Contenu review

in content •  6 years ago 

Hey there everyone welcome to episode 1,152 of the Mike from Maine show the place where we do daily interviews with successful online entrepreneurs this is your host Mike Thomas and today on the show we have mark Bishop on and we're gonna be talking about a content creation machine that will allow you to create 100% unique content and monetize it with just a few clicks let's get into it here's mark hey Mike hey Mike's viewers I could start this off with an apology for making a video rather than actually turning up for an interview with Mike the reason being is if you look behind the builders are here they're not in the back of my hi stone to extend it so at the moment is incredibly lied and it doesn't make for a great interview so I'm recording this and hopefully I can cover all of your questions everything relating to continue so what I'm going to do is head back to my office hopefully it'll be quiet and hopefully you can hear me so back in the office now and it's slightly less dusty it's slightly less noisy but it's it's not an awful lot warmer to be honest with you because the back of my house is missing anyway let me tell you about continued and and run through the product and and tell you why I think it's going to be very important very helpful for an awful lot of people watching this video right now because it's like it's gonna allow them to to actually get results there's an awful lot of promises attached people have you know really high expectations they think you know I'm gonna get this and it's gonna solve all of my problems and the truth is you know nearly everything that you do online is it's going to take some time it's gonna take some effort so we were looking for something that would kind of allow people to get results as they actually built and your business online and you know at the end of the day with with everything you do online you have to treat is a real business but you know it's time-consuming it costs money yeah and you know those results they just don't happen instantaneously so we were looking for something that would allow users to to actually get some instant gratification if you like so we came up with container and I continue is a plugin but it's also two systems and one of those systems is actually built into the plugin not just off with the the cool stuff and I'm gonna introduce you to Helen Helen isn't actually here in person but you'll see a demo in just a moment this is Helen she's on the screen and she's the lady that makes money from simply posting content now this isn't one of those those loopholes or anything like that Helen's been doing this for over two years now the image that you're looking at right now is a screenshot taken from Helens original website now like I say Helen's able to make money from simply posting concert and she approached me probably six or so months ago and we've worked with her over that period to develop something that would pretty much automate what Helen does now this is just one aspect of container but it's a very important one because it will allow users to actually get results almost instantly without actually having to do very much at all now I know that there's an awful lot of people that wanna get into internet marketing but you know perhaps they have family commitments they have job commitments they don't have an awful lot of time to invest so it's really really difficult to get started I'll remember exactly what that's like you know you saw me the beginning of this video you know and I'm basically in a building site and for those of you that don't know I started off in the plumbing trade as a bathroom fitters I was working on them building sites all the time so I can relate I know exactly what it's like to work all day I come home and then chase your online business dreams it's not easy and unless you make that first dollar online then it's really really difficult to see any light at the end of the tunnel and continue is about sharing supply units are not getting you first and making you money I'm not gonna tell you that what we've got for you here is gonna make you rich overnight it's not but continue will get your results and I say will because it really really will get your results and let me show you exactly how now let's start with the application itself now remember I said that Helen makes money from simply posting content and I'll show you some of her results in just a moment and you can even see here at demo but everything hinges around having content to post all the time now in the past and over the last couple of years Helen has written that content and published you know her own content which even though she's being rewarded for a simply posting content she had to write that content initially but for many people that would just be too time-consuming so we did this instead contain you will allow you to extract genuinely unique content from YouTube videos so imagine you're watching this video now and it's on YouTube you could put the URL to this video on there right here for example where it says search videos I could put the URL in there or I could just simply put in a keyword everything I say in this video is in transcribed into a written post a note at this point is you will need your own WordPress website so this is my blog you will have to buy it the main you will have to host it so it's a self hosted WordPress site I'd like that to be clear because I don't want anybody to get confused and think that they can buy continue and it's just going to work without them having to do anything you will need to buy a domain you will need to set up your own blog but that's incredibly easy you can get a domain for a few dollars and shared hosting for again a few dollars a month it's not going to cost you an awful lot and you need to factor these tiny little costs into your business plan in fact you'd need to factor those costs into any online business plan because you simply can't build an online income stream without having at least a little hosting and the domain is kind of what I want online business so just as we're clear you will need your own WordPress blog this is self hosted incidentally if you already have your own work blog setup then simply install the plug in there and it'll work perfectly so nothing else to install nothing else to buy but what if you have that then the whole sets up everything is very very easy so you put the plug in or you install the plug in the same way as you would install any WordPress plugin so you can see that I've got it installed here I can simply drop in a keyword or a YouTube URL here and it will extract the content into a written post let me show you how this works now so here's one of my videos here now I'm just gonna copy this URL here like so and then I'm simply gonna paste it in here like that so you see the YouTube URL the whole thing just place it in there and click Submit so within seconds you can see