Believers and Deniers: Isn't it ok just not knowing?

in conspiracy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Why do we have such a strong desire to insist that things are the way we believe they are. So many of us will argue our points as if our life depended on it, although we subconsciously know that we cannot be certain. Whether we trust the media, or in some theory that others call outlandish, how can we ever be sure? Whether it’s the word of this one or that one, it’s all just words. Evidence points this way, and that way, if we are to consider it all and be equally, none of it makes sense. And so we choose a side and vehemently defend it.

i want to believe

We imagine that by defending our positions we will be able to convince others but this is never the case. A free thinker will never be swayed by your arguments, no matter how convincing, as long as you do not respect theirs. By not respecting another’s opinion, you may feel good about yourself, refusing to give the time of day to such a “ridiculous idea, but instead you paint yourself as being close minded.

If you really are so certain you are right, why engage with an idea you don’t respect? So you really think you will “shine a light on their ignorance”? By belittling them and denying the, a chance to share their perspective? Good luck!

The real reason people try so hard to convert others to their beliefs is because they are insecure in those beliefs. If you are so sure that this is the truth, you can rest assured that eventually others will see it too. You will be able to present your evidence without getting hot headed or making someone else feel like crap by rejecting everything they say as soon as they say it. This goes for the believers and the deniers.

I, for one, am ok not knowing for sure. I have theories, some of which resonate deeply with me, but in the end, I do not know if aliens have visited earth, if there is a secret group of people who control the world, if we have a hidden history, or if, in the end, there is just the reckless behavior of a bunch of corrupt bankers and politicians with no unified agenda and the masses divided by straightforward tactics.

Whatever the truth is, there is still so much I can do to make the world a better place. When you realize that you are not powerless, and that your power lies in merely being the best version of yourself, it’s ok for me to admit that’ll you have is an educated guess that you are eager to share.

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So much wisdom behind your words. I'm also a firm believer in listening to everyone and being skeptical about everything.

I this odd case I do agree with a firm believer in listening & being sceptical about everything.
Well put.

I have theories, some of which resonate deeply with me, but in the end, I do not know if aliens have visited earth, if there is a secret group of people who control the world, if we have a hidden history, or if, in the end, there is just the reckless behavior of a bunch of corrupt bankers and politicians with no unified agenda and the masses divided by straightforward tactics.

Hear, hear!

Whatever the truth is, there is still so much I can do to make the world a better place. When you realize that you are not powerless, and that your power lies in merely being the best version of yourself

I second that

Aka how to make a comment look way bigger than it needs to be ;>)

Which reminds me... Did you ever listen to this album? It worked magic for me and - only months later - I found that voice samples used in this belong to Osho / The Baghwan who 'stars' in that awesomely intriguing documentary that I recommend to you: Wild, Wild Country

Have an awesome weekend my friend. We'll talk soon! :>)

Ah! It was you who recommended that to me first! Now I remember! Another friend recommended that to me later and I thought “ah, who told me about that!”, I guess it didn’t connect cause I didn’t know you knew of Osho and I always imagine you watching old films or really indie films. It was an amazing documentary, humans are so fascinating! We should talk about it.

I am all knowing ;>)

Just kidding. Somebody else recommended this show to me, months ago. I don't remember whom. And, before that, @paradigmprospect wrote about Man of No Ego ('s music). While watching Wild Wild Country ( an awesome song by Bill Callahan ), I recognized that voice as the voice in Man of no Ego's album 'Blinkers Removed'. Everything's connected!

Yeah, it is indeed an extremely fascinating show about the human mind. Man, that Osho guy was legendary and his demise too / as dramatic. A true rockstar.

Enjoy your weekend and we'll talk soonish! :>)

if we have a hidden history,

But the possibility of an unknown or misinterpreted history is always fascinating. Insisting that we are certain of our past is like claiming that we know everything to be known.

There is always more to be known about history simply because we have not found every artifact to be found. We may be missing entire civilizations simply because we have not found their artifacts.

