Why do we have senseless wars, famines, pandemics, increasing rates of cancer, decreasing rates of fertility in the western countries?
Why are we currently sprayed like insects every day?
Why is our water fluoridated?
Why are so many people imprisoned?
How come that rich countries like the US have so many homeless people?
Why do we have drug epidemics?
Why is aspartame, a poison used in the Korean war as a weapon called “Agent Orange” a sweetener?
Why does food have up to 30 Ingredients nobody can even pronounce?
Why do we not have Health Care but Sick Management?
Why are so many Americans in jail?
Why are we not supposed to know if our food contains GMO's?
Why do we all of a sudden have so many different "Genders"?
Did you ever get this weird feeling that world leader work together behind the scenes while they appear to be bitter enemies?
There might be one answer which ties all these questions together. Population Control.
Of course, economic considerations, corporate greed and corruption are also important components to these questions, but this alone cannot be the answer to all of them. Stalin and Mao were not just plain evil and killed all these people just for kicks or out of incompetence. There is a bigger reason for what is happening.
One can also make the argument that exactly this corporate greed is being used as a tool, as a motivation to for big corporation to participate in the worldwide genocide.
Corporations might be less hesitant to put poison in our food, water, air, soil, medication and vaccines if they can make huge profits.
All bad deeds are done for a good reason.
At the root of all these problems and horrible events lies a very practical problem.
The population on earth has steadily increased to a current number of 7 Billion of people.
The argument I'd like to propose is not about how much is too much but more about the necessity of population control in general. Unlimited growth is simply not possible, eventually it has to get under control.
Historically civilizations always had to face some kind of population control to secure its resources.
Leaving the old or weak behind in hard times or allowing only the strongest and healthiest babies to survive like in ancient Sparta was probably one of the oldest strategies.
Subjecting man and women to a life in celibacy in large numbers by putting them into monasteries were some of the more gentle methods, mass human sacrifices in ancient South American cultures, Wars, artificial famines like the ones manufactured by people like Stalin and Mao are the more gruesome. The goals, however, where the same.
Population control.
After the the two most devastating events in History, the Word Wars, the strategy changed.
World population had reached a level where only global cooperation could possibly ensure control.
Creating global institutions like the UN, WHO, The Bilderberg Group was an important step to tackle Population control in an effective way.
The brutal, inhuman methods of population control were replaced by more covert and sophisticated ways.
The methods used by every country to control population growth have been dictated by the level of development and the existing infrastructure as much as by political will or lack thereof and have either been imposed by force and deception from the outside or adopted willingly by the governing elites of nation states that have relied on the moral, technical and monetary assistance of the United Nations.
Different countries used different strategies depending on their culture, possibilities and ethics.
While China has used the one child policy thus open legislation and India has employed covert surgical sterilization the west has resorted to 3 main strategies :
1 Fluoridation to decrease fertility
2 Introducing harmful chemicals to our food supply at chronic but sub lethal levels and manufacturing diseases
3 Social engineering to destroy families, create drug addiction, sexual confusion
1 Fluoridation to decrease fertility
Fluoridation is the west's method of choice for suppressing fertility in both men and women
It has been used throughout the west since 1950.
Fluoride is delivered either through tap water, table salt or milk depending on the country and the level of it's development.
A few select nations in northern Europe use compulsory dental plans to ensure that every citizen receives periodic applications of fluoride directly in the mouth.
Regardless of the delivery agents used, fluoridation has been imposed unto the populous under the pretext that it combats tooth decay, which is completely inaccurate and dishonest.
Of the four methods, water fluoridation is the most wide spread as it is used on nearly 1 billion people the world over.
Water fluoridation however is only possible in places with a modern infrastructure of water treatment plants and therefore even in wealthy nations it is only viable in cities that have at least 10000 people.
Salt fluoridation is the second most popular fluoridation method and is used throughout Latin America and the Caribbean region as well as in a few European countries that have abandoned water fluoridation.
2 Introducing harmful chemicals to our food supply at chronic but sub lethal levels, manufacturing diseases
To close the loophole created by the modern habit of drinking bottled water rather than tap water the depopulation lobby has replaced glass with plastic bottling starting in 1980 and has used a specific fertility depressing chemical called bis-phenol A (BPA) to manufacture two kinds of plastics, poly-carbonates and epoxy resins.
BPA is ingested when it leaches into food and beverages.
Since nearly every plastic bottle on the planet is now made of BPA based carbonates and almost every metal and aluminum can in the world is lined with epoxy resins that contain BPA, people are chronically exposed .
