Con Hyperspace il contenuto che condividete su Internet ha un valore e potrete beneficiare di un reddito di base #contenuto #Musica @HyperSpace_1 #blockchain #italiani #3maggio @_CryptoItalia @SinoireCRYPTO @CryptoItalian
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HyperSpace - Your Content. New Audiences. Real Income.
Hyperspace offers community-owned spaces where members are rewarded by their peers for creating and sharing content. Whether you are a content creator, consumer, or curator, HyperSpace provides a novel way to monetize the value you create online while making your community thrive.
My music on Musicoin app (recomended):
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All my music on Musicoin
Join Musicoin and fly to Mars
My music on Choon
BTS : lorenzo44
Lorenzo Pistolesi