Mandela Effect...What The??

in conspiracy •  8 years ago  (edited)

Let me start this by saying that I have never considered myself to be too much of a conspiracy theorist. I feel like I have always rationalized my beliefs with scientific factual evidence. While I have found a lot of these theories to be slightly plausible, I've never really given too much credence to any of them. For example, with as fascinating and with as much compelling data there is to support the flat earth theory, my problem with it is that it requires you to believe too many other things. It requires you to believe that NASA is hoax, that we've never been to the moon, satelites aren't real, and that every picture we've ever been shown of earth is fake. That is a lot of things you must believe before being able to accept flat earth theory. I know, very far-fetched. That being said, do you ever feel like you've ever wandered just a little to deep into the rabbithole? Like to the point of no return. Like every thing you ever thought you knew about time and space has been challenged beyond recognition. That realization came to me just a few days after discovering this concept known as the Mandela Effect (ME). For those of you who may not know, ME is a conspiracy theory that was coined by Fiona Broome after the death of Nelson Mandela, a South African president and philanthropist, when a large group of thousands of people have come forward with clear memories of him dying in prison in the 1980s. You can check out Fiona Broome's website here. Their memories are collective and vivid and include recollections of news articles and witnessing his funeral on television. After searching multiple websites and YouTube videos dedicated to this phenomenon I became increasingly anxious (freaked the **** out) as I found other examples that I personally remember being different from reality. A few examples are the spelling change that I distinctly remember being Chic-fil-a is now Chick-fil-a with no record in history of there being a name change according to this verified Facebook post by Chick-fil-a.

Another mysterious change in company branding is that of Jif peanut butter. This guy on YouTube makes a video that proves that Jiffy once existed by tracking down a few restaurants that offer a world famous Jiffy burger on their menu and upon visiting one those restaurants actually discovers a sketch of an old peanut butter jar that says Jiffy. You can check out his video here My personal experience with this is that I recall years ago hearing the commercial line "Choosy moms choose Jif" I remember thinking at the time that it was odd. I had thought it was Jiffy but really didn't give it much thought and just assumed it was a change in company name or something. Interesting fact though, even while researching this topic Google suggestions can't even find it.

In fact, the only time you can find Jiffy is when someone is referring to it in terms of the ME.

Another example that is a visual disturbance to me is the Mona Lisa painting. Do you recognize this portrait or does it look strange? I remember a much more stoic face, not this smirking half grin.

image source

There are many examples around the world which include famous lines in movies changing, scripture text changing from King James version of Bibles (not new prints), and various alterations in spelling from company names to A-list actresses names without any evidence of such changes being made (See Chic-fil-a reference above). Here is a comprehensive list of the majority of the anomalies from Fiona Broome's site.
This YouTube video lists a lot of examples this effect that I personally identify with. If I had to guess I would say that this guy is around the same age as me, as it seems as though people of different ages have different memories. This strange phenomenon really makes me question reality as I know it. Even by simply making this post I feel like that nutcase screaming oddities from the mountain top that everyone points and laughs at on their way by. This opens the door to so many possibilities that have previously been unchallenged. It makes me wonder if it's plausible that conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and some psychiatric illness are even a thing as we understand them. Or is possible that these peoples realities have changed to the point that they don't even recognize the world they are living in anymore? Seems like a bit of a stretch but you never know I guess.


I will not spend a lot of time on explanations because honestly I don't even know what to think. I barely can wrap my head around some of these explanations (and some of them overlap) so instead I will just provide you with the most common explanations I've come across.

*We are constantly sliding between parallel universes or particles of parallel universes are coming into contact leaving material from one to another.
*Time Travel by CERN -scariest
*Glitches in the Matrix - we are just one big computer game
*Confabulation - The idea that we have memory disturbances or distorted false memories. This one seems the most plausible to me personally. Even if I am remembering multiple things wrong it seems absurd to think so many others are as well.

What is your experience with ME? Do you have your own examples? Do you have governmental conspiracy theories about it or do you think it is just our complex brains playing tricks on the masses?

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