Sabbatean (Part 1 - Origins) Origins of Subversion and Corruption

in conspiracy •  7 years ago 

Our world today is one plagued with war, corruption, greed and lies to the point that it has become normality. It’s an open secret that our governments lie to us. It’s an open secret that the banks enslave us. It’s an open secret that terrorism is manufactured, and it is an open secret that false flags are carried out to perpetuate the agendas that the groups behind this, orchestrate.

For a long time now, large portions of society have been aware of all these things and with a general sense, aware of who is behind it. However, with all things related to the truth, the waters are muddied with the intent to divide, dilute and discredit those who are brave enough to openly step forward against the machine in order to help awaken his fellow man. ​Every day I am asked the big question, “Are the Jews behind all this conspiracy”. The problem with this question is that, it is not something that can be answered with a simple yes or no.

In our frustration and anger with the absolute destruction of many of our countries in what evidently appears to benefit one country more so than any other, it becomes hard to defend or even hold an unbiased approach in this field to this question. You will be put on the spot to choose a “side” by dissenters and conformists alike, even though that is largely by design as will be explained in this film, its one you cannot ignore.

That is why I am more than appreciative to be given this opportunity, to look into the past, and find out where this all began, pinpointing the answer to that question we all have been faced with, giving more than a yes or no, that will simply get us nowhere in this fight.

“To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction.”

A quote most people are familiar with, but fail to understand that it applies to more than just physics.

In nature and especially the nature of humanity, current events are always based on our actions prior to that event. Nothing” just is”, that’s a fundamentally flawed point of view. This is true in the case of the Jews.

So why are the Jews seemingly always at the forefront of the accusations? Well, I can tell you one thing, it isn’t by chance.

The year was 1666; Jews and Christians alike are expecting the return of a Messiah, and for half the world’s Jewish population, that Messiah has arrived. Sabbatai Zevi, a Romaniote, Sephardic ordained Rabbi who would change the face of not only half of Judaism, but the very landscape of the future we live in today.

​Sabbatai Zevi, a man who saw himself as the very manifestation of God himself, through his misuse of Kabbala and his flipping of the rules in the Jewish Torah on its head, created the landscape for modern day subversion and corruption.
But how did this happen? How did one man convince half of world Jewry to practice the complete opposite of what its religion preaches? For this we must go back to the very beginning of Jewish life outside of the Holy Land.

From 70 A.D to 300 A.D, the Roman Conquering of Ancient Judaea and the defeat of the Jewish rebellions by destroying the Second Temple lead to what is known as the Jewish diaspora or Exile. This led to populations of Jews in Egypt, Iraq, Turkey, Greece, Italy, France, Spain and every Roman state along the Mediterranean which was at its peak expanse at the time.

​From 300 A.D to 600 A.D, after Constantine of Rome made Christianity the Official Religion of the Empire, the tolerance of other religions including Judaism slowly become worse and worse until they were finally banned, leading to the destruction of all ideals and temples of worship. Several laws were passed that explicitly made it a crime for Jews and Christians to Marry, bless each other’s crops and other common things.
The treatment of the Jews living in Europe in the early middle ages was varied fairly wide but as they never ruled a country under their minority religion, it was always subpar to the leading religion. After the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 A.D that lead to the European Vasil states of Rome to break off into their own smaller states and Monarchies, the Jews then became at the will of the Kings of each Empire they resided in. In many of these empires, Christianity remained the dominating religion typically enforced by Kings and spiritual leaders of the time.

However, a trend that started to form due to protestant Christianity’s rule against Christians holding loans against other Christians created a need for the Jew in the medieval market system. Jews naturally took on the role of the medieval banker as the role meshed well with the demands of the Jewish religion. Jews couldn’t take loans against another Jew, but taking a loan against the gentile was allowed. This was also true for the Christians; however with the majority of the population being Christian, this left the Jews taking up the majority of these banking roles. This job suited the Jewish needs well as this placed them in major cities where trade went down, making the Sabbath commute to the Synagogue just a walk away, which according to the Torah, doesn’t permit labor such as using a horse or horse and buggy to travel greater distances on Sabbath day. This was ultimately more accommodating than the common hard labor Jobs at the time which typically resided well outside most cities walls.

