Footer poured for our foundation today.

in construction •  7 years ago 

The excavation was finished yesterday and they got the rebar in for the footer and this morning it passed inspection.


This morning after the rebar for the footer passed the inspection it was time for the big ol cement truck to come out so the footer could be poured.


It is really exciting to see work actually being done after all the paperwork and red tape, not to even mention the leg work that has to be done for a build. I am really excited to get this done and get out of this house we are in. To have a functional kitchen again, is making me dream about what the first meal I am gonna make in the house already. I haven't decided yet if you are wondering.

It is really cool to watch this stuff get done and we will know what most property owners don't, where everything that is buried is located. I watched them do some of the concrete for the footer today. And created a little gif. file to share the photos I took of them pouring it.


Since I was a little kid I have always liked cement trucks, I don't know what it is that I like but I think it is the tumbler it always looks so cool spinning. Seeing that truck on our land made me feel 10 again.


I got out twice a day to the job site unless I get called back to it. This evening when we went back my husband decided the concrete needed this.


But I told him the foundation guys might be a little upset over him doing that so he smooth it back out after I snapped a photo. We can do our names in the sidewalk later. If the weather stays nice the blocks will be installed next week, and 7 days after that the house as the block as to cure for 7 days before the house can be installed on it. If everything goes right we will take possession on the 13th.

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