Excavation for the foundation started today

in construction •  7 years ago 

Excavation for our foundation was started today. I went out to the property to check to make sure everything was getting started and sure enough they were out there working. When I arrived they were fixing one of the pins to the teeth of the big excavation machine they had out there. (I should have asked them what it is called, but I didn't think to ask till now) one of the pins snapped and they had to fix it before moving on.




With-in minutes they had the new pin in and was ready to get back to work. It was fun to watch them work for a little bit but it is cold today so I didn't stay out there too long. But I was excited to capture some photos of them starting the work. I will go back later tonight for some more photos of what they actually completed today. But I am so excited about this part of the work finally starting I had to come and share it with all of my readers. Plus if I am getting real about it, it is also fun to make these gif. files.



I seriously can not wait for this work to be done. I have been so stressed out over this, I can not wait to not have to worry about this anymore. It has been all consuming for the most part and has left me little time for other things. It has been very hard to schedule week day photo shoots because I might need to be here or there. I also haven't had time for other projects I would like to start. Just a few more weeks and everything will be done and we will get to move in. I can not wait.

Keeping my eye on the prize


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The start of the magnificant construction :)

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Very nice and best of luck with your dream come true.

It's finally starting! I'm so happy for you!

I'm also happy for you, I think your house will be very nice indeed!

this is excellent, this is when it gets super exciting. FYI its called a Backhoe

I wasn't 100% sure so I didn't want to call it that and it be something else, so I figured I would admit I didn't know what it was. LOL

I'm sure you are very excited! I look froward to seeing the progress.

I am but I am also stressed out over this build. I will be glad when it is finished. Though it sucks we had to do this build when we did and couldn't wait till next spring, our yard is gonna be a mud pit till next spring, but it is what it is.

I can understand the stress factor as well but it will be worth it in the end. :)

that is what I keep telling myself. LOL

This is the exciting time now!!

I really can't wait for it to be done so the stress over it is gone.

You're going to own a home, on your wonderful piece of property.. the stress over it will never end! Although the construction-time stresses will decline over time. :)

The stress is really coming from a super tight deadline. We have to move out of our rental soon. Our landlords are selling the house.

Have you asked your landlord to mention to the new buyer that you might be interested in continuing to rent the house for a 2 week / 1 month / whatever period you may need before they take over? Or is your landlord planning on re-modeling / re-painting /etc before selling?

they said we can stay if we sign a year lease, I am not doing that so yeah deadlines are looming but it is gonna work out. I have faith and worse case we go to a hotel for a few nights and create a Kennel Area on the back of the land for the dogs, but I hate to cage them up even if they would have a large area to roam, shelter, food and water, But that solution to me is more human than boarding them in cages for a week.

One year is silly. Why do people have to be so dumb and inflexible..