.
Tearing the whole thing down and starting from scratch would be below the last option on the list.
HLI: We encourage dramatic shifts in the current ordering of society. That's not the same thing as saying destroy everything and start over with something we'll figure out when we get there.
/pol/: Do you believe we will face a race war soon?
If chaos does grip the country, should I and my family stay in an isolated area more in the forests during this time?
HLI: No. It isn't in your regimes interest to have a "race war" but they do actively promote racial strife and tension. This is very low level misdirection of your attention from your real enemies.
/pol/: Does clairvoyance exist?
Is free will evidence of the soul?
HLI: Depends on exactly how you define clairvoyance, but the powers of the mind and more extensive than most realize.
/pol/: Anything to the idea of a "breakaway society?"
How much technology is held back do to human's general nature to not take unintended consequences into mind?
HLI: We've been trending towards a breakaway society. There is a strong inhibitory force in this respect in that the people who want such a thing have crafted a system that discourages internal dissent, debate, or innovation, but these sorts of things do not preclude the possibility.
We do our best to act to make the difference where necessary.
/pol/: Is there credence to the 'reality as a simulation' theories?
HLI: Only insofar as your regime is very much divorced from reality, so the appeal of such an idea isn't hard to appreciate.
/pol/: >We encourage dramatic shifts in the current ordering of society.
And it is up to those who are aware of such encouragement to take advantage those shifts?
That's not the same thing as saying destroy everything and start over with something we'll figure out when we get there.
IOW, we need to think of what we want the structure to look like before a serious attempt is made at engineering a "dramatic shift in the current ordering of society?"
If one does not know where one is going, one is likely to remain lost ad at the mercy of others who have a clear goal.
HLI: Yes. Defining the destination is most of the journey.
/pol/: How does one actualize these powers?
HLI: One of the most important things is breaking down your assumptions that don't have any merit.
/pol/: This may sound a little crazy but i can feel a connection in my brain to others.
HLI: Not very crazy.
/pol/: >the powers of the mind and more extensive than most realize.
This goes back to the mystery schools and the odd things that highly advanced science (quantum theory fr example) has some astonishing similarities to what gurus and other such "enlightened" individuals espouse but when are then perverted or misunderstood and turned into religions.
I've always defined a religion as "the politics of spirituality," in that organizations made by men, generally tend to devolve into self serving bureaucracies.
There are a few notable exceptions, but generally anywhere you see a concentratin of "power over the people," you will find those who look to exploit that power for personal gain and they hijack ideologies which were originally meant to help open the minds of those following said ideology.
All religions are really meant to be a path toward personal enlightenment, a greater understanding of one's connection to the universal mind also carries with it a greater ability to access higher functions that have the appearance of "psi."
Close or too far afield?
HLI: Yes.
You could consider us highly religious in a sense like you have described, but not in the sense of general practice or dogmatic nonsense.
/pol/: What are your plans for europe as union and germany in particular?
HLI: We're very worried about the state of German society. They are exceptional engineers and proficient at generating profitable organizational schemas. It's a great loss to mankind that their ambition has been culturally constrained, although it's not hard to appreciate why.
/pol/: Okay.
Here are some questions I have.
Is it impossible to reason with her, or convince her of what is going on is real and not some ludicrous goose chase, as she put it.
I wish to be more enlightened. Any tips on the right path?
Do you think I can influence people by writing books? Maybe placing the ideas into literature texts and hope it sinks into peoples minds?
4.What will happen at the conventions?
HLI: You need a clear idea of what you want to convince people of. Writing down your thoughts will help you develop this, even if it is a long process towards ultimate publication.
/pol/: What happens after we die?
Is there really an answer?
HLI: The only evidence we consider notable with respect to death is that those who are close to the dying often sense it, that is to say, our minds are powerfully intertwined. As far as life afterwards, it is a possibility we cannot dismiss, but see no evidence of any impact on our world from such a thing.
