The Death Of Free Speech In New Zealand - Stephan Molyneux Banned From Speaking In Public & The Hidden Hand!

in conspiracy •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is just totally bizarre. New Zealand has banned Stephan Molyneux from speaking in public venues. Stephan Molyneux (youtube channel link) was set to speak with Lauren Southern (youtube channel link) but have been labeled "Far Right" by the New Zealand press.

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What has happened to freedom of speech and open discussion in New Zealand? Can they just label you and deny your right to speak?

The sad truth is they are doing this more and more and what has just happened in New Zealand is symptomatic of the crackdown on free speech all over the world!

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I love G. Edward Griffin, a stranger gave me his book The Creature From Jekyll Island and it changed my life! 😘

Labeled "Far Right" And Denied The Opportunity To Speak

I want to say here that I have not listened to Lauren Southern but I have had the opportunity to listen many times to Stefan Molyneux and the label "far right" was never a label I would have associated with anything I have ever heard him say. I would be most interested to hear reasons and see examples provided by any Steemians who feel otherwise.

The problem here seems to be two fold. Firstly the labeling. Who is "far right" and who gets to decide that. Any student of history and politics knows that these kinds of labels are meant to incite an emotional response and mostly they are complete rubbish. They are based on nothing but have a clear aim and agenda behind them.

The second problem here is the right to free speech. If we are not allowed to have open discussions where are we? We end up living in a world where our thoughts and actions are manipulated by a centralized media empire which serves the agenda of the few who own this monster. When are people going to wake up and demand the right to truth and knowledge without the purblind shackles of our enslavement.

Stephan's youtube discussion on the subject.

The Hidden Hand Pulling The Strings!

The absurdity of this situation is clear to anyone who takes the time to read, listen and think for themselves. It doesn't make sense on any level unless you define the agenda behind the actions in this example. These actions are not by chance. Strings are pulled to manipulate the situation.

The desires of this hidden hand must not have wanted Stefan Molyneux to speak in New Zealand. The question is why?

Here is the tweet from Auckland's mayor Phill Goff

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It is clear to my eyes that there is something underhand going on here. The New Zealand authorities and Auckland's mayor Phill Goff should have to explain themselves in detail. Rather than using inflammatory labels like "far right" lets have some serious reasons and an open discussion on the subject.

If we continue to let our right to free and open speech be eroded future generations will have to endure life in a technocratic eugenicist's ideal reality! We must raise our voices and fight back!

If we unmask the vampires pulling the string they will wither and die in the light!

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Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Jockey loves you All & Plants as Medicine! 😉
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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

These days NZ is owned and run for the zionist overlords using libtard left puppets like our utterly incompetent "prime minister" Jacinder Arden...

Puppets, puppets all of them!

Sever the strings and they fall. Shine the light and they evaporate. I am going to be reading your post with great interest! Thank you!

I met a Zionist from New Zealand in Asia recently we had a most interesting conversation. I must share with you some of the links he asked me to look at.... very interesting indeed!


Wow banning Molyneux, he is hardly far right and comes across as a completely fair and reasonable person. Sad to see this.

That's what I feel mate! UPvoted with pleasure!


I agree, Jockey!
"We must raise our voices and fight back!"
So, true!
I am writing & producing music right now to
"wake up"
I don't know what those 2 from New Zealand did, but they
did the same (labeling far right) with the german
Dr.Hamer, who discovered "the 5 biological laws" or
with David Icke,or the latest greatest...
YT took Alex Jones down...
It's time to act & use our voice.
Create petitions &
go sign them on
election day!
Strength & Guidance
1 Love

You made some excellent points! I have never heard of Dr Hamer but I will be looking into him now. On a personal level I can see that elections can work like the recent shock result in Malaysia. However mostly they are so flawed I feel we should look for other alternatives... I don't know exactly how they would work yet but I'm thinking about it! 😉

Thanks for the great comment! Followed and UPVoted with pleasure! 😀


You're welcome! My pleasure ;)
Did you really upvote, cause steemit
doesn't show it..? Conspiracy! :)))
Here is a link to a section on my
own webpage, that i created, with
one video in english about the
"5 Biological Laws"
(German new medicine...bad name,
and prob. the reason they labeled him
right wing)
I do them since 2011 & i am constantly
healthy ;)
1-2 long term stuff with my wisdom tooth...
But even for that i found "my conflict" = Key ;)