Cryptocurrency Illuminati symbolism: Part 4 - Does Clif High have a hidden agenda? Is he a Freemason?

in conspiracy •  7 years ago  (edited)


I've seen a lot of pumping of coins / ICOs with Luciferian symbolism as well as coins / ICOs with poor fundamentals coming directly or indirectly from Clif High lately. These coins include all of the X-coins that I mentioned in my previous installment of this series which are: TenX, InsureX, AdEx, and 0x, but it also includes Salt, Populous, and Veritaseum. I am not the only one that is expressing concerns about some of these pushes, but no one is tying these pushes back to Clif High. I've instead seen a tremendous amount of criticism for Jsnip4 especially, but also for Bix Weir, since the two of them have been more actively pushing these coins / ICOs on their YouTube channels. I'd therefore like to present you with my developing opinion regarding what may be going on here.

The Three Amigos.jpg

The Three Amigos

Jsnip4, Bix Weir, and Clif High have been holding a series of joint discussions on YouTube for a while now called "The Three Amigos." What is abundantly clear in each of these discussions is the blatant cheerleading for Clif that JSnip4 and Bix Weir do. Essentially, everything that Clif and the Web Bot report says becomes gospel without any real critical analysis of what Clif provides. They, along with a lot of other people globally (I've dubbed them "The Church of Clif High"), are religiously following Clif based upon his most recent successes with Bitcoin price targets, however, no one is remembering all the Clif High / Web Bot prediction failures of the past. This of course would interfere with a blinding desire to believe that they've found a true oracle that will give them the keys to becoming cryptocurrency millionaires. This is not to say that Clif isn't extraordinarily intelligent, he certainly is, and he typically has interesting stories to tell in the interviews with him. Yet just because someone is extremely intelligent and can tell a good story, doesn't mean that they are always correct or that they are always being fully honest in their stories and with their ultimate intent.

Jsnip4 and Bix Weir never mention the fact that they are simply following Clif (basically blindly) because frankly, that's a pretty embarrassing statement to make. It means that they aren't doing any truly independent assessment on these coins / ICOs themselves because they implicitly trust everything Clif tells them. They will of course tell you that they've done a whole lot of research themselves, but in my opinion they are totally biased by Clif. Take Veritaseum as an example. If you objectively review it without Clif's Web Bot input, it would be a total joke in terms of its current market valuation. Then again, Bix also religiously believes in some never-defined "good guys" (whatever the hell deep state faction this is) that will save everyone through the new cryptocurrencies market - and this without him ever realizing that Luciferians are the ones funding many of the coins / ICOs that he is pushing.


Forget the dancers, who's playing the tune?

Clif is the only one smart enough to know better regarding these Luciferian coins / ICOs as well as other pumped coins / ICOs since he's the one that picks them for the Web Bot reports that Jsnip4 and Bix follow. He's the band leader that is playing the tune, whereas Jsnip4 and Bix are in my view just dancing to it. The question is whether Clif is a Pied Piper that has an ulterior motive behind all of this. (e.g. Why a dancing skeleton as a logo?) Clif claims that the Web Bot is telling him everything. Maybe that is true, but it could also be that he he is mixing in specific agendas with the Web Bot data or even that there are no Web Bots at all and that it's all just made up. We have no way of knowing except for any clues that we can decipher along the way.

As covered in a previous installment of this series Pillar is one of the coins / ICOs with Luciferian symbolism that Clif and "the amigos" have been pushing. All the coins that have an X in the name are also using Luciferian symbolism, and Clif and friends have also recently pushed InsureX, AdEx, TenX and 0x. Beyond coins / ICOs with Luciferian symbolism, Clif has even gone so far recently as to do what appears to be a promotional interview for Populous (with another on the way with Veritaseum). Why would he do this? It's not like Populous (or Veritaseum) is some sort of charity that one would feel it's necessary to support. Is there a unmentioned motivation behind this? (Clif claims that he doesn't invest in the coins himself because it would bias his reports.) Now add to this the Salt coin / ICO which is being pushed. "Salt" is an alchemical term representing what survives combustion and death - i.e. it is another name for the phoenix which dies and is reborn in the flames. The phoenix is a symbol of "ordo ab chao" meaning basically, "from chaos and destruction, a New World Order is born".

