Be content with that which God has given you and you will be the richest of people

in content •  7 years ago 

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Wealth, appearance, children, house and talents – you must be content with your share in these things: Most pious people of the early generations were poor: needless it is to say, then, that they did not have beautiful houses or nice cars. Yet, despite these disadvantages, they led fruitful lives and they benefited mankind not by some miracle but because they used all that they were given and spent their time in the correct way. Hence they were blessed in their lives, their time and their talents. On the contrary, there are many people who have been bestowed with wealth, children and all forms of blessings, yet these blessings have been the very reason for their misery and ruin. They deviated from what their inborn instincts were telling them, namely that material things are not everything. Look at those that have obtained degrees from word-renowned Universities and yet they are paragons of obscurity. Their talents and abilities remain unused. Meanwhile, others who are limited in the scope of their knowledge have managed to make mountains out of what they have been given, benefiting both themselves and society. If you are a seeker of happiness, be satisfied with the looks that God has favored you with your family situation with the sound of your voice, with the level of your understanding and with the amount of your salary. Certain educators go further than this by saying that you should imagine being contented with even less than you actually have now.

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a well thought out dose of gnosis (knowledge)......thank you kindly ole friend .......Much LoVe to all Indeed

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks @noble-noah for the beautiful post

thanks @ all for reading through