/pol/: Whats the occupational makeup of this organization? Is it the stereotypical shadowy businessmen or something else entirely?
HLI: The most common trait is high intelligence. We apply this in a variety of ways, often as scholars, scientists, or in moderate business enterprises. Some insert themselves into strategic places to gain a useful outpost for observation.
/pol/: Are you hoping that the process itself is the road to an alternate system or that the deeper motivations becoming public will open a new path?
HLI: We don't assess much general awareness of why things are bad. If you don't know how you ended up here, you're not in a good position to do any better.
/pol/: Why are you here? Do you want us to realize something?
HLI: Yes
/pol/: If my ideas get published, it there a possible chance that your people might contact me?
HLI: Yes
/pol/: >You need a clear idea of what you want to convince people of.
Not just what we want to convince people of, but why is just as, if not more important.
It may be obvious to us what we are trying to accomplish. but to many what we are doing might be seen as subversion. And in a way it is, we are looking to introduce a dramatic change in the way things have been ordered and accepted within our society.
We also have to have an alternatve to present to people, otherwise they will not be accepting of either the "what" we want to change or the "why" we want to change it.
Defining the destination is most of the journey.
You sound like a Gnostic.
Space=universal mind?
There is an obvious order and pattern when one looks at structures of galaxies which are too far apart to be held together by gravity but magnetic field lines line up the axes of rotation in galaxies spread far apart.
That is also why electromagnetic and "psi" overlap in many areas, this is overlooked by most.
Are these some of the ideas which would fit under
breaking down your assumptions that don't have any merit.
HLI: There are too many to fully enumerate.
Religion encodes powerful messages, yet so many either ignore it or take it literally.
Overpopulation is considered an inevitability, but history and our knowledge of physical laws don't actually support this.
People are driven by fear rather than possibility.
It's time for a significant reordering of general thought processes.
/pol/: I have been following all of these and it reminds me a lot of things I read as a child.
Do you know of Thomas Troward?
If so, What are your takes on him, this feels of the same nature.
I have found few people that I can hold conversations of this nature.
Thank you in advance.
HLI: If examination of the religion you grow up with or is most popular in your culture doesn't reveal the symbolic meaning, there is merit in Troward's methods. Most of them, especially the very old ones, are encoding messages with the same origin.
/pol/: How should we approach this then?
HLI: We're here to give you an "all of the above" approach. Help fill in your gaps on anything from history, politics, economics, scientific potential, etc. You need a broad and deep comprehension of the world if you want to change the way it operates.
/pol/: Also I have always been interested in how things work and improving on them.
Especially Technology and medicine.
I am wanting to look more into nano, bio, tech.
Have you read Secret Life of plants,
Or any of the Padgett messages?
It speaks of the rise and fall, and rise again saying that for a while when man fell he was similar to a wild beast having no consciousness.
Your words have definitely resonated with me.
HLI: We had similar line of inquiry yesterday and I recommended Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind as a good starting point to appreciate that, yes, man did fall away from consciousness in the past.
It's a truly remarkable thing to note in that most people regard it as an innate phenomena but the evidence indicates otherwise, that it was possessed, lost, and found again.
/pol/: >Overpopulation is considered an inevitability, but history and our knowledge of physical laws don't actually support this.
This relates to the carrying capacity of the earth, does it not?
As in, what size population can the earth realistically sustain? There are varying estimates, some higher and some lower.
People use the estimated lower bounds as an argument to support the notion that an engineered population decline is part of the plans of black team.
It's time for a significant reordering of general thought processes.
Is this an implication that your organization feels that the present historical context presents an opportunity that has not possible in the past?
HLI: Yes. We do not assess the world as even remotely close to carrying capacity, but there is a worrying trend in the adoption of this idea and its implications.
We're both concerned about the potential for material decline in the state of society today as well as assessing significant and novel opportunity for tremendous improvement.