All these above points, have led me to the suspicion that Clif may have a deeper hidden agenda beyond just making money with his reports. It may also be that Clif is a Freemason. Any high level Freemason would certainly have a hidden agenda and lots of other Freemason friends that he would be supporting directly or indirectly. (The "X" coins? Populous? Veritaseum? Salt?) A high level Freemason would also have "an inside track" provided by other Freemasonic brethren. Maybe even enough of an inside track to call major market moves before they happen, especially if big movers are manipulating the cryptocurrency markets with "algos" and big funds as well as communicating coordinating actions out to other brethren before they make major moves. (Why do many people assume that the cryptocurrency market isn't manipulated already? It doesn't require paper derivatives to do so.)

Let's review what we know about Clif to date. He has admitted that his dad was in some sort of military intelligence role in a few interviews (or at least very high up in the military) and this certainly would fit the secret society profile. He's also admitted that he is heavily into magick / sorcery and has stated that he practices some form of sorcery. In the same video that he speaks about his use of sorcery, he also speaks about the Freemasonic Craft / magickal rites in glowing terms, even though he states that the lodges are corrupt. The name "Half Past Human" certainly sounds very much like transhumanism, which is a well known NWO / Freemasonic agenda. He uses a dancing skeleton as a logo - think skull and crossbones as well as Pied Piper as the relevant symbolism. Then there's the name Clif High which sounds more like a pseudonym to me (unless his parents just wanted a bit of a laugh.) Maybe this is just to protect his privacy or maybe it's something to conceal his real identity. Lastly, Clif's other logo above appears to be a Haida raven which is in Haida mythology "the trickster" - the same Haida deity that NWO golden boy Justin Trudeau has tattooed on his left shoulder. Some of the tricksters in other mythologies and symbols are Loki, Pan, the Pied Piper, the Joker, and all of them represent Lucifer as the ultimate trickster god.

I honestly can't do more than speculate at this point, and I would never jump to any conclusions about any specific person without very clear evidence, however there is enough reason to be suspicious with Clif considering some of the points above. I would at minimum suggest to proceed with extreme caution regarding anything that "smells a bit off" that you are getting directly or indirectly from Clif and the Web Bot reports. This includes the indirect inputs you are also getting from Jsnip4 and Bix Weir.

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I do watch some of these videos to see what others are pumping/investing in. But, it's always important to do your own research. Too many people repeat, "Jsnip said this" or "Cliff High is sure about this". Their opinion should be one small portion (the hype portion), but there has to be other research in addition before people decide to invest.

Thanks for the comment and upvote. I fully agree with you. Any investing requires real thinking and not just following the herd blindly. Unfortunately, there are lot of people blindly following at the Church of Clif High these days.

Interesting thoughts. Here are some comments:

I have followed Clif High for about 2 years and bought some of his reports, 2 Alta reports and 1 crypto report and I have seen most of his interviews with jsnip4 and Bix Weir.

I find some data to be very interesting, especially the crypto stuff regarding the Bitcoin price levels and his "crocodile teeth" regarding the very volatile ups and downs, but also info on the potential global cooling/mini-ice age and the economic collapse.

Regarding the bird in his logo, I think it looks like a preshistoric bird, like from the dinosaurs, it does not look like a raven to me. However, I agree that his name Half Past Human sounds a little weird, and strangely, nobody has ever asked him about that name from what I have heard. I used to follow Ray Kurzweil before and read several of his books, he is one of the big names in transhumanism and I know that Clif mentions Kurzweil in one of his interviews with jsnip4 I believe and then he says that he does not believe that Kurzweil is right about living forever and that you can transcend your conscience to a computer, that kind of stuff. He could obviously lie about this, but at least he has mentioned it.