This role during that time was officially written into Canon Christian law in 1140 A.D in the Law book Gratian’s Decretum. This in effect only solidified the Jewish role in the medieval banking system, which turned out to be a blessing and a curse for the Jews.

With this role, the Kings allowed the Jews to be the bankers as long as they could tax them at their own will and rate that they chose. In return, the king would offer the Jews protection within his kingdom including enforcing payments on Interest if need be.

Now this arrangement caused a number of problems. With the way the medieval hierarchy was laid out Surfs and peasant’s which were on the lowest level of society, answered directly to the Knights and Vassals, then they answered to the Nobles and Priests, and they answered to the king. However, the Jews didn’t fit into this system the same way. They answered directly to the king and often times in secret, allowing the King the ability to undercut the rest of the Hierarchy. Kings would often Tax the Jews to the point to where they were forced to raise interest to unpayable levels of 50% or more in many circumstances. They were called Servi camerae regis, which is Latin for "servants of the royal chamber", making the Jews the Kings pawn.

Undoubtedly this created a lot of despise and decent for the Jews as in the eyes of the peasant, seen as the source of their hardship and not the corrupt Tyrants who forced these dealings in secret. This left the Jews between a rock and a hard place as the debt of the peasant’s kept rising and king’s lust for more Tax never subsided. This lead to the medieval equivalent of an economic collapse. In many Kingdoms Kings blamed the Jews and exiled them to other lands, effectively erasing the debt that was created. After an extended period of time, the Kings often invited the Jews back to once again money lend, as the market system didn’t work well without them.

This practice was so frequent, that in France the Jews were Banned 3 times, meaning they were asked back 4 times. Each time, all the possessions of the Jews were seized and sold, giving all profits to the king, the one who assumed the debts from the Jews, cutting out the middle man. This ultimately led to funding Frances wars during that period.

I think it is important to state that for those who believe the kings did not do these things out of hunger for wealth and power, you must look at the fact that these kings promoted, defended and continually allowed Jews in these positions even after knowing the outcome of before, then invited them back for the same roles. For one to say it was all the Jews doing and they are the sole reason for unpayable taxes is a failure of logic ignoring the fact that the Kings controlled the situation in the Hierarchy system. That’s not to say that some immoral Jews did not benefit from this, but in the end their fate was worse than the peasants in these situations.

Needless to say, what had started as a decent gig for the Jews, slowly turned into a bit of a nightmare, leading for large numbers to seek out better living conditions.

For many Jews, the Islamic Moors Conquering of Christian Spain was just what they needed. It was said that immediately after the invasion, the Jewish population of the Capital "opened the gates" of the city, welcoming the North African Muslims. Unlike the Christians of that time, the Islamic law allowed for other practices of various religions to carry on as normal, as long as they paid a tax. With the same laws that made Jews such a prime option for moneylenders in Christianity, so did the Islamic Law, allowing Jews once again to fill this role and take on an important part in society. For almost four hundred years the Jews lived in relative peace with the Muslims in Spain which undoubtedly increased the Jewish Migration rate to the point to where Spain at the time, was considered the Jewish Capital of the world.

All during this time, the absolute despise of the Jews in Western Christian Europe continued to rise, which can be seen in the writings and paintings that depict the Jews as vile and less than human, until it reached an all-time high in 1095 A.D. This was the start of the Christian Crusades that not only targeted the Jews, but Muslims, Scientists, and even suspect Christians.

From 1095 A.D to 1272 A.D, there were 8 Christian Crusades that effectively drove Jews not only from the Holy Land, but from Western Europe as well. This also encompassed what is known as the Reconquista, which was the reconquering of Spain from the Muslims. This was the longest war in all of human history lasting some 780 years from 718 A.D to 1492 A.D. This long period of time, with many slow periods in fighting allowed for even more Jews to Flee to Spain from Christian Europe.

During this period following the Crusades and when the majority of Spain had been retaken by the Christians in the late 13th and early 14th century, the Jews were no longer under the protection of the Muslims which they had thrived under for over 700 years. Although the treatment of the Jews was not as bad as the conquered Muslims at first, the Jews and all non-Christians were subjugated to the lowest classes of living, and treated as less than human once again. This only got worse as the time went on, turning into events called Pogroms. These events were where the people rounded up all the Jews, Muslims, and questionable Christians they could find, and beat, humiliate, force convert and or kill if they did not meet demands. These were often lead by local religious leaders inspired by the centuries of folk lore that was deeply seeded in the Christian community.

