Crime-predicting A.I. isn’t science fiction. It’s about to roll out in India

in conspiracy •  6 years ago 

So, even if all this current WW3 talk is only fear porn, our future does not look so good.
And the noose tightens at a drastic speed.

If one puts the pieces together, a horrible picture emerges.

They can already analyze your personality to a point where they know you better than your mom and assess if you are a "high-risk" individual.

Posted about it:

The Social Credit System which is currently rolling out in China can lock you out of society completely if you are deemed non-compliant

And now "pre-crime" AI is rolling out in India

Now it is clear why Tom Wheeler stated that we can't wait to install 5G.
5G will be the the needed infrastructure to harvest data about ANYTHING you do, ANYWHERE.

The scary part of it is that it IS already starting to roll out, it is NOT a remote science fiction possibility in the far future.

We don't even need Trump to set the world on fire anymore.

We will be in hell either way.

And nobody can stop it.

Thank you @jakeofthefoliage for the link!

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I can see the alarms for "high-risk" individual blaring as I walk down the street. I am familiar with the technology that China has implemented into its "cashless society" and believe that blockchain will play a crucial role in what is to come when it is a finished product however the AI is the scariest part of this. Pre-Crime... even in the movie minority report they had to shut it down because of the hidden inaccuracy of their system and that was just a glimpse of what is to come. It is a horrible day when police come to kick down the door while someone is sitting on their couch and arrest him for something that they said he was going to do 2 weeks from now when a guy cuts him off in traffic.

Fun Fact: I was an extra in "Minority Report", playing a police officer :) I'd never thought that something like this might become reality during my lifetime. Unfortunately in real life I am also on the wrong side of the law.

The implications of all of this are quite alarming. I especially bristle at the social credit system in China. I tell myself, "Well thats the Chinese... they are into conformity." Which as a culture is probably true. But there are masses of conformists in western nations too. Reminds me of the old television show, Star Trek, where the most feared thing was the "BORG" who always said, "Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated." It appears however, that assimilation is desirable for most people. I mean we see this primal survival drive to belong being twisted into a sickening lurch into being homogenized into one amorphous mass. Just look at our fascination with smart phones, Facebook and even Steemit where the drive is to fit in, to meld, to be assimilated. Oh, God. How can we retain our individuality and independence in such a world? I've been thinking of posting a sci-fi story about this. Maybe it's time while it's still sci-fi.

Honestly, I am afraid it is already too late. I know, this sounds somewhat negative but if you consider on one hand the progress they have already made and on the other how people are DEMANDING from their government that their rights should be taken away, the future looks bleak. Decades of fluoridation and social engineering have been successful for the cabal. The legal framework is currently established wherever you look and 5G will roll out soon. Who is going to stop this? Not even the crime committed in Syria right now or decades of chemtrails have produced resistance or public uproar in any way. We can only observe the drama unfolding. Just glad I'm old and don't have children...

I've just started a series of posts entitled, The Roots of War, The Hope of Peace, in which I lay it out quite clearly: war is not possible but for the masses who march off willingly to their masters call. If you look at nature you see this within all structures, the wolf pack, the elk herd, the whale pod, etc. There will always be the alphas sustained by those close to power and followed willingly by the remaining 90%. We are no different. It seems to be some survival imperative. The only thing I can imagine that will save us from ourselves is some shift in consciousness come from a Higher Intelligence. Can you imagine the world in just a few decades where humans are consumed by immersion in Virtual Reality, that those who predict such things, tell us will be literally indistinguishable from reality by 2040!? Combine this with AI and transhumanism and we will be entirely something other than human. My 8 grandchildren will see all of this and it makes me shudder. Maybe I should become a Christian and hope for Christ's return. Ah, well...

We are on the same page, my friend. Nice to meet you :) Unfortunately my personal outlook is not very uplifting or inspiring, I have become a grumpy old fart. Personally I don't see any realistic way how to stop this. If you only look at online posts or comments on youtube, a shift in consciousness is not going to happen any time soon. The opposite. People get dumber and more aggressive by the day. My only solace for coming generations is that they will never know any other way. For them the new reality will be normal. It is only horrible for us, who know better.

Damn! That is rather bleak. I'm a fool-of-an-almost-Buddhist, so hold onto a hope that there is some Higher Intelligence that will say, "Enough is enough" and save us from ourselves. Other than that perhaps there will be another Carrington Event like what happened in, what was it?, 1859 I think, when a massive solar flare hit the earth and toasted all existing telegraph lines. Actually this will happen. It's a cyclical thing. But it needs to happen soon. Or, in another of my sci-fi scenario's I have enclaves of humans who, like the Amish, have gone back to the land and shun all of this, under the eye of a hoped for benevolent AI who tolerates the wayward few. The rest of humanity won't give a shit, they'll be too busy with Virtual Sex and Virtual War to care about the whacky few. Anyway, yes, glad to have found you. And I can't help but ask: is that a doobie you are smoking or a cigar? None of my fucking business really but curious.