/pol/: But if we want to change the world, doesn't that mean we must change ourselves? And how can I begin to change myself?
HLI: Yes. Do your best to ask potent questions.
/pol/: topkek
Imagine a group of chimps trying to comprehend the purpose and operation of something like an airplane, they have don't even have an understanding of the base principles under which the machine operates.
We're a little further along than the million chimps on a million typewriters though, aren't we?
You're nudging us in specific directions and the reasons for that are so that we can understand what we are up against so that we can better devise strategies to affect the changes we'd like to see.
HLI: Yes
/pol/: What's a mistake that you've made in life, that changed how you behave?
HLI: Giving more credibility to the idea of pervasive evil than reality warrants.
/pol/: This sounds like your group assesses that humanity as a whole is presently at a cross roads and that the decisions we make and actions we take right now will have significant long term effects on human history.
We can descend into the chaos and miasma that our assumptions about black team revolve around, or we can reverse the downward trend and begin a climb that has been arrested or diverted by black team and their ilk.
And by using the force multipliers you spoke of in regards to the arsenal of ideas is how a very few number of very interested and intelligent people can throw a monkey wrench into the machinations of black team.
Right track?
HLI: Very good.
/pol/: Why dont you use your influence to shift the narrative and public opinion about (((diversity)))?
As a law student and fellow sculptor how do i get in contact with you guys?
HLI: We're trying to get you outside of the Overton window that allows these types of strategies of tension to be viable.
/pol/: Does meditation help clear the mind?
Asking questions about things is something I plan on doing after all of this revelation.
But do you have other tips for me so I may be able to spread my ideas through publicized texts, yet still keep myself safe of potential enemies? What should I focus on from here on out?
HLI: I'm not personally the sort to set with my legs crossed in silence or anything like that. It works for some people though.
As your sophistication grows, so will your techniques for defending yourself. You should just take care that neither gets ahead of the other. Exercise due caution and always continue to reapply and integrate what you've learned to improve your methodologies.
/pol/: On the subject of how we got here, is part of that answer due to the regime's insistence of getting an education in order to achieve a secure life? Or put in another way, they are instilling fear in us purposefully, that we are focused on our (artificial?) income-driven survival instead of looking at the big-picture, as you say?
If basic societal needs like food and housing were met, to eliminate fears of basic survival, would humanity be able to more align their intellectual and life goals toward the future you envision? If so, can you point in the direction on how we should begin implementing such a society?
HLI: You are onto something here.
People gravitate up when the have the resources to support it. It's an important explanatory framework for the overt attack on the middle class, spreading of ideas like overpopulation, necessary scarcity, and so on.
This should reveal to you both some degree of optimism and help you constrain yourself to viable strategic routes.
/pol/: where the fuck have y'all been my entire life?
I've been looking for and theorizing to myself that a group such as you represent just had to exist but had not really found any evidence of such other than the fact that we live in a dualistic world and if we have groups that seem to bent on the active enslavement of human ideologies to purposes not originally intended, then there has to be an opposite group that acts as either shepherds (and not in the sheople sense) or at the very least want to prevent such a complete descent into absolute despotism.
I imagine your group (or something similar) has been around since before Sumer was built.
Hell, I may have even encountered agents of your organization at various points in my life but did not quite recognize them for what they were.
You stated before that you have all of the members you "need" but that you will seek out individuals you feel would be a benefit to your goals.
Are these always among the youth, or do you ever approach someone in their adulthood due to not having noticed them before?
And yes, in case it isn't obvious, I'm pitching myself for consideration.
HLI: We've really only about 2800 years old, not quite back to Sumer.
It took some time for the mystery schools to be corrupted with dark agendas, and we are a reaction to that.
/pol/: Is reverse human aging really possible and do the elites ruling things from behind the scenes already have it ?
HLI: Not quite, but close.