One might argue that the majority of these claims against the Jews were granted and true, but if you look at the claims being made at these times that were written down and illustrated such as the Blood Libel myth you will began to realize the hysteria. This Myth claimed that Jews captured Christian children in order to obtain their blood in a crucifixion recreation. The blood would then be used to create wine, add to their bread, replenish Jewish men’s blood after they menstruate and everything else from home remedy’s to aphrodisiac’s. As insane as that sounds, things like this is what drove people to these points against the Jews with the addition of other reasons mentioned before. It didn’t help that Jewish Passover took place so close to Easter as this is when the Jews made bread and drank wine for celebration.

Another crucial factor that led to Jewish persecution was the Black Death, a plague that wiped out around half of Europe’s population in less than 10 years from 1346 to 1353. It was then realized by many of the population that the Jews seemed to avoid this plague more so than the Christians. In the mind of the people at the time who saw Jews doing their strange practices and often times murmuring under their breath which was just in fact prayers, concluded that they had seen demons or witches with powers of an unholy level. In reality, the Jewish practices passed down through generation and some picked up from the Muslims, required Jews to wash frequently and maintain relative cleanliness in comparison to other medieval Europeans at the time. This lead to Jews having a 20 to 30% lower mortality rate during the Black Death.

In the 1380s, a series of laws were enacted in Spain that made practicing Judaism not only difficult, but nearly impossible without severe consequence or even death. Rabbis or any organized Jewish leadership was banned. Any prayers or texts that condemned or cursed Catholicism were banned or punishable by law. Being seen without a badge indicating they were Jewish was punishable also by law, and even converting anyone to any other religion despite Catholicism was punishable with Slavery to the Crown.

Following after these new laws and increased public hatred for Jews which was fueled by Archdeacon Ferrand Martinez who encouraged Christians to kill the Jews or baptize them, led to no other option for most Jews, but to Convert or die. In 1391 mobs of Fernand’s followers went from city to city burning Synagogues, Robbing, beating and killing Jews who wouldn’t convert. In just a few weeks they crossed the whole country side killing tens of thousands of Jews and force converted thousands more.

These pogroms became a normal part of Spanish society, as did a plethora of new laws and practices that made openly practicing Judaism an unthinkable thought. Jews were even taxed into poverty and forced by law to live in sanctioned ghettos. This did not transpire over a few years but over the course of three generations. Jewish children grew up in a society that taught them that the religion of their parents or even grand and great grandparents were evil and punishable sins.
That type of environment where a body of people with a faith unwilling to go away can fundamentally change a people in such a way that they adapt to it, and that’s exactly what they did.

In Spain, where the center of this was happing, a new phrase was coined, Marranos, which is Spanish for swine or pig. What this term was used for was to define Jews who had converted, yet continued to practice Judaism in secret. Living in a society that only accepted Catholicism made many Jewish practices stick out, which lead to these newly converted Marranos to refine the methods in which they practiced, to halt suspension of the Inquisition. This practice was not isolated to Spain, but was present in most countries which had harsh laws towards Jews.

From the period of the first rounds of Pogroms to the Edict of Expulsion which expelled all practicing Jews from Spain in 1492, well over half of Spain’s Jews faced with the decision to convert to Catholicism or lose their livelihood and be banished from Spain, gave into the ever surmounting pressure. From 1391 to 1492, hundreds of thousands of Jews converted, leaving the remaining Jews who had yet to convert, flee or die, head for areas in which they may find better lives, such as Turkey which was known as the Ottoman Empire, North Africa, England, Scotland, Italy, Medieval Germany, Poland and even the newly discovered Americas. All during this period, not only were these Expulsions going on in Spain, but they were also going on in most areas with large populations of Jews, leading towards a steadier stream of expulsion rather than one large clump in a short period of time. This lead for ample time and countless reasons for Jews to slowly adapt to this “do whatever you must to survive” mentality that the Marranos practiced. This became an ingrained part of Jewish culture so much that even when laws changed many generations later, many Jewish family lines still practiced in secret. This can be found in every country where Jews settled still to this day.