LOL. A cigarette. I did get a medical marijuana card to combat pain flare ups from something I have that appears to be fibromyalgia, but unfortunately I can't smoke dope, it makes me cough violently. I can smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day with no problem but a joint almost kills me. So now I use Turmeric and most of the pain is gone. So my medical card was a huge waste of money plus it will most likely keep me from purchasing a gun, which is OK.
I sometimes daydream about living an Amish lifestyle. Somehow I think this could be a good way out of this madness. Not the religious aspect of it but the social and technological one. But they are currently working actively on forcing the Amish into the grid as well.
You are right about a Carrington event, but this needs to happen soon before AI takes measures to protect itself from it. And living in Los Angeles, I am afraid that I might not survive the aftermath of one. No food, riots, etc. However I look at it, it does seem to end well. If I was younger, I'd move to Paraguay and grow my own food in peace. Guess it's too late for that.

Indeed, we have a lot in common. Was born in LA, still have quite a few relatives down there. But I rarely visit. Too crazy for me. Have a nephew who was the #2 guy in the entire county water district. He worked downtown on the 44th floor of a high rise. I told him he was nuts just for the reasons you stated. He's still there. Ya, maybe Doug Casey and Berwick have it right. Head to the back country of Argentina. You know whats ironic, as regards the Chinese social metric system. you and I did it today. We looked at each others (reputations). Yeah, I say to myself, but I'm different. Hope so. Know so. Blessings. Hope to hear more from you in the future.

Absolutely! Rare to find people with a similar mindset. Let's stay in touch!

In reference to an article you had about a month ago - It's time. You're right. I have an idea or two. Totally above-board. For starts we need to start a data-base of legit sources - sources that are already vetted. Eventually, more vetting will have to happen.

Can you please specify? I am not sure how to understand your post correctly...

From your post: We should start using Steem in a meaninful way: "We could use steemit as a platform to generate ideas. There are plenty of smart cookies already in our community. We could come up with plans to beat the system as good as we can."

OK! Cool. Would be great if you have some ideas to share. I have to admit that my perspective has turned pretty negative and hopeless lately, but I am always open to good ideas. Even if the game appears to be lost, we owe it to ourselves to fight to the bitter end. So please don't hesitate to share your thoughts. Hope dies last :)

Working backwards here but here goes:

I hope the death of hope is preceded by the early demise of the traitors and globalists who have been stealing and killing - and destroying our culture.

As for ideas: We need to compile a list of sources and cross-check them. We should be monitoring who's running the these ops. We need the Think Tanks and global orgs, and high ranking sell-outs. And, we need some powerful voices and leaders to help run a functional opposition to their agenda. All above board, of course.

Also, as you know, media, academia - hell, all of the institutions - have been subverted. It's a big job. We need to add some balance, or at least some influence, to these institutions. Trust will be the biggest barrier. Not sure what skills a lot of our communities have, but writing is one. The braindead masses won't listen to reason. So, we start putting that shit in everyhing, lol! Start with fiction-writing, with a broad appeal. It can go in music, books, w/e, but it can't clobber them over the head. It must be subtle.

I agree with you 100%. In principle. I also think we need to fight until the end because we owe it to ourselves.
But in reality I currently have very little hope to accomplish anything anymore. They have been spraying us for a decade now and only a handful people are speaking out about it. The rest is completely oblivious and will laugh at you when you point at the sky. We have been fluoridated, dumbed down and socially engineered for decades. Our efforts will be too little, to late. All we really can do is fart while we are being fucked...

Sadly, it appears that honor is dead - at least in this part of the world. The "savages" that are being bombed have more honor than leaders of many of the wealthiest countries.

But, all is not lost - yet. We need to study our enemies more, as they study us. Remember that many of them are weak cowards. I like to compare seeing the truth to being able to see another colour in the spectrum. While some will always be blind, and others will always wear blinders, WE can see the truth.

If it is not us that rises up and takes back humanity from the filthy thieves, we can at least prepare the next generations for the fight.

Those skilled in war subdue the enemy's army without battle
--Sun Tzu's Art of War

Very well said!

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Wonderful post ..thanks for sharing...Best of luck friend ✫

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment