Agent provocateur - Jill Dando and her fiance!

in conspiracy •  6 years ago 


Having listened to the thoughts of others in the truth community.

I got to thinking, does me exposing the powers that be, the people behind the curtain that engineer events, well does it help? Or does it just make people feel more hopeless?....

I tend to take the stance, that if I do not speak up, when having the ability to take apart official narratives & staged events (false flags), that lead to more draconian laws, or more wars for resources, then I am guilty of giving them consent, by my silence!...

Take the police force in the UK as a prime example of how far this is going anyway, the bobby on the beat, the friendly copper as we used to call them, is now armed to the teeth, and more like the military than a friendly copper on the beat, that would when I was a child, give you a clip round the ear, rather than arrest you.

To reel things back to that friendly copper on the beat, does require adult conversations about how we consent, by silence, as above.

To show how bad the police are in the UK now, I would like to present you a video, of them making up the law, where there simply is no law below. Skip to where he arrives at the trooping or soldiers/guards coming out on horse back if you like

Negative consequences.

Truth telling, or getting to the bottom of falsely presented official stories can have negative consequences for those that have the ability to go down the rabbit hole, and come up with some evidence, when all around them - people seemingly only believe the presstitutes in the MSM, the copy paste hacks, or the wannabe actors and actresses that were simply not good enough, so they read the scripted news instead.

I say inject a little humor in the truth, don't let it get you down, just take the mickey out of the official story, not let it drive you mad.

So on to the gorgeous though now departed Jill Dando.

Who was she?

Jill was a highly talented journalist, who was about to become a scripted newsreader, she worked on a show in the UK called crime watch UK, where the public helped to solve real crimes. She was 37 years young, and had the world at her feet, then one day, in 1999 whilst arriving home in broad daylight, she was forced to the ground, face first, and shot in the head, one single shot killed her.

This execution by professional hit-man, has never been solved, more on that later, via video.

One man was falsely set up (the patsy) and imprisoned for her murder, though later on retrial, found innocent of all charges, he has never (which is pretty unheard of) been compensated, for false imprisonment!.

Now as much as I would like to cover Jill Dando, and come up with new evidence, I can't, even if I could, it would only lead to me ending up the same way she did.

So I want to concentrate on her at the time, new fiance. He did not ask for the investigation into her death, to be reopened, after the release of her supposed killer, which to me stinks. If it was the love of my life, I would leave no stone UN-turned, to find out who and why, not him though, not Mr Alan Farthing. Even has his own wiki page, whose a clever boy then.

It would seem since Miss Dando died, in highly dubious circumstances, Alan's career has sky rocketed, and now he is no less, gynecologist and Surgeon-Gynecologist to Queen Elizabeth II's Royal Household.

I found a superb youtube video, with regards to this whole mess, that points at mi5 being directly involved, in this, and in the London nail bombings, I also found a superb website, via that link, that deals in the truth and a certain doctor, that takes apart official narratives, for false flag events Note it does state on their website, they are left leaning, though hey, you can not have your cake and eat it.

Now the video that researches, and very well too, this whole case, is in 4 parts, I hope you take the time to watch all 4, at your leisure of course.

@shepz1 is in Krakow, and taking his mom out for lunch, hope I find you all safe, well and happy, have a great weekend.

Image pixabay.

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It's been a long time since I heard Jill Dando's name. There was quite the stirring back then and a lot of frustration about things being covered up. If I remember rightly, the general consensus was that they arrested the wrong man. Ironically, this must have been coming from some form of MSM, because I didn't have internet access back then. We're they being controlled a little less than they are now? 🤔

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No, nothing has changed, her to be husband did well though, did he not!

He certainly rose the ladder!

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Right to the very top, any coincidence?

You had me at:

Alan's career has sky rocketed, and now he is no less, gynecologist and Surgeon-Gynecologist to Queen Elizabeth II's Royal Household.

What an honor!

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The top job in the entire nation, what an honor indeed, I say no more, liable and all.

Thanks I will look at these vid later. Hope you have a good time with Mum and a top weekend coming up :)

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Cheers my friend, just sitting in a bar/restaurant, awaiting her arrival, so I better put this laptop away soon. :-)

highly recommended vids!!

One of the best investigative journalists online, imo - lots of fascinating stuff on his site.

Great to know thanks :)

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I was just gonna zip down and link you the richplanet videos! lol

Why can't we have more journalist like him?

Agreed, he is thorough and not bought off by the MSM.

What a shame. These people don’t make their postmortem dealings secret do they? Going from a fiancée to then be so involved in the royal household? What a crock.

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I tend to agree, smells bad does it not.