that the software has extracted written post from my speech so it extracts everything that I've said in that video into text form and it builds you a post you can see that we have the thumbnail over here we have the tacks over here wood came and that's the main reading so I'm done here you can see that but believe me it's there there we go and you know what we can edit any of this as much as we like so I can change that thumbnail I can change your tags I can add too I can chop this about I can spin it if I want to that's what built in there and of course we have the title so any aspect of this can't be changed you can add it to your category on your blog you can include the video in the post video attribution you can decide to publish this immediately or you can just unclick that and it will go into draft for whatever you feel like doing you can include the thumbnail in the post and here you can post esteem it now this is the important bit which I'm going to get to in a moment because what this means is when you actually click publish here this is published to your actual block okay so step one is you have unique content in literally seconds I mean this is quite a short post but even if that post is two or three thousand words it's still only going to take lessons sixty Seconds to extract and generate that post now again I would like to reiterate that you may have to chop this into paragraphs sometimes it comes out as paragraphs sometimes it doesn't you might have to spend 5 10 even 30 minutes working on your content but it's a small price to pay because you have unique content essentially at the touch of a bun you don't have to think about it you don't have to plan it it's all there so what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to prove how unique this is if I was doing this live with Mike then I would do this life because it really does work as I say it does so I'm going to pop that into copyscape like so and then I'm gonna click premium search and there you go so you can see that there are no results find for the text that you posted and the reason for that is I'm talking to you in a video nothing scripted nothing's written down and we'll say from time to time you'll find a a scripted video you'll extract the content from that and you will find a couple of results if that's the case move on to the next one 99% of every video you extract from you're gonna find that the content is unique and that means you can extract content in any niche whatsoever so you're not limited to the IM industry if you're in health industry and you're you're promoting products in say weight loss for example then you'll be able to find all the content you need in the weight loss niche it really is a simple izi any niche you can imagine there are tons and tons of YouTube videos out there so there aren't no limitations as to which niches you target using this software but that is just a Content aspect which for an awful lot of people is enough but like I said we wanted to be able to help people kind of get that instant gratification and light at the end of the tunnel that first dollar online while they actually build and this is really how you do it so as soon as you are happy with your post then you click create person what this essentially does is it publishes it on your site so on your block you publish the content on your blog and as soon as you do that and providing you've linked up the secondary platform which I'll show you how to do in just a moment then that published post is reposted to the secondary platform and that's where you make money now there's nothing for you to do over there it's important to note that you published a content on your blog it's reposted to the secondary platform where you can earn money simply for posting content there's nothing for you to sell nothing for you to promote it really is a case of post content potentially make money and what I'm going to do next is show you some of Helens results simply from using this application and posting to this secondary platform and then I'll play Helens demo and you can see exactly why she does how it works and basically how you can do the same so here we go Helens username on this platform is hope hugs so I'm just gonna scroll down here and you can see their earnings okay no I'm sure there's lots and lots of people looking at this now thinking work you know thirteen dollars eight dollars five dollars what's the point well the point is with continued you can do this in literally seconds you've seen how quickly you can produce content it may tell you seconds it may take you minutes if you need to tweak but the point is this is your first dollar online if you struggle that everything else if you've struggled at affiliate marketing list building traffic driving then this is a real answer now let's take a look at Helens demonstration first step to buying great content to pick your niche is you put a keyword in here or a YouTube URL and you choose a video and you extract the content once you're happy with your post you simply publish it by pressing the screen button that says create post our once published you will see your post on your own blog as well as the platform so let me summarize Helens demonstration for you first of all you can see that she pasted it in a keyword and then click Submit then instantly continue has built her a post and then as soon as she publishes that post on her own blog the same content or the same post is in republished on a secondary platform and that's where helen makes her money now it just been informed that the builders are about start smashing the back wall again said this is likely to get very very loud so we're going to do is try and tie this video up now for you continue is a plugin so you've seen how it works it will allow you to extract content essentially it allow you to build an authority blog in any niche you choose okay so you can you can get that content you can generate unique content in literally seconds as soon as you do that then that content it is reposted to the secondary platform this is the same platform the Helen has been using for over two years and generates an income from simply posting content it really is a simple as it sayings I should also point out that the whole of Helens method is included with continue so the fact that it's it's integrated with the plugin and it all happens automatically that's great but if you'd like to expand on Helens method the same method that she's been expanding on for the last two years then that's included in there as well but on top of that if you're interested in building out your blog which you really should be because blogs are great for making a consistent money on an evergreen basis then you'll find like 370 daily blog Trek included as well now I'm not going to tell you how much money I've made without because I've done the whole route of sensationalism you know - stuff up it does sound like hyper made an awful lot