Regarding the "good guys", I agree with you, I dont see much evidence of this, but I think it is mostly Bix Weir who mentions this, he has done a lot of research regarding the Road To Roota and he says that Alan Greenspan is a good guy and this comics book from Federal Reserve in Boston is telling us what is coming. I mean, I can understand his reasoning about the comic book, you should watch it if you have not, it is very interesting. However, at the same time, I find it weird that Alan Greenspan would be a good guy, however, he was a big gold bug before he become Fed Chairman.

You are probably aware of that Clif High lives in some rural area of Washington state and that he routinely walk his dogs, grow his own food and bought a RV recently in case of an economic collapse. He also like cayaking and sailing catamarans and practice Aikido. These activitites does not sound like any kind of freemasonry to me, I could be wrong, but that is my interpretation.

I also know that he has been inaccurate in many of his predictions and that is not a surprise to me, if someone would be able to predict a majority of his calls, THAT would be amazing to me.

About the ICO´s, I have bought into Veritaseum, made 10x my money and sold, and then I have bought Populous and Pillar and I will keep invested in these. I just listened to Pillars latest video from Slovakia and I dont get any elite feelings about the project. In fact, they are avoiding hiring big firms during their first Pillar version 0.1 work and instead ask for people to join from all over the world without any resumes, just to present a user friendly interface.

Concerning 0x, that is actually the first characters of every single Ethereum address so I do think that is something fishy about that one.

One thing I am wondering about though, is the fact that he says that he cant predict the future of silver due to its manipulation. If it works as he says, that all people are psychic, I would assume that they would be able to see the silver manipulations in their predictions as well, right?

Thanks for your post. I've written some more comments to Clif's latest SGT interview here and here. Hopefully it spells out my concerns a bit further. Something doesn't smell right and I'll keep providing more indications of this as I identify them.

I've only been dabbling in cryptos for the last couple of months and what i have learned is not to fully trust what anyone says and the ultimate responsibility falls on me to make the final decision on what to invest in. Personally I think all the crypto currencies are luciferian because they really do not have any intrinsic value in themselves just like fiat money. But at least you have the opportunity to greatly increase the value of your money as opposed to keeping it in the bank for negligible interest. And i agree with you that something is off with Clif High, that's why you should not stand on a high cliff without precautions because you might fall off.

Thanks a lot for your input Ed. The more Luciferian symbolism that I see in the cryptos, the more I'm starting to now believe that the whole cryptocurrency "revolution" is a long term setup to move us to a one world digital currency. Of course no one will want to hear this at this point because they are too excited and too blinded by all the money to be made in them. It's normal that people want to profit from opportunity, especially when we are all being screwed six ways from Sunday everywhere else. What is the most unfortunate thing is that most people never even honestly question any of these possibilities regardless of whether they agree with them or not. Thanks for questioning.

I don't think you are wrong.

I'm really impressed by the amount of knowledge and effort you show in your analysis. After reading your previous one I came across this news and I remembered what you mentioned above the X symbol, so I decided to come back to your blog.

Now I'm not sure if this is part of the illuminati work but it's interesting to see this pattern at work and important to be cautious.

Thanks a lot! The X meaning is for me clear, but I assume a lot of people just use X now in their names unknowingly since they think it just sounds cool after hearing it so many times. I wouldn't assume they are all Illuminati fronts because they use the X sign, but it certainly does make me suspicious right off the bat. LoopX sounds very suspicious because an X in a circle (loop) is the Mark of the Beast - the same that the X-Men use in their logo.

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@newsandviews you are on point, thanks for sharing. Have you seen Clif try to debunk Flat Earth?

(dont forget to check the comment section) lol
What are your thoughts on this topic?

I'm an earth model agnostic, but yep, not the most stunning debunking attempt I've seen. Especially the Richard Hoaxland comment? Really? And why even talk about reaching the moon? That is the most debunked shit ever.

If you want my view on the flat earth topic, I think this previous comment is a pretty good summary of what I think as well as this one.

hey mate,
Is your view on flat earth still the same? or have you seen more convincing proofs ?