The most viable short-term techniques will involve a combination of the ability to cure malignant cancer with switching certain stem cell populations back on. Your youth and vitality are largely, not entirely, a function of more active germ lines in your youth that tend to shut down overtime. This protects you from cancer, but isn't necessary if we can provide the same protection via other means.
There are many other significant hurdles that remain to reach anything like a "fountain of youth" beyond this though.
/pol/: Do ethnic cultural values, and in the same way religious ones, present a passable or impassable barrier in order to achieve the best interests of your organization? Are any of them beyond redemption? Can this be achieved non-violently, or is some violence ultimately necessary?
Is there a past society (however far or close it is from your optimal "society") that can be looked upon to extract ideas in order to base said "optimal" society?
HLI: The central tenets of most societies have the same origin. Particular dogmatic practices hardly seem worth mentioning when you start to see the bigger picture.
/pol/: Are there references to your group in historic literature, especially any of that related to the ancient mysteries?
When did the corruption of those schools begin and was there a particular incident which brought about your groups desire to react and come in to being?
and repeating unanswered question
HLI: The assassination of Socrates is the oldest well-recorded confrontation our group with others.
/pol/: Forgive me for going on about this. But you have really opened my mind much more than FBIanon did a week ago.
I just wish I had clear questions to ask you.
Let's just say I do publish something. What would your people be looking for in it to warrant your people to contracting me?
HLI: If you are writing with the intent of getting our attention, you probably won’t.
/pol/: Ignoring the potential war possibilities, the second question we should be asking is the incoming inevitable monetary system collapse.
I heard that either World Bank/IMF had a technology to imprint gold into paper currency to back it with real value which makes a lot more sense as a system, which would be a rational system with fractional reserve banking removed in the future, my main question however is what do you see happening when all the system collapses on this debt? Ideally we would just protest - destroy the central banks and go for the paper gold but a lot of people both poor and rich will be unhappy about this. Writing off all the debt would be needed as well but that would mean some nations get a massive advantage.
Do you or your fellow insiders have a solution to this problem? Because I am not so optimistic to think that bankers and politicians will just willingly step down.
HLI: The system is rigged. Spontaneous collapse is the not the nature of a rigged system. Instead, a slow grinding down is what you can expect.
As to gold fetishization, we strongly discourage this. You're trying to stop the bankers from printing freely, but they do this to plug preexisting flaws in the system. It's often presented as if printing money is the flaw in the system, but this isn't the case. You guys are advocating removal of a bandaid and calling that a cure.
/pol/: Do you have any thoughts about the Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis?
HLI: No aliens are here.
/pol/: So I take it you are the good guys reading this and there are obviously others with dark intentions but why do you think it is these people have such dark agendas and what do they really think they'll gain from total control over every living person and making the world into big brother 1984.
What drives these lunatics to do these things besides money and power ?
HLI: You need to try to think about how such a system evolved into its current form.
When you operate in secrecy owing to an agenda in opposition to the masses, you set up systems that stifle dissent and inhibit the flow of information. Even the controllers of these systems fall victim to their own designs and, over time, their competency degrades. At the same time, it is generally the case that by the time you realize these people have no idea what they are doing, you're deep in the doodoo yourself and don't want anyone else to realize you're part of a failing enterprise.
/pol/: Does that include keeping an open mind, respecting all biological life, treating others the way you'd be treated, penalties to those who intentionally sabotage fellow man from advancing mankind as a whole?
How do extremist societies fit in this framework? If these extremist societies are not intellectual maleable, are there other options aside from violence to counter that immaleability? Is there a point when devoting time to addressing such issues becomes futile?
HLI: We're not peaceniks that believe if we all just get together and talk long enough everything will be sorted out by any means. Some people probably need to be put down.
/pol/: Was the Dallas shooting a false flag?
HLI: It was a sanctioned exercise, yes. Also a worrying intensification of strategies of tension. Usually elements of the state are off limits unless they agree not to be (i.e. military personnel subjecting themselves to questionable experimentation or use).
