Moving testimony from a life-long patriot
General Albert Stubblebine was an ardent believer of the official story despite all the attempts of his wife to show him how impossible it was…
“I could not believe my government could do that”
And then, years later, he saw a picture of the Pentagon
“and then I looked at it again and said, something’s wrong, something’s wrong with this picture…”
He went on to study it… measuring, calculating through observation of the government issued photos, and he reached the shocking conclusion that an
“aeroplane DID NOT make that hole”.
He became the highest ranking officer to go public at that time and said
“whatever the official story was at that time, WAS NOT TRUE”
“In the whole was what looked like the turbine from a missile, it DID NOT look like the engine from an aeroplane, but it did look like a turbine from a missile”
The only camera footage available was from one view point, and the footage originally did not look like an aeroplane, later, he says,
“it got a new suit, it now looked like an aeroplane, but when you take the suit off, it looks more like a missile”
He went on further, considering the possibility of melting of the steel in the twin towers by jet fuel
“a melting [of the steel] did not occur as a result of a hit from an aeroplane”