Of the many countries the Jews migrated to the most notable was Poland. Under the rule of Sigismund the Old who was notoriously tolerant of religious minorities and made an effort to protect the Jews likely because it was profitable. From 1505 to 1548 Sigismund maintained what the Jews called “a safe haven” turning Poland into a Jewish refuge were few others existed at the time. After his death is 1548, his son Sigismund Augustus II took to power and continued the trend his father set and even took it a step farther and gave Jews autonomy over their community’s. This step laid the foundation of the Qahal which was the autonomous government of Ashkenazi Jews in Eastern Europe. It has been claimed by many sources that Poland held approximately three fourths of the worlds Jews, making Poland the new center for world Jewry.

Now it is important to mention some of the circumstances that made Eastern Europe such a Jew friendly place, and created the habitat for them to thrive in.
Around the 8th and 9th century a multi-ethnic conglomerate of Turkic peoples known as the Khazar’s who formed a semi-nomadic Khanate which is a loose state ruled by a member of the Khan family, was dealing with a large influx of Jews and Christians fleeing the from the Islamic conquest in the Middle East and Europe. Now it is often told that the leader of Khazaria deciding Judaism was the best religion after consulting leaders of all three major faiths is based on historical evidence, however it was written for religious persuasion in the 13th century in Spain, therefore is not a very good historic reference in my opinion.

Based off the little information we actually have on this Khanate and the lack of validity for stories written on these people in the following years, it can only be assumed that at some point during these conquests and wars with the Caliphate and other conflicts due to the byzantine empire, that in order to not become a target, they decided to convert as a whole state to Judaism. This is because the Jews received a neutral treatment from the Muslims, and slightly better treatment from certain sects of Christians, and is most likely the reason the Khanate made the political move.

The Khazarian Khanate made up what is now the Caucasus, eastern Ukraine and south east Russia and with many of its people being nomadic, spread its culture to other parts of Eastern Europe. This Jewish culture that they practiced for hundreds of years which evidence exist for still to this day is the most likely reason why Eastern Europe became first choice when it came to where the Jews immigrated to once the persecution began in Western Europe.

Now many of us in the alternative community that have stepped into this realm of Jewish conspiracy have come across the story of the Khazar’s or Khazarian Jews hypothesis. This topic seems to be riddled with lies, preconception and likely paid actors to muddy and mislead anyone who is presented with this information. There are people who say the Khazars are the source of most of the Ashkenazi Jewish DNA and there are some who say they are not. The fact of the matter is, it doesn’t matter if Ashkenazi DNA is 100% Middle eastern or 100% European, our issue with the people in Israel should be with their actions which can be 100% undeniably proven as Illegal and deserving of the criticism we bring and not the contents of their genetic history. Now for those of you who are still curious in knowing the answer behind the Khazarian Empire, I am willing to cover this in a future video to help clear up the truth of the matter if you seem to be interested.

By the mid-1500s the Jewish culture had firmly embedded itself as an important part of the Polish economy which was purposely encouraged to grow as the polish State gave taxing and legal powers to Jewish Rabbinate similar to what was done in Western Europe. Again, similar problems showed their head as 70% of all taxing through the Jews went directly to the King as a “protection fee”.

Things would slowly change however as after the Polish-Lithuanian Union of 1569 which united the two countries under the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth which granted authority of the Ukrainian territory to Poland. With this land now under Poland’s belt, the Crown sent its money lenders in to inforce Poland’s Taxes on the people.

This was undoubtedly not received well by the people of Ukraine as any people who were suddenly forced to pay a new government which was not even in their own country would be enraged.

With the official moneylending and tax collecting Jobs mostly being a Jewish one, the brunt of Ukrainian hate was geared toward the Jews which were just pawns of the Kings and not with the Polish Crown itself which was safe back in Poland. It didn’t help the Jews either that the Jesuits had recently arrived with the goal of undoing the religious reformation that made Poland tolerant of other religions. They had one goal which was to make Catholicism the only accepted religion in the region which was known as the Counter-Reformation. This dramatically decreased the trust in Jews and other religions in the region and eventually made conversion to any other religion other than Catholicism, punishable by fine or exile. With Ukraine being majority Orthodox the pressure put on the people to convert by the Jesuits and Catholic Clergy only turned matters to a boiling point.