of money from my blog and they're going to give you the system along with contain you look think of content you think of this package as a way of getting started if you already making money then you know plug continued into your blog and you'll make even more simply by publishing content and remember you can you can get this content you can generate this content in literally seconds so continue is a plugin wordpress plugin and it's two systems one of those systems is integrated into the application all you have to do is connect your plugin to the secondary platform and it will take you literally seconds okay i should also point out that this a platform that you need to be a member of is absolutely free to join it will take you a while when I say well I think it's around about a week to get accepted when you do the free option but we've also included the $2 options so you pay $2 today and you get instant approval so you can start posting you start generating an income today now lastly I just say I am an enriched to tie this up before the builders start crush and again I don't might like to just mention any upsells that may be included know what I will say about that is everything that I've talked about up to this point is included in the front end okay so if you decide that you just want to bind up for it see how it goes then you know by all means do that because it will work exactly as I've explained it continue guys live Tuesday 22nd of January at a.m. So that's Eastern Standard Time and let me quickly take you through the front end so you can see exactly what you get a few G side just to stick with the front end and you know you don't need any up sells you don't need any one Sun office depending on when you actually purchase obviously there is an early bird so for the first four hours continue everything I'm going to show you here will cost you $four hours you'll get access to the members area so soon as you log in then you'll get this welcome video from me will explain the whole process there are the basic trainer videos these just cover how to set up the plug-in title its door that kind of thing and then most importantly are your products so if I click there it will take you to the product so you've actually purchase so in this case is just a front end as that's what we're talking about here so if I click there we have a video and just pull this down a moment so you can see it better so we have the video we have the plug-in so you just click here to download the plug-in click here you'll see it you can just download there if I go back we have the paid post method this is Helens method like I say everything is built into the plugin but I've recommend that you go through Helens training because it's certainly worthwhile and remember it's made Helen money consistently for over two years and just from posting content roomba there's nothing to sell nothing to promote you don't need to drive traffic or any of them use a plug-in generate content publish it on your blog and then the application reposts it to the secondary platform where you can potentially make money and lastly my personal blogging method which is the 370 daily blog trick now this will take you a little bit longer to go through and there is a little bit more work involved obviously the rewards have that much greater but there's something to incorporate once you start making money with Helens method and the plug-in so all of this is included in the front end and again if you purchase within first four hours it's going to cost you $as you like so if you want to extract 100 new posts every single day then you can do there are no restrictions you get an additional 12 over-the-shoulder videos from Helen based around her own pay post method on top of that she'll show you how to find daily opportunities so you can earn more from your posts as well as case studies and formula 3 which is an additional passive blog monetization technique now this involves a simple piece of code and a script you get all of it as well as video training and it's just learn a great way of generating an income from your blog as you build it so again they're promoting know selling dropping the script drop in the code and each blog post you make can potentially make you passive income continue master allows you to put the application so that's a plug-in on unlimited sites so each site you put it on you have unlimited use on that as well so unlimited use on unlimited size there with this option we also have all of the automation built in as well so you can schedule con then automate a content creation and when you do this obviously generates easier and easier results we have the tray feature which allows you to combine multiple videos to make longer and longer posts if you want to schedule posting you can connect up your buffer account for instant traffic through social media syndication plus Helen will tell you about another 15 social media sites that you can post the same content on and get paid for Plus lastly if you're into YouTube and you'd like to make more money than taking your YouTube videos and put it on this site the site looks just like YouTube looks just like a video sharing site the only difference is you can make money every time you upload a video so take those videos from YouTube duplicate them on this video sharing site and you can potentially make money that way too so lastly for those of you interested in working inside a community being taught by an expert you can join Helen myself the Z shown inside of a very small training group where you can get the instant access to us life course an action plan and basically hand-holding again all of this adds additional value if all you want is a front end then you have enough included to get you started today and to get you generating results everything else is optional simply adds additional value and that's it thanks for watching this video apologize again for it being a video and not an actual live interview sorry about Mike like Vegas unavoidable yeah half the highest is being taken down pretty much as we speak so you know it's just one of those things and me sort of jumping in here and making a video in between the builders working is it's just a much much better option for the time bit but anyway you know can tell you take a look at it because it's a system that will allow you to to make your first dollar or to make you know a passive income as you build out your blog okay so thanks once again for watching thanks guys I hope you enjoyed the private demo today with Mark if you are interested in picking up continue at its lowest price you're gonna want to come back tomorrow at a.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday January 22nd you're gonna be able to pick it up at its lowest early bird just kind of price along with my special bonuses thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all tomorrow .

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