in conspiracy •  9 years ago  (edited)

Are your memories false or is your reality being changed?

Here is proof that one of those statements is true.

Watch below and your life will change forever.

(No) I Am Your Father

(Magic) Mirror on the Wall

Life (Was) Like a Box of Chocolates

Now it's your turn to do some research.....

Was it the Berenstein or Berenstain Bears... http://www.berenstainbears.com/

Was it Smokey the Bear or Smokey Bear? https://smokeybear.com/en/smokeys-history?decade=1940

Has the Lords Prayer Changed in the King James Version? Because Trespasses has disappeared... https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+6%3A9-13&version=KJV

What does the Volkswagon Symbol look like? https://www.google.com/search?q=volkswagen&num=50&newwindow=1&safe=off&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi69PCgsr3OAhWD5SYKHcklDT8Q_AUICigD&biw=1745&bih=890

Did God Create the Heavens and the Earth or the "Heaven" and the Earth... https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=genesis+1%3A1&version=KJV

Did the Lion sleep with the Lamb or was it the Wolf Sleeps with the lamb.... https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=isaiah+11%3A6&version=KJV

So either you have been born in this alternative reality and remember all of these things being the way I have shown you.... Or you have a REALLY BAD MEMORY.... Or Our Reality is Being Changed..... But HOW?

Have you ever heard of a facilty called C.E.R.N. ?

A facility that uses 666 as it's logo...


A facility that does top secret research into alternative dimensions...

A facility with the kali God of destruction in front of its facilty....


A facility that has random satanic sacrifices and mock sacrifices in front of it...

A guy that is a scientist at cern that holds up a sign "Bond #1 and Mandela" ..... If you don't know Bond #1 last name was Nelson... SO Nelson Mandela which this effect is named after....

The very C.E.R.N. that does the dance of destruction in its videos

In the same country.. Switzerland where they have satanic ceremonies at tunnel entrances...

What is CERN?

It is an amalgamation of science, satan worshippers, and destruction.

It seeks to destroy all memory, destroy the most quoted lines in history, and do it without anyone noticing... Until Now... People are finally waking up to this false reality.... Let me wake you up some more...

In the Wizard of Oz.... The Scarecrow is Holding a GUN....

Unicorns, Wizards, Piss, Tires, Policemen, Aliens are all in Scripture now.....

So what is going on?

I don't know... You tell me... Please leave your ideas below...

Perhaps I am wrong and my memories are wrong and I've gone crazy... But don't you all feel that something is off with this world we live in now...?

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