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We provide real-time news feeds on the Contentos project and run frequent campaigns on our Facebook page. Share this with your social circle and make Contentos a project your friends cannot want to learn more about!
我們時常在Contentos Facebook頁面更新專案進度,也在上面公告許多活動訊息,請助我們一臂之力讓更多朋友知道Contentos的好消息!
Go to Facebook and search for #ShareForCOS posts by Contentos
Pick a post you feel like to share, say something about it (note this is a MUST) with #ShareForCOS tag, and remember to set the visibility to be Public.
And that’s all! Then, claim your reward at
Fill in your name, email, Contentos UID accordingly. You Contentos UID can be found in Settings of Contentos website.
You’ve just finished the task “Share Contentos Facebook Posts”, so click it.
Finally, provide the URL of your post. You can copy its link here.
We’ll soon verify your submission and grant your COS reward (50 COS). ❤️
在Facebook上搜尋 #ShareForCOS 標籤的Contentos貼文
找一篇你想分享的文章,加上一些你想說的話(這是必須完成的事項喔)和#ShareForCOS tag,記得要把貼文設成公開喔!
依序填入你的名字、email、Contentos UID,Contentos UID在Contentos網站裡的Settings裡面。
選擇 “Share Contentos Facebook Posts”
我們很快就會審核並且發放你的COS獎勵囉!(50 COS) ❤️
Each post is eligible for claim the reward once.