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A nice post sir.

I was gonna go on a rant (not your post, the inspiration from your post! lol).

People want all their freedoms, all their rights - just so long as they don't thave to give up any of their luxuries.

"...I'm an anarchist... but I gotta pay my taxes, I'll get in trouble kind, of thing..."

"I disagree with having to carry ID, but I'll carry it just in case"....grrrrrrrrr!!!!lol

It's a good job we have the Russians - they are not soft like the westerners..

I despair at the lack of fire in peoples bellies...

oops... I started my rant!

Sometimes ranting is all a man has.

It's worth noting there are different tiers of banksters here. The size class of jp morgan, goldman, wells fargo etc will be put to the chopping block by crypto. But something worth looking at is how bitcoin helps the upper banksters- the fed and other central banks. Bitcoin, when you think about it, is the perfect solution to the trillions of dollars they print willy nilly. With a new asset class, those dollars have somewhere to go- other than into rising prices for stables such as food and gas.

Three things to ask- qui bono- who profits, who loses, and what function is being served.

Good post.

Indeed. I mentioned in a post some time back that I believed one aspect of crypto saving fiat would be on the taxation. It will help them buy a little more time as they pour their fiat into crypto (I believe they have been already, which caused the bubble we saw a couple months ago (I wrote about it in part one of this).

No one can outwhale a group who creates money out of thin air. For years the Fed has been hiding the true cost of their Quantitative Easing (fancy speak for printing to much damn money) by exporting a lot of it which has been hiding the inflation. Crypto is the perfect answer to solving their problem of it coming back.

Thanks for commenting.

cashless society, via crypto and cards, is their ultimate goal and tool of control. exactly as predicted in revelation 13:17.

we already know the nsa invented bitcoin - no such person as satoshi nakamoto.

I too have suspected that Bitcoin was invented for the bankers control. I mean, the story goes some guy no one knows created it, then others started using it until it grew into this big thing we have now. That just sets off so many alarms. Then you hear people say how it is anonymous, cheaper than banks etc. Yet, it is not anonymous, just might take them a minute to figure out who is using a certain wallet. The transaction will always be recorded, time is on their side.

I have been saying for quite some time this is what they want, the cashless society you mention. One they can control and monitor at all times. Saved your link for later perusal. Thanks for commenting.

always trust your instincts. and your own eyes. plus when you see all biblical prophecy coming true from thousands of years ago..
peace friend.