The lining of metal cans with BPA is aimed at both the urban and rural poor who are more likely to eat canned soups, vegetables and fruit and will thus receive more than their share of fertility depressing agents as they ingest it from multiple sources.
But as the depopulation agenda has a strong eugenic component to it, reducing the numbers of the poor is a desirable outcome.
Spraying powdered aluminum oxide at high altitudes by airplane, a phenomenon known as chemtrails is a rather new method of population control that is restricted to NATO countries and is aimed at breaking the back of organic and traditional farmers to make room for corporations and their genetically modified crops.
The aluminum sprayed falls to the ground and poisons the soil and the water which has two intended consequences.
First it makes the growing of traditional or heirloom seeds impossible and forces farmers into bankruptcy thus freeing the land for purchase by agro giants who stand ready with aluminum resistant GMO seeds and secondly, aluminum binds with fluoride compounds and greatly increases fluoride toxicity therefore reducing the human body's toxicity threshold.
You can do far more damage to human health with aluminum fluoride then with just fluoride and you need less of it.
That is why the spraying of aerosolized aluminum is far more prevalent
Poor countries cannot afford water treatment plants and therefore can not fluoride their tap water.
That is why the depopulation lobby has devised effective methods for Africa specifically.
If the depopulation lobby could not control the number of people born into the world,
then they would increase the number of leaving this world.
The HIV Aids virus was specifically created for the Sub-Saharan population by a cooperative effort between the Soviet and American scientists and was designed to inflict maximum damage by undermining the immune system and to have an affinity for people of color .
It gradually achieved it's intended goal once it was introduced into the bloodstreams of people in Africa, Brazil and Haiti by the WHO through it's smallpox immunization program that ended in 1980
Infection is as high as 30% in some African nations and 70% of all aids death occur in Africa.
Bio engineered flue strains such as N1H1, the swine flue and the bird flu virus have conditioned the people to the mass fear of pandemics to the practice of mandatory vaccination programs.
GMO are the newest and most sophisticated weapon in the eugenic arsenal and are intended for the developing world where chemical population control cannot be applied due to poor infrastructure.
Primary GMO crops are corn, canola cotton and soybean .
Fierce resistance to GMO crops has however has put into doubt their viability as a global fertility depressing agent.
Their advantage however lies in the fact that the people targeted will be growing their own poison and paying for it which makes GMO's ideal for poor nations which government s cannot afford to pay for population control of any kind.
Their advantage lies also in the fact that they can be engineered to do as little or as much damage as is desirable, and no one will be any wiser for it.
3 Social engineering to destroy families, create drug addiction, sexual confusion
Ever since the UN assumed the control of global depopulation policy in the early 1960's it has been looking for more ways to achieve it's objectives and has concentrated much of it's efforts on finding psycho social ways to change family life and to put enough pressure on families and individuals to making it difficult and undesirable to have more than one child.
Various countries have encouraged various forms of substance abuse to detract individuals from family life and to cause the dissolution of family life by premature death, chronic illness or crippling debt.
The west has promoted the use of recreational drugs
As a result, drug addiction has reached epidemic proportions many western countries.
The counterculture of the 1960's which brought about the sexual revolution was encouraged in order to break the sexual taboos that prevented the mainstream from adopting widespread and uninhibited contraceptive use.
It also made drug use socially acceptable and set the stage for an introduction of evermore destructive drugs which are antithetical to families and has become a breeding ground for HIV/AIDS
The hippy counterculture of the 1960 was followed by the lesbian gay bisexual and transgender the LGBT which brought about acceptance and decriminalization of homosexuality in time for the explosion of LGBT caused by the effects of long time exposure to fluoride which raises the incidents of sexual confusion from a naturally occurring level of about 4% to an artificially high level of 15%
The most subtle and insidious form of population control is manipulation of the law to criminalize formerly acceptable social and domestic quarrels and to incarcerate a large percentage of the poor in order to prevent them from forming families and raising children.
Throughout the western world and especially in the US, Canada Australia and New Zealand this form of population control fulfills the eugenic aspects as it targets primarily minorities and the poor.
The zero tolerance domestic law, minor drug offenses and the three strikes law are typical examples of legislation designed to fulfill the requirements of the global depopulation policy.
The zero tolerance domestic law is designed to break families apart at the slightest conflict by giving the state the authority to go over the wishes of spouses to press criminal charges that result in bankruptcy and family dissolution.
Conflicts which could have been resolved in the privacy of homes within minutes or days are given the status of violent crime, to destroy families, separate parents from their children and transfer their wealth.
The 3 strikes law which mandates live in prison was first applied in 1993 to compensate for the lack of fluoridation due to popular opposition.
