Am I Allowed To Post My OTHER Blog Content Here, And Vice Versa?

in content •  9 years ago  (edited)

Hey team!

I have other blogs. (My own domain, WordPress, Tumblr, et cetera).

I was wondering, what's Steemit policy regarding posting my old content TO Steemit...

And also sharing my content OUTSIDE of Steemit.

So Can I Post My Old Content On Steemit?

Is this totally uncool?

I would love your thoughts, especially if you know the ropes.

Also, Can I Post My Original Content That I Post Here On Other Platforms?

Sorry if this is totally unacceptable. I'm a bit nervous to try, because I don't want to destroy the gargantuan goodwill and prestige that I've generated here on Steemit.

(Just kidding. Nobody loves me).

Talk later, and I appreciate a follow.


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I love you man. Not sure about that repost. If it didnt get an audience, then indont know why you shouldn't. Wish i had more info for you. Best wishes.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the love. ;)

The way I figure it, if nobody loves me here (other than you), I may as well post my content all over the Interwebs lol. The content would be more practical that way.

BUT, I don't want to be pegged as an evil abuser.

So... I guess I shall keep my content exclusive here. Maybe someday Steemit will define a formal policy regarding content procedure.


Stay cool...


There are a couple of bots that scan similar content . But if you reply that you are the originator you are usually left alone .

Thanks for the heads up andre-ager. It's starting to seem like it's more trouble that it's worth lol.

Stay cool - perhaps I shall see you around?



I do but I try not to just cut and paste.
I use my original material to hone my ideas before steeming them,
and sometimes the other way around.
It helps to mention a link or mention your steemit on the other side, maybe?

I asked the same question. Right now, people already "cross post" between various places -- Tumblr, Medium, WordPress, Facebook, etc. I see no problem with cross posting here.

And of course, there is the whole concept of just sharing / curating links and writing a bit about why you think that article or website is interesting. Is that "original" content or not?

My insight into this tells me that if a long term commitment is the source of value, than I would be in the long term project of transferring everything I have content-wise to the platform most aligned with the common benefit... Just thoughts, albeit far from original.