Time Travel the Ultimate Weapon

in conspiracy •  7 years ago 

I've been following time travel videos over the last 18 months. I was first very leery about it and thought all the people interviewed were just LARPing (Live Action Role Playing) at first.

The more I watched and listened the more I saw a pattern emerging.

Time travel is an extension of Einstein's Relativity where time becomes another dimension just like the three spatial ones we observe our universe in.

How is it theoretically achieved?

Well under Relativity theory which can only be applied to non accelerating frames of reference where objects are observed moving at fixed velocities relative to the observer an object approaching the speed of light acquires mass at an exponential rate and time approaches zero at an inverse exponential rate. This has been interpreted to mean there is an upper limit in a Newton/Einstein mathematical universe to speed of a body.

In order to time travel to the future the observer would have to accelerate as close to the speed of light where time would almost slow to zero for him but everything else around him would continue at the rate of time he left. However that would take an enormous amount of energy to continue accelerating an increasingly massive body and hence it is determined that just like faster than light space travel it is beyond our present technology.

That may be true for a Newtonian and Einstein Universe but not a quantum one.

The Laws of Physics get routinely broken at the Scales of the Quantum world inside quarks and electrons. In this quantum foam world of the absolute vacuum matter is created and destroyed at tiny quantum time periods. Even light where the photon is considered just an alternating wave of an electric and magnetic field both fields collapse to zero for a tiny fraction of time before reemerging in the opposite polarity violating the Laws of Conservation of Energy.

Your Physics teacher when you point this out just rights you off with an eye roll and the statement "That time period is so tiny it is considered inconsequential in our calculations and so the Law is NOT violated." He just moves on when you pipe up with the statement "Well what about extremely high frequency light waves such as gamma radiation where the fields spend just as much time close to the zero point as they do at their maximum amplitudes!"

What phenomena would be observed by a non time traveler observing a time traveler. Well Cherenkov Radiation that brilliant white blue radiation I believe would be one tell tale sign. Cherenkov radiation results when a charged particle, most commonly an electron, travels through a dielectric (electrically polarizable) medium with a speed greater than that at which light propagates in the same medium.


That mysterious blue white light is observed in the videos from traffic and security cams of purported time travel events.

How do you return from the future?

Well what about the hypothesis that the energy field that is maintained at the point of origin in time and space must be left on until the viewing time is over and then just turned off so the wormhole holding you in the future collapses pulling the collection of atoms that make up the viewer back through time and space to where it left. There may not be a 1 to 1 ratio between the different locations on the time line 30 seconds may equate to an hour in the future.

There are two types of witness accounts of time travel one in which observers in our past travel to the future and return. The other type is when ones from the future travel back to our present to perform a specific function. Most of these persons are volunteers in a military project. All military types report the process involves high voltage electricity one even states it was first developed on Earth around 1983 using Nikolai Tesla Theory. No explanation is given about what variation is required to move back in time.

They all report the same concept travelling back in the past is very dangerous as some actions can violate the causality of time and dramatically effect the future in a good or bad way. A more detailed description I heard was that such an action creates a new time line although the original time line continues to run in a parallel universe. These are detected as the Mandela Effect or feelings of deja vue.


Well how would this technology be weaponized, well simply if you went back in time and assassinated the leader of your enemies or just blew them all up would be one method.

One of the persons interviewed wears a green hoody the equivalent of a Lieutenant, black hoodies are sergeants and grey hoodies are foot soldiers.

Green hoody states his organisation is monitoring events to prevent just such an occurrence as in the future of that time line the planetary civilization is wiped out.

Watch the lead video obviously it is no proof of anything as we all know what video editing magic can be done.

Consider what you are watching is an actual interaction to prevent a death of a person or other animal/human information gathering exercise taking place from another time by another super secret Alphabet Agency from the future.

Indeed there is even stories of the relation of Donald Trump and his youngest son connection to time travel. Trumps Uncle was a famous Scientist who was entrusted with examining Nikolai Tesla papers when he died to extract some technology from which he did in the field of medical imaging.

The Trump Presidency indicates we are in a node of a timeline in which various other time lines may have already or about to split off !!!

All images courtesy of Youtube and the relevant wikipedia article.

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This is one of the most unbelievable theories, but I’ll be darned if it’s not beginning to make some sense to me. Wouldn’t that be something to find Trump and Barron to be time travelers... Answers some questions for sure.