As a result of such eugenic laws hundreds of thousands of families are broke apart.
America is the nation with the highest incarceration rate in the world and also in history at 743 adults behind bars for every 100,00 citizens.
Economic pressures are also used to create an environment that is hostile to families and especially to the raising of children.
The UN favorite method for reducing the number of children is women's participation in the workforce.
In the name of poverty eradication women's education and employment have been given the highest priority.
Women in the developing world are encouraged to get educated and forced to leave their traditional place at home to seek employment.
A working woman has less time for children and therefore a working woman will also delay childbearing to satisfy career ambitions or the demands of labor market.
Since women make up 51% of the population the steady influx of women into the labor market depresses wages worldwide at a time when unemployment is already a chronic problem the world over.
This mass migration of women is also displacing men economically disrupting the traditional patterns of life, confusing gender roles and pitting men against women all of which aid the cause of achieving smaller and fewer families
The demands of excessive and unnecessary credentials is the means by which entrance into the workforce is being delayed so as to prevent the young people from starting families early in life when their biological clocks make the most fertile.
The average fertile age for women to have children in Europe and Japan is 29 while in the US it is 25.
Throughout the developed world women have their children at least 4 years later than in the 1970
In the first half of the 20th century, when the population was not subjected to social engineering, European women had their children in their late teens and early 20's
By delaying entrance into the workforce both men and women, an entire decade has been shaved off from women's childbearing years.
The media is being used to condition people to be rabid consumers and to dedicate their incomes to excessive materialism rather than to invest it in children as previous generations did.
The consumption of goods and services in ever greater amounts has become mans primary preoccupation in the socially engineered post world war 2 era, giving rise to a consumer society that is self centered and has relegated children to secondary status.
Now we are moving into the second phase of population control, decreasing the number of older people
Because of the success of lowering fertility rates the population in western countries is aging.
Lower birthrates over the last 40 years resulted in much higher percentage of older people, specially Baby Boomers who have now become a burden to society.
The disappearance of jobs caused by automation and replacement by robots puts additional pressure on society.
We simply have fewer young working people to support an increasingly bigger amount of old people.
This becomes financially unsustainable.
The only way to correct this dilemma is to now cull the older people in order to create a sustainable balance between young working people and older retired folks.
This is one additional reason why aerosol spraying has been implemented in the last few years.
Aluminum binds with fluoride compounds and greatly increases fluoride toxicity therefore reducing the human body's toxicity threshold.
You can do far more damage to human health with aluminum fluoride then with just fluoride and you need less of it.
Forced vaccinations for adults and old people might be another way to decrease the life span and we can observe that the process has already started. The technical framework is already established and propaganda is successful in convincing the unsuspecting crowd about the necessity of vaccinations.
“Forced” does not necessarily mean brute force. Social pressure or the inability to board a plane or enter public spaces for the unvaccinated might already be enough to achieve the desired results.
In closing I'd like to say that in my opinion some kind of population control might be necessary,
however the covert, devious ways it is conducted right now is simply immoral.
If you are interested in this subject, please visit Kevin Galalae's youtube channel, he has a wealth of in dept information.
Please resteem, we need to spread the word
We must spread the word!!!
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You got that right!🙂
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If you ever wonder about what stupid people are wondering about just type "How come" and a letter into your search window and see all the suggested searches.
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Hahaha... I had to check it out. Here's what I got:

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It's hilarious every time!
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I'll try again tomorrow :D haha
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By the time we realise nature is where we should be, we will have worked our fingers to the bone for an obsolescence we did not see in our screens was around the corner. While the so called 'leaders' hide underground once again, we will be left to grow monsanto seeds in fallow soil, whist Boston dynamics dogs hunt us down.
A grim reality? maybe its time to return to the soil and humble community. I used to think amish were crazy.... now I believe they are the stoic example we should have followed.
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So true. Unfortunately agenda 21 and 2030 will prohibit this in the long run. People are getting forced off their land more and more. Organic farmers are being financially destroyed. If people don't wake up soon in large numbers the game is lost forever. WE HAVE TO ROCK THE SINKING BOAT!
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This is a real eye opener. Thank you so much for posting. How terrible...
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You are welcome! 🙂
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Dear friend,
your article was resteemed and featured on the Stop Chemtrails Digest #12.
Thank you very much for helping raise our collective awareness.
Together we can stop this madness!