/pol/: Have we made contact before ?
If so give me one of the best examples ?
/pol/: I agree the system is rigged and printing is not the problem itself, however if you leave control of the printing to a nation, then you merely trust that the nation is question is printing it according to the rules. Virtually the only solution would be for every nation to have a single printing press for their currency in some point of the globe and all nations having a representative to check the legitimacy of the printing process. This would be nice but I just can not see it happening.
HLI: Try defining what constitutes legitimate printing.
It's been used to both good effect and bad. Governments used this process to fund the building of infrastructure that leapfrogged many societies into large middle classes, for example.
Today it is, as most can see, largely an aimless enterprise that is skipping around plugging holes in a system that is grinding to a halt.
/pol/: >It's a curious thing that we now know many hundreds of spies were exposed, yet you are taught in history class that the hunt for subversives was irrational ghost chasing.
Why is this? Why are Americans taught to discount suspicions of subversion as being irrational and unamerican when subversion is so widespread? Wouldn't it be in the interest of our govt to be on the lookout for it?
HLI: One of the key people working on the Venona Project was John Nash. You might also be aware that he was developing game theory that rejected Pareto type interpretations of strategic development, which was the policy of the government at the time. In other words, the people exposing the spies were also indicting the sanity of the regime in a very clear and potent way. They were put down for this reason.
/pol/: I tend to think that the way of changing society comes back to what you said about getting past assumptions... and it comes down to people seeing that there is a choice to be complicit or not. At the moment all of our choices as 'consumers' are in a way, a vote. If we all stopped going to McDonald's, it would not exist. If we stop using banks, they will also cease to be powerful. I think we need alternative systems, and to starve the beast, but in a full-spectrum kind of way.
HLI: Yes, but focus less on voting against what exists and instead on voting for something new.
/pol/: what can the average red pilled person do to help?
HLI: You need to deemphasize exposing the current system to some degree, more specifically put it in the context of offering a better alternative and expose what people are missing out on by going along with the current system.
If you can do better, you can show people they are being cheated. If you can't offer a better alternative, they will wonder why should they care.
/pol/: Does your group value humanity? Not the existence of the species, but what makes us human.
Namely, the appreciation of beauty, civility, and logic.
HLI: Yes
/pol/: How do you and your group feel about bitcoin and decentralization?
HLI: The biggest opportunities you have are at large scales, not small ones.
/pol/: You speak of helping us come to an eventual new, better, way of governance.
I've been toying with economic theory, struggling to come to something that promotes growth like fiat, but reproduces the success of the petrodollar.
The biggest problem is making it globally used. A resource that every nation needs in order to function. Demurrage won't work on a large scale, gold standard won't work on a large scale (finite resources), fiat is prone to extreme greed and manipulation. It needs to be something that allows the least developed countries compete globally with the most developed.
What about an energy based currency? Whether it's coal, oil, Nat gas, or labor?
backed by labor?
We already do this. We give china dollars, and they give us cheap labor.
Every nation needs energy to do work.
You can't tell me our current system is the best we can do.
HLI: The currency manipulation is an effort to patch holes in a system that engenders systemic bankruptcy.
You're right that energy is the controlling influence on economic outcomes.
Changing the "backing" of the currency doesn't change the underlying tendency to bankruptcy. Your redesign has to promote wealth generation in a markedly better way than what we have now.
/pol/: So was Nash really this crazy or did (((they)) made him?
HLI: Nash was not crazy. He even explicitly characterized the episodes as political questions later in life.
/pol/: Has the Military ever created any genetic experiment creatures eg the Chupacobra or anything like that ?
HLI: They do genetic engineering but not like that. Biological warfare mostly, and to some extent laying the groundwork for super soldiers of the future.
This guy seems pretty well informed and I don't see a good reason to doubt that he is legit. I wish I had been able to ask a question or two.
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