in constrainedwriting •  7 years ago 


I am very happy to be a father. I am grateful that Allah gives grace to me, I can become a father.

marriage to me which is sacred. marriage always gives me in happy condition. the prayers of parents, teachers, friends and the community resonate to break the silence of the sky.

ashlihatul millah was my first daughter with my wife. born in sampang, 5 syawal 1438 h but togetherness with ashlihah so short, ashlihah died 45 minutes after learning.

my happiness and wife increase with the birth of nailun najah. 19 Ramadan 1439 H the most famous happiness because nailun najah was born easily.

I am always on the side napaun najah his sleeping fengan full of love.

this form of a father's happiness. my love for nailun najah and my gratitude to God.

Madura, June 19, 2018

saya sangat bahagia menjadi seorang ayah. saya bersyukur allah memberi anugerah kepada saya sehingga saya bisa menjadi seorang ayah.

pernikahan bagi saya suatu hal yang sakral. pernikahan selalu memberikan saya berada dalam kondisi bahagia. doa-doa dari orang tua, guru-guru, teman dan masyarakat bergema memecah keheningan angkasa.

ashlihatul millah adalah putri pertama saya dengan istri saya. lahir di sampang, 5 syawal 1438 h namun kebersamaan dengan ashlihah begitu singkat, ashlihah meninggal dunia 45 menit setelah dilahirkan.

kebahagiaan saya dan istri bertambah dengan kelahiran nailun najah. 19 Ramadhan 1439 H kebahagiaan paling bersejarah sebab nailun najah lahir dengan mudah.

saya selalu berada di sisi nailun najah menidurjannya fengan penuh rasa cinta.

ini bentuk kebahagiaan seorang ayah. bentuk cinta saya kepada nailun najah dan bentuk syukur saya kepada Allah.

Madura, 19 Juni 2018

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I've been a father for 27 years and it just keeps on getting better...

Be good father so have happy

I have upvoted a newer post of yours so that the upvote doesn't go to waste :P

Happiness indeed triumphs in the end, even if sometimes bad things happen... I'm happy to hear you're a happy father!

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