How to end cointelpro!

in conspiracy •  7 years ago 


The more they control us, the more they fear losing control of us. Maybe it started with good intentions, but their methods are now undeniably corrupt… and it needs to stop. Just as you might say that a jealous lover has crossed a hard line by breaking into your phone or computer to peruse your private data, our government has crossed into the criminal paradigm by invading our privacy. Unfortunately for them, the harder you grab a bar of soap, the faster it slips from your grasp.

It wasn’t so long ago that claiming the government was doing illegal activities was met with a condescending variation of “go put on your tinfoil hat”. The irony here is that the idea of wearing a tinfoil hat came from paranoid people seeking a way to stop the government from peering inside their heads. Somehow, it became popular to mock anyone who was suspicious of their government. Let me tell you exactly who did this.

Before I lay all of this out for you, I want for you to understand that this is not something I made up or am taking out of context. Like all information you will hear me tell, I want for you to go check it out yourself. I simply want to make you aware of important information, not convince you to think as I do.

So without further ado, I introduce to you dear reader: cointelpro. Cointelpro stands for “Counter Intelligence Program”. With this program, the FBI uses your tax money that it steals from your wages to not only spy on you, but to shut down “subversive” elements. I’m not talking about shutting down criminals. I’m talking about shutting down those that stand against war, injustice, and crimes enacted by the federal government. It gets worse. Not only does cointelpro seek to silence citizens engaged in political dissent, it seeks to confuse the message given to other Americans. The stated purpose of cointelpro is “protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order.<sic.>”.

An example of cointelpro in action is the FBI’s plot to shutdown Martin Luther King, Jr. It’s not well known (but is a fact) that Martin Luther King, Jr. was given a letter by the FBI demanding that he KILL HIMSELF, or else a sexually compromising video of MLK would be given to the public.


While you may want to believe that the letter was just written by a disappointed groupie, it has been shown to have been written by the FBI with their cointelpro mission. Martin Luther King, Jr. was undoing the rife hatred and injustice of Americans. Our tax money went to snuffing out this brilliant flame.

The impact of such a program is frightening in its massive implications. Not only does it prove beyond a doubt that there is corruption in the highest offices of our government, but there is a force designed to shape the way we think, confuse us, and stop us from questioning those in charge. The very fact that cointelpro exists means that there are people that have a reason for it to exist. They give their orders to the FBI who in turn will do unthinkable acts to carry out those orders.

Personally, I would like to shutdown this corruption once and for all. Wouldn’t you? What social failures do you think cointelpro had a hand in? Fortunately, Adam Kokesh not only does Adam Kokesh want to shut it down too, but he has a realistic plan to make it happen. No longer should we live in the age of information but walk around confused by those who use counterintelligence tactics against us. No longer should Americans fear being silenced by their own government. Most importantly, we must stop our wages from being picked through to fund such corruption.

Adam Kokesh is running as the Libertarian Party candidate for president in 2020. His platform is amazing. He will disassemble the federal government and return power to the people by letting them have localized government as they see fit. Logic and rational thought will reign in place of fear, ignorance, and confusion. The dawning of a new level of humanity is cusping the horizon. Let’s take apart our oppressors and evolve.

-Michael P. Wood

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This turned out to be some ironic shit in that NYT article from 3 years ago

The current F.B.I. director, James Comey, keeps a copy of the King wiretap request on his desk as a reminder of the bureau’s capacity to do wrong. But elsewhere in Washington, the debate over how much the government should know about our private lives has never been more heated: Should intelligence agencies be able to sweep our email, read our texts, track our phone calls, locate us by GPS? Much of the conversation swirls around the possibility that agencies like the N.S.A. or the F.B.I. will use such information not to serve national security but to carry out personal and political vendettas. King’s experience reminds us that these are far from idle fears, conjured in the fevered minds of civil libertarians. They are based in the hard facts of history.

One imagines you could pick up the NYT today and they would be telling a much different story.

Lets stop the corruption that plagues America! Kokesh 2020!

Sunshine. I need some help with something, in context with this posting and the libertarians in general. I am in "the marketing department". I have been in or around the LP since 1976. Can you tell me why libertarians can't seem to shake what this image captures? Thanks.
who invited the libertarian.JPG

Not a libertarian but have been out of the left/right paradigm for a while now. The pic above shows the typical morons that have been programmed in public schools and TV since birth. Given the age of those above, one would assume they are of the libtard variety but replace with a pic of some old white dudes smoking cigars, you could assume the garden variety neocon. 3rd parties are not invited because they don't tow the line of the nwo agenda. Best of luck breaking through the bread and circus.

obviously, you have never been to a libertarian convention..........................

because the R and D are the frats and sororities

and why isn't the LP becoming such a sanctuary for individualists? There are equal numbers of individualists within the men and women genres. But women seem to stay away from Libertavia. WHY? Don't keep blaming them. Look in the mirror OBJECTIVELY. Adam Kokesh's success depends on overcoming this (since he decided to run with the LP rather than Independent).

I don't know, maybe it is a math thing, like how on steemit it is 85% men, women tend towards cooperation and submission.

Aren't you curious as to what that 15% think? I certainly am.

it would be interesting but what are you hoping to discover?

a means to grow the ranks of the Libertarian Party so Adam Kokesh can have a smooth path to the nomination. I am 62. As a young teenager, I saw first hand what happened when the chickies decided they had enough of so many men being drafted into the Viet Nam War. Start your research at Woodstock until 4 years later when Nixon was drummed out of office. It got to the point where a guy who remained ignorant of politics couldn't even get a chick to talk to him, no less date him. What is the LP man missing in his walk?

I would like to respond to this as well, fundposh! A long time ago, humans lived in tribes. If you were ever turned into an outcast of that tribe, most likely you would be eaten by animals or starve to death (or both). The fear of rejection is ingrained in us at a primitive level.

Sometimes someone will think a better idea... but everyone else is comfortable with the way they do things (a tradition, for instance). To bring out your idea means threatening the mental comfort of your tribe. This will possibly bring about rejection from your tribe. However, if the idea is good enough, eventually your idea will catch on and a bunch of people will end up scurrying over to the way you think so they don't get left behind.

I would accept your argument if we never got to witness the Ron Paul Revolution... where perhaps a million college kids jumped on board. But when he faded away, and the LP had the chance to coat-tail his effort, what happened? Now boys... we have to seek insight from the ladies. Sooner or later we shall receive the honest truth from them. Stop alibying FAILURE.... THAT perhaps is intrinsic in this big pic.

"the harder you grab a bar of soap, the faster it slips from your grasp" -what an awesome quote!

I've always been glad to live in the UK where such problems don't exist and social change is often welcomed. I really do hope this problem gets fixed soon though.