Follow Your Own Advice

in content •  4 years ago 

I write all these posts on social media for myself as much as or maybe more so than I do for other people.

Don't get me wrong. I love to learn and then teach others. I have always enjoyed helping people.

It's this process though, that helps me to learn better than almost anything else.

I still go back to the same information that I have written about many times. The repetition helps things to sink in.

I learn more and more that we need to follow our own advice. I catch myself daily doing the things I write that we shouldn't do and not doing the things that I write we should.

I have to snap myself out of it and say "Aaron! For goodness sake, take your own advice! You know better!"

But I'm getting there! I'm learning more by the day and I'm learning to take my own advice.

A lot of the time we know exactly what we should do, what we need to do and what we shouldn't. It is just easier not to take our own advice.

So, take your own good advice even if you don't fully trust the source!


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