The International Criminal Cabal is terrified of #Brexit - it wrecks Bilderberg Ten-fold Plan

in conspiracy •  6 years ago 



First thing they planned was to FORCE the banks into debt creation.
2nd plan was to force students into high levels of debt.
3rd - the middle classes would be taxed into oblivion.
4th action was to be the introduction of new taxes to add to your financial burdens.
5th: 30 hour or less work-week and zero hours contracts made normal to limit potential earnings.

(Sound familiar yet?)

6th: Due to escalating poverty, mortgages & rents inevitably will be unpaid, houses repossessed to permit the New World Order to own every piece of land.
7th: The Euro & the Dollar will be steadily collapsed and replaced. Pensions in the old currencies will be voided.
US and GB puppet Governments (whoever that is) will be driven out of office, accused and appearing to be out of control & insane.
8th: A renegade predatory elite, blaming the banks for the ills of the world, will form their own allies and form a faux opposition. The innocent population will get caught in the middle of a battle for control.
9th: The 38% of population, that are currently receiving benefits worldwide, will rise to 70% collapsing all the welfare systems.
10th: There will never be another "honest" election.

We have seen all this haven't we?

Gold prices will escalate. Then they will bring in a new currency! (Crypto currency?)
God will be removed from the classroom and media.
A "Devil's agenda" disrespects and isolates the Church, then forces the individual Churches into debt, causing them to fail to pay their loans or mortgages, so that the Elite can even "confiscate" their property.

By 2016 millions of Muslims were being forced to emigrate, because there has been complete destruction of their homelands. They will be given asylum and citizenship in Europe and America in "compensation".
The objective is to facilitate the slow introduction of chaos and division.
Media will publish scaremongering stories to increase Islamophobia and fear of Sharia Law.
Medical care will be either poisonous or non-existent, due to the collapse of the Health Authorities, so you must learn quickly to become your own doctor.
The sick and the elderly will be unable to cope with this and the lack of their essential medications.... they will die off very fast.

Here are two possible solutions:

Avoid using the Euro, Pound or the Dollar because the derivative market will crash.
Move into the country, get out of the cities, (not one member of the predator class lives in a city)
Have a mindset and support system that can survive the collapse and loss of your benefits and health care.
Develop an independent self-sufficient lifestyle.
Have a reserve "currency" and stockpile it eg. food produce, livestock, gold, silver, armaments, medicines, household cleaners, gardening equipment, seeds.
Build a resilience to, and avoidance of the "distraction overload" that will be heaped on the public, in the form of fearmongering, deceit and propaganda through the TV and other media outlets (even social media). This is being orchestrated to keep you reduced to numbness, shock, terror and, therefore, inactivity, so that you cannot organise or prepare for the survival of your family.
Choose to fight, encourage mass groupings to develop unity. Become a citizen journalist.
This is the tough choice and involves great risk and possibly even self sacrifice in the interests of the common good.
Each must make their own choice but only together can we remove the threat of totalitarian globalism to humanity.

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So much is already completed. When do you envisage the monetary system collapse? Debt companies have started offering settlement amounts of a fraction of their origional debt sum. Makes me think they know whats coming and are desperate to claw back whatever they can get their greedy paws on before the shtf!

Atm the dollar looks OK but knowing the predators they will collapse it very suddenly so that nobody has time to preserve themselves. Karen Hudes and Benjamin Fulford have been suggesting that the Chinese have been holding a huge quantity of US bonds which must be exchanged for gold. Maybe this would explain why the price of gold has been kept low artificially for quite a while.....
Much of what we see on MSM and in social media is very misleading, so I can only hazard a guess about when the collapse will happen.
My waters tell me that the predators will time it to coincide with Brexit to make it seem as if that catastrophic change is responsible in some way.
They have a saying "Never let a good crisis go to waste" and they would love to punish us for daring to defy their NWO with our vote to leave the EU.

Yes I can see how they would love to use Brexit as a scapegoat and point the finger at the leave vote. As if we aren't being punished enough by Mayhem's cringy lousy offers that get knocked back by Drunker and co. Could she be any more embarrasing...what a farce!