In 1648 a man by the name Bohdan Khmelnytsky who was raised by his noble family and sent to Jesuit schools and had fought for the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was now back in Ukraine. He was now part of a mercenary group called the Cossacks after being fed up with the Crown who sent no support when royals tried to take his land, and was set to defeat it. In order to face the Commonwealths highly skilled and fortified army, Khmelnytsky found help from the Tatars, who were once their rival whose cavalry would fix their only weakness as the Polish Calvary was next to none. The lack of cavalry had also proven a failure in previous rebellions.

The people of Ukraine were all behind this as the Commonwealth was already flirting with the idea of another war with the Ottoman Empire which bordered Ukraine. This would have broken a peace treaty which kept the Ottoman Empire from raiding the people of Ukraine.

With the combination of the Cossack infantry and Tatar cavalry, the rebellion was able to defeat the Commonwealths army’s and successfully take power in Ukraine. Once the protection of the Crown was now removed, the people wanting to enact revenge started the largest pogrom up until that time going after any royal officials, clergyman and especially the Jews who Khmenlnytsky said “the Crown sold them to as slaves” The peasant’s and Cossacks killed them taking no prisoners, which drove the rest of them fleeing for their lives. Many of the Jews which fled towards the Crimean Tatars were sold into Slavery and or sent to the Ottoman Empire. It’s estimated that at least half of the Jewish population in the area were massacred, reinstating the idea of persecution in the minds of Jews worldwide at the time.

No one would take this to heart more so than a Romaniote, Sephardic ordained Rabbi by the name of Sabbatai Zevi born and raised in the Ottoman Empire. Following the news of this tragedy, Zevi was disturb to the point to where he truly started to believe in the prophecies of the Zohar, that a messiah would return and restore the world to peace, through great war and redemption leaving “Israel to rise from the dust”. Zevi, someone who would be seen as mentally unstable in today’s world was seen as a great mystic in touch with God by his peers of the time and trouble waiting to happen by the established Jewish leadership. After this revelation, he then began to proclaim he was the Messiah misinterpreting the Zohar a Jewish mystical text, and using that as his proof. Being just 22 and only having a few years as a Rabbi under his belt, this news did not make an initial splash in the Jewish community.

Somewhere between 1651 and 1654, Zevi was banished from his home town in Smyrna and excommunicated as the Jewish leadership was fed up with his claims of being the Messiah. It wasn’t until 1658 that he found himself in Constantinople where he met Abraham Yachini, a preacher who is believed to have forged an archaic script that prophesied the coming of man named Sabbatai who would be the Messiah. It was called “The Great Wisdom of Solomon.

Zevi was what is known as a Lurianic kabbalists, someone who practiced a form of Kabbalah created by Isaac Luria that at the time, contrary to traditional Kabbalah, believed that its practices could influence the world to bring about the Messiah.

Armed with the Texts created by Yachini, he moved to Salonica which was considered the center of Kabbalists at the time and was able to obtain a large and somewhat powerful following of kabbalists and other Jews. He remained there until 1663 then moving to Jerusalem where he began practicing public acts of devotion and prayer as well as singing for large crowds of people who claim he had an amazing voice. He was often noted to be carrying treats in which he gave out to children which always kept a crowd around. Zevi did everything he could to turn himself into a celebrity and to increase his power and following. At the time of his arrival, Jerusalem which was a vassal of the Ottoman Empire was struggling to keep up with the taxes placed on it.

Zevi with his popularity and influence over powerful people was able to raise the funds and became a spokesperson to Jerusalem for delivering Turkey these funds.
With his success, Sabbatai Zevi was considered a hero for the time being and was successful in growing his following to unprecedented levels at the time. All the while, Zevi was spreading his Ideas as to how Judaism should be practiced. He began to do away with certain practices and holidays and replaced others with his twisted versions based off his misinterpretation of the Zohar and whatever else pleased him, regardless of Jewish Law.

