Mastermind Against Chemtrails...Who Wants To Participate?

in conspiracy •  7 years ago 

I just watched this film: - free online... the one man suggested that Ether is the source of all and our solution. He suggests that we could, together, utilize the Ether, through Mastermind, to put an end to chemtrails.

We could blast these fuckers out of the sky if a bunch of us Mastermind in Unity against Chemtrails together: hit them with their own medicine.

Mastermind is discussed on Mark Passio's podcast #193, as well.

Who is up for it? We could just decide on a time together that mutually works, and sit in our own places and Mastermind on Chemtrails - see what happens. Sign up in comments with a time that you are available.

Here's my post on how to Mastermind

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Oh it's nothing to see, just water vapor! Move along folks..I trust what the "experts" always say because $cience told me so! Ha..

right so this is a solution.

Ya good ol $cience. It is alarming at how many dead bees I am seeing... I don't recall seeing so many dead bees when I was younger. I recall seeing a lot more bees, and I rarely ever saw dead ones. Now I barely see Bees anymore, and if I do see them, most of the time they're dead..

My understanding is that a Mastermind requires action by its members outside of the meeting itself to have an impact. What are some examples of action you see members being able to take?

My experience with Mastermind, is that we do the Mastermind and then we will be intuitively inspired with actions later.

I don't have any examples, but what else are we going to do? Sit around and talk about it? Like I said - watch the movie. There is a man in the film who recommends Mastermind, or utilizing the Ether, as a way to change things for the better.

Is it really going to hurt people to try this? We all might learn something in the process. And we might accomplish something!

I'm having a hard time imagining how you see the session working since all descriptions of Mastermind I can find are focused on supporting individual action aligned to a group goal. I'd like to understand what you have in mind, so will join the first session if welcome.

@cahlen - to me, Mastermind is prayer for agnostics and atheists - it's the same exact thing. A group of people get together and focus their attention on accomplishing a goal. Our goal is to get rid of chemtrails - for example. We pick something - one thing we can agree upon, and we focus our energy upon that - Have you ever blown clouds out of the sky? I have - I focus my energy on a cloud and shortly, there is a hole in the cloud where I was focussing and the next thing I know, the cloud is gone - we do the same thing with chemtrails... when are you available, and what time zone are you in?

My experience comes from praying with a group of people. This is non-denominational prayer. We pray together, and the force of our group prayer brings us each the actions we will take...

It happened just a few weeks ago - in a group I do some work with - we have been having some problems with divisiveness and disagreements: we prayed together for unity in the group and for our path to be laid open for us, and for the things that needed to happen to help us to unify to come to pass - in the last 2 weeks - amazing things have been happening - to that end...things that I could or would not have seen as unifying because they involve some people being removed from the group - myself being one of those people - because I am a founder, and therefore people put too much power on me and my co-founder to make all the decisions. In order for the group to be unified, he and I need to step back - and so doors have closed and others opened, since we Masterminded that request - and both of us will be away for a while, thus allowing the other people to assume leadership roles. I can do it any evening - at about 8 or 9pm Mountain Time. Or the morning - at 7am...


Mastermind is a form of Magickal practice done with a group...have you used it? I live in a landlocked state so I don't see boat trails often.

He's messing with ya as far as I can tell.

maybe? probably not. He lives in Inverness, Scotland... water everywhere.

When I was a child in the late 70s and early 80s I used to watch the trails left by jets travelling across the sky. I found them beautiful and fascinating. This was before the chemtrails meme started.

Recently I came across the boat trails meme. Thought I'd share as you obviously find the chemtrails joke amusing, thought you'd like this too...

You and I grew up at the same time - it has changed a lot since then - boattrails is Funny idea

I will follow. thank you for this beautiful sharing :)

I have read somewhere that the use of Chemtrails, weather wars. Nano technology in chemtrails and radiation levels from cell towers. how is the government is allowed to kill its own citizens without impunity.

because we give them the money in tax dollars. We live in an occultocracy and we have a bunch of willing orderfollowers carrying out the business of murder. Look at the work of Mark Passio.

Please see my Steemit DTube chemtrail videos from Los Angeles, CA

I’m not sure my system is new enough to watch on dtube

Errm ,,, am kinda lost right now,,, whtas d chemtrails?

Errmm,,, am kinda lost here,,, whats a chemtrail

look up at the sky. watch the film.