I'm still pretty agnostic on the topic. All that is fully clear to me is that we are being majorly lied to and the model that we are being given simply doesn't hold up under scrutiny. I fully understand and appreciate the flat earth model as a potential solution but until we can get a real honest view from outside the system, it's still just one theory, albeit in some ways a better one that what we are currently given as being fact.

I've also been interested in the hollow Earth theory again as of late as well as the fact that the Earth could be far larger than we are being told. I still want to check the Southern Hemisphere flights as well to see if they are real since lots of round Earthers are claiming they have had friends fly them and confirm to them their relatively short flight times.

The first thing I said about Clff High was, "He is a warlock." "The most commonly accepted etymology derives warlock from the Old English wǣrloga meaning "oathbreaker" or "deceiver".[2] However, in early modern Scots, the word came to be used as the male equivalent of witch."

There is something up with his pushing of Populous. I don't know why, but it seems excessive.

Thanks a lot for your comment! I was trying to remember how he described himself in a previous "Deep Woo" video. I've now found the video. It's here:

Clif describes the difference between a sorcerer, magician, warlock, and wizard as well as the fact that a sorcerer is superior because a sorcerer is somehow applying "a higher form" of magick. He goes so far as to call sorcery the "path to enlightenment." In speaking of Freemasonry, he calls the "the Craft"(or magick) of Freemasonry "beautiful" and "pristine" even though he says the Freemasonic lodges are now corrupt.

Applying your definition of warlock, Clif very much seems to match to this definition when keeping this video in mind. Clif must know exactly what type of people are running these coins / ICOs with Luciferian symbolism and he is supporting them in any case. There is no way he would not understand this considering his knowledge of "the Craft" and the complex symbolism associated with it. He also knows exactly what the symbolism means that he himself is using, whether it be the dancing skeleton or the Haida raven. These are in no way mistakes on his part. This means that he is telegraphing his "Pied Piper / trickster" role.

One of the things that got to me a few weeks ago was that Clif said was that he would not be mentioning his coin picks anymore in interviews. Clif said that he didn't want to pick up the karma of people that got this information without directly choosing it through buying his report. I found this to be a bit odd at first, however, this is the same reason that Luciferians need to telegraph to you what they are doing through their symbolism - otherwise you haven't (consciously or subconsciously) chosen to be deceived and manipulated yourself and therefore there is potential negative karma from this. Whether you are smart enough or not to figure this out is irrelevant because they've told you in any case through their secret symbolism - symbolism that almost no people today have any understanding of.

On the point of not mentioning what he's personally picking, he is certainly aware that enough people are listening/hearing to what he says that he's a market mover.

That's for sure. He must know this.. especially with the smaller coins like Pillar. I think the only reason Pillar got any real movement at all is because of the Church of Clif.

Good post, I don't trust digital currency full stop, because these Freemasons want a cashless society. We don't need money we need to create a completely free system like the Ubuntu movement.

Thanks a lot for the comment and the upvote. The challenge is that I don't think we'll be getting away from some sort of digital currency without ending up in a Mad Max scenario. However, if we're not careful, the ownership of the new cryptocurrencies are going to go right back to the the Luciferians that run the government fiat systems already.

Everybody is so caught up in the crypto feeding frenzy that no one really wants to hear that the cryptos are clearly being infiltrated by Luciferians right now. Not only that, but it is being sold to people like it's a new freedom movement that will save us all, whereas it could just as well enslave us even further depending upon how it is implemented.

Just listen to Bix Weir and his "good guys" fantasy where some unknown faction of the deep state is going to save humanity through the cryptocurrencies. This sounds like either complete hokum or total disinformation to me and makes me sometimes wonder if he really believes this BS or if he's just selling it for profit. Of course, the "nice" story is always the one that sells most because people don't want to hear bad news. So good luck getting them back to the reality we're in right now.

Very important message. I think you are right. The parent company is 20/30 AG, aka agenda 2030. New world of work.. You are 100% correct.