The Jews belief that he was truly the Messiah only grew when he married an orphan girl by the name of Sarah. She claimed to have survived the Cossack pogroms in Poland at the age of 6 and was found by Christians who sent her to a convent to become a nun. After 10 years she escaped due to what she called a “miracle”, making her way to Amsterdam. A few years later after moving around and living life as a prostitute, she started to proclaim she was destined to marry the Messiah who was soon to appear. When word reached Zevi he proclaimed he was promised a women like this in a dream and sent for her to be his bride, likely knowing that the similarity to the biblical story of the prophet Hosea would bring in even more followers, even those of the Christian faith.

After obtaining his biblical bride, on his way back to Jerusalem he passed through Gaza where he met a man known as Nathan of Gaza. Nathan soon became Zevis right hand man and even proclaimed to be the Elijah or the one who announces the arrival of the Messiah, which he did. In 1665 he spread the word that Sabbatai Zevi was the Messiah as predicted, siting once again forged and controversial scripts, some he may have written himself. He also said they predicted that the Messiah would bring about the Messianic period by conquering the world without bloodshed and return the 10 lost tribes back to the Holy Land.

On his return to Jerusalem, the rabbis threatened to excommunicate anyone who followed Sabbatai Zevi, thus he decided to declare Gaza the Holy city and head out for his home town of Smyrna where opposition would be minimal. On the Jewish New Year in 1665, he made the declaration as the Messiah and instructed his followers to call him "Our Lord and King, his Majesty be exalted" . Being in his home town, he used the power of his following to remove serval religious leaders and placed his puppets in their place. Stories spread around the world of the return of the Jewish Messiah and brought in tens of thousands of followers who sold all of their belongings thinking the end was here. Both Jews and Christians flocked to the news growing his following to numbers as high as a million. Though the numbers are debated, it’s commonly accepted that around half the Jewish population was under his influence at its peak.

It can be said that the reason why so many Jews flocked to such a radical Idea of a Messiah who not only changed the way they practiced their beliefs, but was opposed by the leaders of Judaism at the time is a combination of a number of things. Having beard witness to what happened in Poland and Ukraine just a few years prior, still being under persecution in many countries around the world and hearing the stories of the Spanish expulsions from their elders whose great grandparents went through it, created the doomsday atmosphere that with so much going wrong, the end of days must be near. Similar echoes can be seen still today, but we will get into that in part two.

At the start of the year 1666, Sabbatai Zevi had made his way to Constantinople, which is modern day Istanbul. His right hand man Nathan had proclaimed that Zevi would place the Crown of the Sultan, the Leader of the Ottoman Empire, on his head upon his arrival. Drunk on his own hype, he failed to realize that these prophecies were all made up. As soon as he arrived, he was arrested and was imprisoned in an attempt to put a stop to rumors of the Sultan being dethroned. However this not only failed, but with people like Nathan of Gaza and other followers spreading the word of the “miracles” he was preforming in prison, he’s following only continued to grow more and more. His influence was spread as far as Africa and Asia.

During his stay in prison, his treatment was fairly lavish likely due to bribes of his rich followers. He was given a personal servant, and some of his friends were allowed to accompany him. He spent most of this time further changing the Jewish religion such as calling for his birthday to be celebrated with feasts, and Eating the fat from sacrifices. He was even quoted saying "Blessed be God who hath restored again that which was forbidden."

Zevi’s run in prison was short lived however, as after hearing of a prophet calling for the return of a different Messiah, he ordered the prophet to be brought to meet him. During this meeting, Zevi was displeased with what he heard, and rumors of attempting to assassinate the prophet began to spread. The prophet was able to alert the Sultan to what Zevi was planning to do and the Sultan ordered Zevi to be brought to him. The Sultan gave Zevi three option, prove he was divine and save himself from a volley of arrows, be impaled or convert to Islam. Zevi knowing he wouldn’t survive chose the latter and converted to Islam, where he was to be paid a large monthly salary as long as he encouraged his followers to also convert to Islam.

Zevi, his wife and a core of 300 families converted to Islam and moved into a community together where they practiced Zevi’s form of Judaism in secret. These Secret Jews were known as the Dönmeh or Crypto-Jews. Word of Zevi’s conversion spread and shocked many of his followers who were now widely ridiculed for falling for a false prophet by Christians, Muslims and Jews who never gave into the hype. However, thanks to Zevi’s right hand man Nathan, hope was kept alive as he spread the story that Zevi’s conversion was a part of God plan to bring Muslims to Judaism, which actually did happen granted that Zevi was able to pull more and more Muslims into the Dönmeh.

