Gath3r a new option within the world of the blockchain

in constest •  5 years ago 



The blockchain technology from its appearance until today has revolutionized the shape of many important elements of our world. The economy, the social networks, the technology, the security of the information and even the way of carrying out our commercial transactions have changed thanks to the blockchain.

Advertising is one of the concepts that the internet revolutionized and with the arrival of the blockchain, it changed the form of its execution within the internet. Large companies such as Google, Facebook and Yahoo have reconsidered the way they sell their advertising space since many of the options were invasive and inefficient as more and more users choose programs that block the advertising contained in the websites.

However, the volume of advertising revenues is so high that highly efficient and efficient solutions are needed to replace or supplement this income to eliminate dependence on advertising for project financing.

Gath3r is presented as the ideal option to achieve this goal, since it combines a great simplicity with all the power and functionalities of the technology associated with the block chain. Gath3r is positioned as one of the main options to monetize content within blogs, web pages or digital communities with a high user traffic and a considerable number of subscribers.

Knowing more about Gath3r

Gath3r poses the solution to one of the great problems of the cryptographic world: the large amount of computational power needed to keep the network active. This problem becomes increasingly worse as thousands of users join the cryptographic world and additionally the number of cryptoactives is constantly increasing and what makes it necessary to invest in expensive and highly specialized computing equipment to undermine a specific type of algorithm.

At this point Gath3r creates an ecosystem with a new approach where merged mining and browser mining, within this platform creates a highly versatile GTH currency able to work well with both browsers and applications, without the problems of user interface, which allows new and existing currencies to use the hashrate of Gath3r.

Browser mining as a means to monetize web pages

One of the biggest problems of people who generate content for the web is how to make their projects profitable, manage to cover expenses and generate some margin of profit that allows to grow and make the relevant investments without transferring costs to users or followers of the content. One way to accomplish this and perhaps the most popular one is through advertising.

The problem with advertising is that it degrades the quality of the users' experience and can be invasive to the point that users do not want to return to the website. Another possibility is to transfer costs to users and force them to pay periodic fees to access the content of their platform, in this financing scheme the problem is that not all users have the possibility to pay and that it will depend largely on the penetration and acceptance of its content that can obtain the necessary income to keep your project afloat.

Web mining is the option presented by Gath3r to obtain another form of financing and eliminate the dependence on advertising as the main means of financing. The Gath3r platform is able to integrate with your site and reward the creators of the same to the extent that they are able to obtain a large number of users willing to mine. This characteristic is what makes it possible to work in a win-win scheme where all those involved can a significant amount of cryptocurrencies according to the efforts invested.

Benefits of mining with Gath3r

This new approach to mining created by Gath3r makes several benefits available to the cryptographic community, but before talking about this it should be clarified that web mining should also be announced to visitors to the site in order to avoid any violent reaction or accusations of malware. Part of the success of the last years of cryptocurrencies is the transparency and clarity with which assets are handled, Gath3r strongly believes in these values, which is why he conceives web mining as a process that should be opt-in.


Web mining provides a viable financial income stream for your website, this gives the real possibility of deciding what kind of experience readers will have when accessing content and may even eliminate advertising altogether. As a result, you will have readers for more time within your page with a high quality experience Another advantage of this technology is that many users prefer to contribute a CPU time to a website instead of viewing advertisements, if only because they want to obtain the cryptocurrency. It also gives the reader the feeling of contributing personally to the project of their interest and interest, returning to the readers with a voluntary mining project financier.

Gath3r tries to create a completely discrete process that does not interfere with the design or user experience of a site. This type of technology works respecting the privacy of the user and encourages sites to produce attractive and high quality content for users to become faithful followers of the website. Web mining is the ideal tool to introduce users to new cryptocurrencies, achieving the best results when they are executed for long periods of time.

Gath3r how does it work?

Gath3r provides a code that can be easily added by the developers of your website without any complication. This achieves the addition of thousands of pages without the obstacles of technical complication. This code will allow the platforms to have additional income thanks to web mining by making available to the network the computational power of their CPUs that would be made by the lite nodes and for those with a higher computing power (users with GPU) would come make the master nodes of the network.

The script is designed in such a way that it can handle a large amount of information from both websites and applications and their respective users. After the script has been added, an Opt-in process is mandatory, as part of the transparency and protection of the user's privacy. The administrators of the pages can choose as if the mining process started when accessing the web page or if it was only activated in a specific section.
One of the features that makes Gath3r one of the most versatile options in the market is the ability to amalgamate web mining with merged mining, allowing several cryptocurrencies to be mined through this platform.

Chain Governence

Gath3r Crowdsale

Team Gath3r

Advisors Gath3r

Road Map

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