People born this day 18 years ago, are now old enough to join the military...

in conspiracy •  5 years ago  (edited)

The Military who of course has been at war this entire time.

I'm saying the 18 year olds of the US and its allies today, have never known a time when we were not at war.

And I think that does something to people.

Team America was a Joke to many of us born in the 90s, because we oversaw the whole mess start and go from bad to worse to perpetually sustained.

This day 18 years ago an event happened of which we are Still reeling from the effects of.

And it was a lie.

It was all a giant lie.

And used as an excuse to do so much pain and suffering and abuse, in the name of "Freedom"

And now the kids forever born into this giant mess can join in on the mess, and die, and suffer.

This is western perspective of course. We have the 'Choice' to join in or not, ignore it if we like.

The people in that whole region have been suffering for decades.

If it wasn't the west invading and fucking them over for their resources and strategic control from that entirely ludicrous cold war, it was the east doing so for the exact same reasons.

and I just think thats sad.

I think its just, just really really sad.

9/11.. It wasn't a lie? it wasn't just?

Well if any of you assholes out there do gematria, as I have, you'll see inexorably...

That if you take the words "September Eleven"

Convert them into simple gematria which is called Simple Gematria as its really fuckin simple.

A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 ---- Z =26 ................ Numbering letters simply corresponding to their position in the alphabet, then adding letters in a word or phrase or sentence all up... Its really not hard.

The phrase?

"September Eleven" = 166

Do you get that? It not too hard to understand..
Well get this.

Know what phrases also happen to add to the same value? 166?


"September Eleven" = 166
"Twin Towers" = 166
"Annuit Coeptis" = 166
"The White House" = 166
"One World Order" = 166
"Secret Society" = 166
"The Day Of The Lord" = 166
"Same Old Story" = 166
"Lucifers Number" = 166
"Serpent People" = 166
"It Is Written" = 166
"Alien Disclosure" = 166
"Divine Algorithm" = 166
"Dragon Bloodlines" = 166
"Jesus Will Come" = 166
"Criminal Justice" = 166
"Action And Reaction" = 166
"The Nine Eleventh" = 166
"Aliens Want Blood" = 166
"The American People" = 166
"Light And Darkness" = 166
"Evidence Is Ruined" = 166
"Human Struggle" = 166
"Disinformation" = 166
"Reptilian Queen" = 166
"Its All Propaganda" = 166


"Gematria Is True" = 166

Plus a buncha others.

All 166!? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

They all add to 166, go Here to see for yourself because I can Not be bothered to copy paste all these results just so people can look at it and ignore it anyway. Because, oh look I already did years ago.

So fuck you.
Fuck you if you think shit I say is just ALLL COINCIDENCE.

I fucking hate so many of you out there for your pure un ending fucking ignorance.

People like you harden my heart to the rest fo the human race.

Because not only is all this shit proven, its literally weaved into our words without our knowledge in a way thats used against us subconsciously, why was it 911? why that day? Why is 911 the number for emergencies in the US

And why... Oh Why...

Does the phrase "Nine One One" in JEWISH gematria add to 284?

The same value you get if you add up the letters, in "REM Cloning"

So, fuck you.

Fuck you if you doubt me.

Fuck You if you think im just some CRAAZZZZZAYYY Conspiracy theorist buzzword trope you've been conditioned to think I am.

And FUCK YOU if you think IM doing a diservice to the events that occurred 18 years ago to this day, this world that i've seen develop as a result and the pain thats come from all of this as a consequence, whether we know it or not.

Whats happening now has been the result of a very very long game.

And I should like to have a word with the main fuckin' players.

Go look up this mathematical shit if you think its wrong,
I promise you, from experience, its all correct,
its forever always been correct, ever since this language was invented...

What should That say to you about this world?

People like to say "conspiracy theroist"...

From my perspective, if you understand there is an inherrent order to everything,

The people who say there isn't should be called Coincidence Theorists.

becausee all the shit I've just pointed out?

Does NOT happen by coincidence..

Someone only could have designed this.

^^ A sentence which again adds up to alot of strange and interesting crap, if you can be bothered to even look

Actually I spelled it wrong but it still comes back with results, as does the correct spelling, can't escape.

Otherwise, just go fuck yourself.

You aren't the people I need to be reaching.

I need people smart enough to be of some use.

If thats not you ignore this like i'm crazy person and just fuck off.


Fuck. Off.

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Thats my commemorative post for today

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I made this visual display of just how fucked your language is when seen through numbers. Not that anyone cares.