in conspiracytheory •  7 years ago 

Everybody who has ever worked for a corporation knows
that corporations conspire all the time. Politicians conspire
all the time, pot-dealers conspire not to get caught by the narcs,
the world is full of conspiracies. Conspiracy is natural primate behavior.

[ Robert Anton Wilson - from The I in the Triangle, speech held at a bookstore in Santa Cruz, California (1990) ]

Were it not for the fact that we are in fact, SWIMMING IN CONSPIRACIES there MIGHT actually be "theories" about them - but the truth is: We are surrounded by CONSPIRACIES and they are very REAL, NOT THEORIES.

Anyone on this planet who has not yet figured that out and still believes in calling Truth seekers: "Conspiracy Theorists" is absolutely either; - BLIND, or - Willfully Ignorant and deeply mired in cognitive dissonance, or - asleep, or - BRAIN DEAD no longer having access to any sovereign natural powers of deductive reasoning nor lingering ability to see, OR - they are just plain STUPID.




So here's a collection of random short videos showing JUST HOW ABSURD it is to still be using the pejorative term: "Conspiracy Theorist" to 'TAG' a Truther:

So for those reading this who are as yet not awakened...

Sorry about the ALARM CLOCK!!!

General Mark Milley the 39th Chief of Staff the Army and 21st Commander of the U.S. Armed forces in Fort Bragg during a serious commencement speech on April 22, 2016 at Norwich University - to graduating Cadets, seasoned Military & top Military Brass - calmly tells the listening crowd gathered in utmost sincerity, that:
HE HAS experience ...and knows that they will need to be prepared for Threats from: "Hybrid Armies" and "little Green men!" and no, This is NOT Fake News.

Dr. Paul Czysz is a Professor of Aeronautical Engineering at Parks College in St. Louis. Spent 8 years in the Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and another 30 years working for McDonnell Douglas in the field of exotic technologies. Dr Czysz spent much of his career at McDonnell-Douglas working on classified and compartmentalized projects. He worked on US aircraft which can fly around the world at Mach 12 (12 times speed of sound or and astounding 14,000 miles per hour.)

NOT a conspiracy Theory!

Bill Uhouse -10 years in Marine Corps &
as a fighter pilot, and four years with Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB. He was also doing flight testing of exotic experimental aircraft as a civilian. For 30 years, he worked for defense contractors engineering antigravity systems; flight simulators for exotic aircraft and flying discs. The first disc he tested was a Kingman AZ re-engineered E.T. craft that crashed in 1958. ET's later presented a craft to US Military with four ET's on it. They were taken to Los Alamos. His work was on flight deck and instruments so he came to understand gravitational fields and what it took to train people in anti-gravity. He met the ET known as J-Rod who helped with the engineering. NOT a conspiracy theory:

Anti-gravity engineer & Alien contact

The Dematerialization Project

Mr. Threlfall was communications instructor in the Royal Canadian Air Force at Toronto in 1953, and witnessed experiments involving the successful de-materialization and re-materialization of objects.

His Top Secret clearance also allowed him to view original films of gun cam footage from WWII planes of UFOs.

NOT a conspiracy theory:



Don Phillips - Lockheed: "We have been using Alien Technology for years"

...and "We know exactly how to Cure Cancer & much more"

Hacked phone (or laptop?) of He who shall not be NAMED [ McCain] showing a professionally staged ISIS fake beheading:

Proof that this cannot be a NON STAGED photo:


For anyone NOT AWAKE - or STILL ridiculing people who just ask questions and want answers...
for ANYONE who still jeers at TRUTH SEEKERS calling them nut jobs, Tin Foil hat wearers or Conspiracy theorists
Please just watch these videos and WAKE THE FUCK UP!

Ever notice how the same people who called you a Conspiracy theorists when you warned them Facebook was Spying on them now defend it saying either "well we have nothing to hide" or no play it down (after all the grief they gave you) and say well it's no big deal?!? WTF? After all the Shit they gave you acting as though you were a nutcase, now THAT'S their answer?! Ever notice how the same ones who usually like to call other people Conspiracy theorists are usually the BIGGEST USERS of Facebook? Hmmm any ideas why THAT MIGHT BE?



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