#SecondAmendment #ShallNotBeInfringedUpon

in constitution •  7 years ago  (edited)

.40cal and 18 rounds of full metal jackets... One in the pipe always. My safety is my trigger finger... Being guaranteed the RIGHT to protect myself. Granted by the Creator, is not up for political debate and SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED UPON! Very simple fuckwits.
I've given an oath to defend the Constitution and believe in that oath to the republic. The Constitutional government. Not this fake shit storm under control of the deep dark fuck fuck fuck state. Every law enacted is a potential gun to your head and your body being imprisoned.

As for you illegal fuck shit bags, make your country better and stop making ours worse. I already live in a shit shack in the middle of no place, just to make ends. Why on the good green earth does anyone owe you anyfuckthing? Just because your parents know how to fuck doesn't make it my fault they like to fuck.

This happens to only be a view that isn't Politically correct. And I'm happy about that. This subjective reality we've been subjected to is starting to deteriorate. Not starting, continuing to...

How much money and time is left for killing? How much power is there that isn't given by the populace? The tax we pay and the usury needs to end! Forced altruism is theft of personal time not granted to the state ,under threat of law.

Having only one real definable "thing", that's your TIME. We've forgotten, we are because we have given TIME to be. We only stand in time with a limited understating. And those who believe they control time take it from you because they believe they have power to do so.


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