RE: Light on Conspiracies - Don't Fall For The Hoaxes and False Flags with Ole Dammegard

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Light on Conspiracies - Don't Fall For The Hoaxes and False Flags with Ole Dammegard

in conspiracy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Damn how did I miss this post! I cover these topics myself.
Ole Dammegard is great but he's a bit shy in revealing who's really behind the curtain or the masonic clues: CIA, FSB, MI6, MOSSAD or US, UK, etc are after all controlled by Freemasonry and the Knights Of Malta (Jesuits). Any high ranking intelligence officer has to be a Knight of Malta or a Freemason. Same goes for high ranking Army Generals, Police Officers, Judges, Politicians, MSM editors etc....they all took the "blood oath"(Masonic Vow of Silence) at the Lodge to be given those jobs. There are over 5 million Freemasons worldwide, so even many of the key crisis actors are recruiited from masonic lodges. Though for minor filling roles NDAs, money and especially Fear are sufficient control as the Hidden Hand controls everything, even so called opposition figures. Who can they whistleblow to? Wikileaks? It is a front for The 5 Eyes.

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Most masons are only foot soldiers and know nothing of what is really going on, but there are their members in every walk of life and religion, as well as their own religion, the clue lies in the term called to Circumambulate which means to walk in circles, also see the term and the same conjecture called Circumnutation and what a vine does as it climbs its pole towards the light/Sun.