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Yep. All true. The really undertalked about component in fluoride (once again its whats not being said) is the calcifying component, the excuse they used via sell out scientists at Univ of Rochester to put it in in first place. The calicification component doesn't apply to teeth but it does to our endochrine system. It literally calcifies our soft tissue. Turns it to stone. Dallas tried to get the flouride out in 2013 it was overturned by a city council member if I remember right, a low level piece of crap. Then plane crash and blm attacks on cops who had resigned by the hundreds. Flouride isn't it odd it literally turns the population to stone like in myths & prophecies. Maybe thats why that component is hidden. Awkward.
"About 98% of Americans have Perflourochemicals (PFCs) in their blood. PFCs cause cancer, liver disease and kidney disease. Our govt regulates lead + arsenic. They don’t regulate PFCs, which are found in shampoo, cookware, makeup + cleaning supplies" Lee Camp, Redacted tonight
Vaxxed the movie helped but they just are up against the machine that can literally control views and distribution of films. Undersung Vaxxed and truth about Vaccines journalist; Ben Swann. Maybe it wasn't "pizzagate" alone that changed Ben's landscape.
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You are making great points here.
Also, please consider we don't know even a FRACTION of the dangers of the materials they poison us with.
There is very little research and the few facts we have are being hidden, ridiculed and drowned out by fake science. All these chemicals we have in our food. No one knows what it eventually does to our bodies.
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So much food for thought here. Thanks.
Most populations in the natural world, level off naturally as resources are depleted. The super-rich don't wanna risk being the only ones holding the last piece of pie when a starving, angry population needs its belly filling. This may sound brutish and crude, but in order to evolve into the strongest, fittest population, we need to let things take their natural course. We are artificially propping up a gang of lilly-livered inbreds, allowing them to propagate, whilst our gene pool is damaged, poisoned, suppressed.
Fluoride: we have it added to our toothpaste here (UK). The latest dental advice is to brush teeth and not to rinse! Mmmm, keep swishing that fluoride around in the mouth.
BPA: wow, I didn't know that about canned food. :O
Damn those vaccines.
Psychological developments: There are so many new 'psychological disorders', all requiring medication. Anorgasmia (inability to experience orgasm) and other sexual difficulties are a frequent side effect. If you condition a person to experience less pleasure during sex, they'll stop bothering. Result for depopulation!
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Well, they stated their goal clearly on the "Georgia Guidestones".
Maintain humanity at 500,000 000
At least I know now what is going on and what is killing me slowly.
I hope these degenerates burn in hell.
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Me too (except I don't believe in hell so I hope they get their comeuppance in this life). They're killing us on purpose. What makes them immune from this cull?
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LOL. I don't believe in Hell either. This is one of the oldest psy ops ever. Making the goyim believe, that if they are good boys, they go to heaven and have fun for eternity -AFTER THEY ARE DEAD. Not as long as they are on this earth thouhgh.
What makes them immune from this cull?
One one hand avoiding harmful substances. But I believe the biggest aspect is COMPARTMENTALIZATION
Meaning, that the lower ranks do not even know what is going on. Everything is on a "Need to know Basis" . Many participants in these crimes are NOT aware of the full extend of the crimes they are committing. They believe, they are doing a good thing, without being aware of the full picture. Example: Trump drinks Diet Coke for crying out loud. This moron puppet does not have any clue what is going on. He is being handled and used. As are most politicians. Only in the highest ranks the whole picture is revealed. Punks like Rockefeller, Kissinger etc. get to live over 100, they have their blood cleaned and get organ transplants if needed.
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ahaha fun for eternity. Yep, controlling the gullible in the now with promises in the nevernever.
Yes, I agree. They avoid the substances. I saw one video of a guy who'd translated a page from German (I think). It was info about vaccines for ambassadors. The translation goes something like: you get effective vaccine containing none of the controversial ingredients of vaccines allocated to the general population. They know what they're doing. Forgive me if I got that quote(ish) from one of your links. It's hard to keep up with where, when, eh.
Totally... they're mostly well-meaning, brainwashed puppets. I worked in the NHS (National Health Service) for years. So many good people pushing dangerous shit because they believe the nonsense they've been fed.
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The whole system is pure madness. People get dumbed down with poison, then indoctrinated by the education system, then further brainwashed in the media and on top of all that you have the social pressure to not rock the boat. And because of the compartmentalization people also keep trusting authority.
Because they know a priest/police officer/politician who is a good guy, so the whole system can not be so bad after all. Hard to escape this web of insanity. You make yourself an outcast if you do. Huxley was right. (Well of course, he was part of the elite and knew the plans...)
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Wow what a super post!
Question: how much is $87.09 (steemit dollars) is in dollars?
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737.65 USD according to
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dammnn for just saying happy new year?
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Whats the best way to wire it on paypal? I have a wallet installed on my pc.
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Sorry, I cannot help you with that question. I have no idea.
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