My first blog

in conspiracy •  8 years ago 

So, here I am wondering about Steem and its value in the world. I see a lot of passion from the people engaging this platform. I want to believe in it as well, but am still wondering what it's purest function will become. I see many articles and while several look interesting, I wonder how it will ultimately fare against Facebook. Even now, as I write this sentence, I wonder if any one will even read this or is having similar thoughts.

I've read many of the tutorials and have an idea of how to place images etc, but maybe I am missing something. I suppose I could ramble on about my own ideas, likes, and opinions. But, really? Is that what this platform is about?


I know my wife watches video blogs about families and pregnant women ALL THE TIME. That doesn't at all sound fascinating to me. Besides being completely boring and somewhat of a time waster-- I see it as looking into someone else's life, while simultaneously ignoring your own life. Not that 'it's a bad thing' to glean into someone's life. I mean all do it from time to time. From the people at work, to the people down the street; or even next door. So I guess in that light, it's probably harmless, right?

Or is it some sick addiction that is socially acceptable? I don't actually know where the lies blur between fascination and infatuation.

I also suppose that I have a sense of deeper meaning to this entire reality we call existence. To me as I have progressed through the years I have become less physical and more spiritual (at least I want to believe that).

But to define it would be the biggest hurtle--at least for me.

Starting out as a regular guy, I stumbled upon conspiracy about 9 years ago. At first It seems all doom and gloom (and also somewhat BS). But as I pushed through the data and the days and nights looking into everything geopolitical I could see or read, I began to dig much, much deeper than the typical CT.

Learning common law, the history of religions and governments, the nature of being, and many more topics than I can vociferate on in this little intro. The ideas of everything exceptional becoming real and more close to home are happening more each day.

What IS this reality? I mean really.

Is thought the only thing that exists? And even more so, are the very thoughts i have, technically not my own?

It's actually brought me to the point where I am slowly becoming vegan. Which surprised the hell out of me. I was a meat eater for years! Thought all of it though, and as I go deeper yet I can honestly say, it really has been a wonderful journey. I could go on and on about what i have learned, but I think it's beyond the scope of this initial blog.

So, to bring it back home to the original statements I made. What really IS this platform and how will it progress and/or be used in the future? Will it compete with Facebook and other platforms in any meaningful way? Or, will it simply become an online diary/journal bearing all of the juicy details and controversial thoughts of my life that I share with the world?

So with that. Here is my first musing in the world of Steemit.

HODL Drew!

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Welcome to Steemit. I hope you have many success here. I am now subscribed to your blog.

Thank you very much. I appreciate your comment. Here's to trying something completely new for me!

Illusion or reality..? A good question! My answer is: if there’s illusion there’s no reality or vise versa. Less physical more spiritual might be the way to realize that our thought is so humble and tiny to be compared with the thought of those who created Steemit or who - the Universe…

I wholeheartly agree. The very idea of sharing the mind of my ideas over a platform that technically only exists via a computer screen, in a reality that is also on a quantum level a simulation, is quite fascinating to me.

In a reality where the only confirmation of MY being, is MY confirmation of thinking really is thought provoking.

Those who created Steemit--could very well be us. The reason why I say that is because while an undriven car may exist for sure, that doesn't mean it's reaching its potential. The more we input the more Steem will grow.

Does that make sense?