A content marketing strategy demands new and fresh material every day – or at least once or twice a week at the minimum. Just like day old bread, content which has been sitting on your blog for a while is in danger of going stale and crusty.
But what if you could take that dry old content, crumble it up, maybe add some metaphorical eggs and chicken, and produce a new and tasty schnitzel? It would certainly give you a welcome break from the daily grind of thinking up new ideas every day.
As each blog post, article, email, or short report takes time and effort it makes sense that you should get as much traction out of that effort as possible. Don’t be afraid to repurpose content you have created previously into something new and shareable.
Here are five ways to give new life to your old content:
Create Snippets for the Social Networks
Scan your articles and blog posts for little nuggets of information that are perfect for throwing up on Twitter or Facebook to attract more traffic to the original post.
For handy reference keep a list of every snippet and record how much engagement they are creating. Anything that performs well is worthy of sharing regularly, and anything that doesn’t gets dropped to the wayside.
Don’t share too often as you don’t want to spam your content. An automated scheduler will help you keep everything organized, track engagement, and ensure you don’t forget to post. Plus, it’s always nice to take a day off knowing that you will still have active online profiles.
Send it Out to Your List
As your content builds up on your site you are going to have plenty of great content sitting in the archives that may not be getting the attention it deserves.
Take a portion of an article, or even the whole thing, and send it out to your email list.
Using good content like this is a great way to build trust with your audience and get the most use out of your article. You may just like to share an excerpt with a link to the blog post to create extra traffic to your site, add the article to your weekly newsletter, or add some further thoughts and clarification to it.
A neglected list is a wasted resource so regularly getting in touch with your readers with this strategy is an excellent way to keep the engagement levels up.
Craft an Entirely New Product or Lead Magnet
A major part of content creation involves not just the creation of info products to sell but also lead magnets to attract followers and build your list.
If you have a series of blog posts all centered around a particular subject, such as building a WordPress website for instance, you could package all of that up into a single short report and offer it as a free download.
If you’re clever (and I know you are) you will copy and paste the blog articles into a document file as you create your posts. Once you have completed that series all it will take is a little sprucing up with graphics and formatting to finish.
Tweak the Format
A few of the people on your list are going to prefer video over text or vice versa. Many web surfers enjoy browsing posts on blogs – skipping from site to site. And you will still find those who like to do it old school and print their content out. If you have any of these types of subscribers include a downloadable pdf file optimized for printing.
You can take your previously created content and reformat it to appeal to more of your audience. It’s easy to turn a series of blog posts into a printable pdf, and almost as easy to create an audio file from it. If you aren’t comfortable doing it yourself, you can always hire a voice artist.
Blog posts can even be turned into a video slideshow to accommodate those in your audience who are visual learners. This is perhaps the most time-consuming method for repurposing content but still doable by most online marketers.
Allow Affiliates and JV Partners to use it in Their Marketing
Stop reinventing the wheel. You can reuse your content by re-purposing it into a different format over and over again.And finally, you could always bundle up your content around a particular topic and freely share it with JV partners and affiliates. Give them the rights to republish the content on their sites with affiliate links to your products.
This can work with short reports and other lead magnets which they can then brand with their own info. They’ll make more sales and you will be getting your content in front of a lot more prospects.