With this news, many of his followers followed in his footsteps and converted to Islam as well, others reintegrated into Jewish and Christian society, only practicing Sabbatai Zevi’s teachings in private, waiting for the day Zevi would return as King.

Zevi was able to halt the Sultans suspicion for a while by telling him his actions were to bring more followers to Islam, but after being caught singing psalms with Jews, he was banished to where he spent his final days in a small place in present-day Montenegro. He died two years after the passing of Sarah; however his practices and the belief people hand in him did not. The Dönmeh continued to secretly practice in their communities in the Ottoman Empire, and Jews effected continued to practice in secret across Europe as well. For the Jews, the generations of hiding from persecution across Europe had help engrain and make these actions acceptable as to where before, such an action would never be considered.

The leaders of the Jewish communities thought that his supporters and practices would eventually fade away, but as they soon found out, these people stuck around like cancer. They did everything they could think of to discourage and weed out Sabbatai Zevis followers to no avail. Even promoting friends and family to rat out people who practiced in secret, yet the Sabbataens continued to practice and even form small community’s scattered across the Ottoman Empire and Europe.

​The seeds were planted, Zevi gave birth to a monster that would lead to great wars that would forever shape the world far beyond the prophets of the Zohar could have ever imagined. Using Zevis twisted interpretation of Jewish scripts, and under the guidance of a man by the name of Jacob Frank, Zevis following would infiltrate all major religions, all major political parties and secret societies, orchestrating wars and massacres through subversion and corruption, order out of chaos and redemption through sin. ​​

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Great job man! I can't wait to see part 2!

I watched Part 1 and thoroughly enjoyed it. I also read your comment on YT about 'shaping the narrative in the video so as to engage the people that need to hear it the most' which is a refreshing change and one that I agree with. These are the people that need to wake up and demand change from within.

These people have been deceived by the people that claim to be their own flesh and blood which could not be any further from the truth.

One trend that I saw in your video was the claim that the actions of the money-lenders collecting taxes for kings was the main reason for the persecution and hatred of Jews.

I've heard an alternate theory which you may have heard? For context, I do believe that this theory is from post-Sabbatean era onwards while you were specifically talking about pre-Sabbatean times. Still, I wonder if there is a consistent pattern?

The theory states that throughout history (from the French Revolution to present day) when Jews were beginning to 'assimilate' into a local culture eg inter-marrying and general watering down of Jewish culture etc is when the pogroms, expelling and persecutions began.

Authors such as Christopher Jon Bjerknes claim that this is not a coincidence but rather a deliberate act by the Sabbateans. When Jews are persecuted it encourages them to stick together, only trust their own, flee to other nations and develop an us versus the rest mentality in an effort to slow down the dilution of jewish bloodlines. We can see this policy of apartheid, non-intergration being played out today with Israel's laws around marriage and immigration.

I'd be interested in your thoughts on this theory.

Looking forward to Part 2 and hopefully the introduction of Jacob Frank and his 'descendants' who remain in charge to this very day. Good job @tyrannyunmasked

EDIT: I've just checked my notes and Bjerknes states that the practise of subverting governments from within can be traced back to the Roman Empire and that the practise has existed ever since. He believes that the practise pre-dates Sabbatai Tsvi (Zevi) but that it escalated after 1666 to what we see today which is pretty much complete control of the world.

@tyrannyunmasked I recommend uploading this on dtube, Might grab more attention there.

I have trouble with dtube with large files. I've rendered at a lower quality twice now and it still wont take

I was having similar trouble, but after I messed with dtube's settings I got it to work. Not totally sure what I did lol

Wow like right after i replied i check my feed and i see this post
DTube Uploader, born to be alive!

I've seen your content on youtube for a while now, and although some most people may call it conspiracy theory, it really makes sense. Can't wait for part 2!

You created good post, it really interested me. Here is upvote for You. If You want to get more upovetes, please follow me @szudaj and check my posts. I'm pretty sure You will like it!

BRAVO 👏BRAVO 👏 EXCELLENT WORK YOUNG MAN ‼️ You are the best at looking into cause and effect . Intelligent and consistent . Thank you for providing with an intellectual aspect that is highly missing in the truth community . 👏👍✌️♥️👊🏻