Those Damned Meddling Russians;)
ISIS leader al-Baghdadi reportedly killed in Russia-led airstrike – MoD
This was worth the listen..They interview a State Department employee. She explains the environment she's been dealing with. Very interesting. Im sure many are familiar with Dave Hodges. Subscribe to his channel, if not.
State Department Employee Confirms Deep State Purge
Everything points to Congressman Steve Scalise being “Seth Riched”
Visit Jordan's Channel if youre looking for rational summaries of events
6.15 - Scalise Shooting, New Wikileaks Drops, #DNCfraud Lawsuit Lawyers Murdered??
Thank God for Judicial Watch. Support in any way possible. Share their website. They're Solid.
Tom Fitton discusses Prosecution of Trump, Pursuit of Comey Memos, & Lawsuit over Obama Shakedown
Judicial Watch
I find this woman to be incredible. We need more reporters who are "The Real Deal" to come forward.
THIS is WHY the Deep State is Targeting Trump -- Liz Crokin