Absence of proof is not proof of absence.

A healthy interest in determining what actually transpired during an event vs. what someone's opinion of what happened are two separate things. There is always reality and the interpretation of reality. People tend to interpret reality through their own set of biased filters rather than reporting facts. Facts are reflections of events; not interpretations of events.

Today, too many people accept changing interpretations and have little curiosity about the actual events.

I really don't know,

if it is good or bad to not know.
I pretty much sure, that blindly believing is way worse.
Wanting to know and not letting dogma's getting in the way
when obtaining knowledge is the way to roll I guess.

It is always better to know the truth. To remain ignorant is to be controlled by those who hide the truth.

It is even better to keep on looking for better truth's and/ or improved theories.
Ignorance is NOT Cockscroft Folly (Think Sellafield)

There is only truth or not truth. There is no "better" truth. 2 + 2 = 4, and that is the truth. Anything else is not truth. Of course, it is easier by far to determine the truth in math or the sciences than is for past events or the non-sciences.

Theories can be improved upon and used to possibly find the truth, and you can get close to the truth, but you either have it or you do not.

That is the beauty of mathematics.
A very good scale on which to check how a specific theory

So yes, when it comes to theories,
one sticks with the one most valid for the time being.
If a theory does not have any connection with the
checkable results, questions may be asked.
That's what I like about the SI units, math symbols, etc..

Maybe Esperanto is not such a bad idea.
Remember the Mars rover malfunctioning because
Imperial and SI units got mixed up.

(Please do not tell any religious fanatic that there is only one truth...)

If a theory does not have any connection with the checkable results, questions may be asked.

I agree that serious questions should be asked about the theory's validity. If there is not ANY connection with the results, I suggest throwing out the theory entirely because it has so many structural faults it will be useless. Unless, of course, you just want to cherry-pick facts to fit your theory, as so many do these days.

I have a very good friend who instantly forms an opinion on something new and refuses to accept any fact that does not match the initial opinion. The initial blinders make true understanding very, very difficult.

(Please do not tell any religious fanatic that there is only one truth...)

Funny! Why not just tell them that there is ONLY one truth and none of them are on the right track so far! They would form an instant theory about you that would result in your future opinions being totally rejected.

"The theory is flawless, and if the facts don't fit, then throw out the fact!"


BTW, care to tell a little about yourself so I can have a mental image of my new correspondent? This is kind of like chatting with a fuzzy, formless cloud...somewhere.

My "about me" is pretty solidly exposed.

No problem, though. As you see fit.

The only ... "hole" in your theory i see is the person who just found out about a new thing, and they are going all over to everybody telling them about this new amazing thing.

But, that is, by definition, someone who really does not know their argument / theory / whatever. So, they can't really have a debate.

Else, what i have seen is people arguing like their lives depend on it... and, their life might depend on it. Their self esteem / self image is tied to what they know via the govern-cement indoctrination system and the standardized tests where you are a good person if you answer all the questions correctly and a bad person if you do not.

I always enjoy the way you sum up mainstream culture. I can stand up on my own feet now but its still nice to have you remind me that I'm not the only nutter with these ideas :-D

[flails] yes. This. I also think it has something to do with that weird mentality some people have of being right at all costs and thus needing everything to be black and white becuse if you're not right then you're wrong and apparently it's more important to be right than...I don't know? I went through a phase of trying to understand people through storytelling but I've come to a point where I think I'll just tell whatever stories I find because I just don't get people XD

This NEED to be right is what always scares me away from American and English speaking culture, its all brain, not enough heart.

Some seem to think that the heart is what cuses all the problems because having emotional responses to things apparently precludes you from being able to logically and rationally deal with it. I kind of like to pretend there's room for a full range of stuff to happen while dealing with a problem, not entirely emotional, not trying hard to pretend to be a Vulcan ;D

But yes, I'm with you, that need to be right can be scary especially when it comes at a cost of learning something new or fixing something that's actually causing problems.