@sammosk wins the delegation and puts it on Creative Bot. New 500 SP delegation challenge.

in contest •  7 years ago  (edited)

@sammosk is killing it in the polls! He takes on another delegation win with 30 votes out of 83 votes cast for a total of 36% of all votes! But true to form as a MSP mod he messaged me and said if he wins he doesn't want the delegation himself he wants it to go to msp-creativebot so that all the minnows can benefit from it and not just him! So, with love in my heart for Sammosk and his decision I'm putting another delegated 500 SP on @msp-creativebot.

New Delegation Challenge

You have to tell me a story of an interaction you've had with another member in PALnet. You and the person you tell the story about will both receive 250 SP (try to stick with just two people, but I'll just keep dividing). I support the moderators in running the place, so I'm looking for a heart warming story here. How did someone make a difference in your life? How did someone help you? How did someone show the values of Peace, Abundance, and Liberty?

To be clear the story can be about any two people PAlnet. The award will go to a minnow though, so if the person you tell a story about is a already a dolphin they will get to choose who receives the delegated SP.

Write that up in a story in the comments. I'll take the few highest voted (reviewing both most votes and highest value vote), and pick a winner from the top 3. Max story length is 55 words, which foreshadows the next contest.

Best of luck guys

Pull some heartstrings!

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I have been on Steemit for a while and one person who has inspired me is @ajala. There have been several times when things were not perfect but he has always inspired me as well as other members of the Nigerian community. He might not have much but he gives his best to the community.

I go with @illuminatus for the choice he made. Reason is that @ajala is a steemian I have got the chance to talk to and to be sincere, @illuminatus with @ajala are just the perfect combo for this community to move forward.

I really appreciate your kind gesture @illuminatus, I am just as usual as other steemians. Though i might have a different insight of steemit base on the fact that i steem for fun and more exposure and to make people around me creative minds. Steemit is more than just making money or getting rewards for posts, but steemit is all about how much positive impact you can induce in someone. Thnaks once more @illuminatus for this kind gesture. STEEM ON.

Would you mind explaining why you had 2 discord accounts, both upvoting your posts? Aj and Ajala

Sure I can explain @gmuxx. I run one discord account for my steemit account which I was unable to login anymore. The login difficulty was due to limited knowledge about discord. Then I re-register so that i can also benefit from the great support @aggroed have given to people like me. I was glad I was able to hold on to the new account and not to lose it again. If you don't mind, I suppose you might have check out my blog and you will my display name as AJ and my account's name is @ajala. If there is anything you feel like asking, please feel free.

@ajala is the reason i had my chance on this platform and that makes him a man of the people. @illuminatus is just a random guy i have heard a lot about from @ajala. I must say, this is a perfect mix of talents.

If I must say, @illuminatus and @ajala are just these two special people I have come across in this community. I get to like @ajala when he told me his plan on how to promote the food trailing steemians. At first, I thought it was a joke not until when I see him giving rewards out on food post and then I realized how much he loves food and how much he is willing to promote the food steemians. @illuminatus is just this steemian that originality should be his middle name. He gets his post out of his experience with life and that alone makes him a real steemian to me. I love both of them and I wish them all the best in this competition. I cast my vote for @illuminatus and @ajala

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My story starts writing a book. It was going well, and then life struck. Ten years later, I discovered Steemit. I also began to interact with a Steemit hero - @rhondak. Things changed for me as @rhondak took me under her wing and reinvigorated my pen. Rekindling a lifelong dream. @rhondak works tirelessly behind the scenes with her animal shelter and on the Fiction-workshop channel and never asks for anything from anyone. I would love to be able to give back to her and help with her dream.

@rhondak has been a fantastically enthusiastic supporter of mine since the day she arrived. She works tirelessly to help all of us who are writing and had nurtured many writers since the fiction workshop started, she's a real star. Making Rhonda laugh is one of the great pleasures I get from the comedy posts.
Muxxy was a bloody terrible writer until she dragged him to one side and taught him the ropes. For that alone she should win.
NOTE: He's not that bad but don't tell him I said so!

I have much to thank @rhondak for. I wouldn't be on steemit at all without her poking and prodding. And the truth is, I hadn't written any fiction for over 5 years. Some editing, but no writing. So thanks to her I'm writing again. And if I weren't writing, I wouldn't be winning contests.

@rhondak is hard to keep up with... I have no idea how she juggles so much but happily support her

I see that @rhondak gives us something in common. Goes to show how instrumental she is in the fiction workshop.

I have never been a writer, although I dreamt of being one. When I met @rhondak, I was in awe of her as she is not only a fantastic lady but also a published author. She gave me the confidence and belief in myself, happily editing my writing and working tirelessly in the fiction workshop

@rhondak gets my vote because I have faith in @gmuxx's people skills :)

I have had limited interaction with @rhondak but she seems like someone that would be a great mentor, especially someone that brooks no non-sense with the writing craft. I can truly appreciate that.

Thanks @carolkean, I will check it out!

@GMuxx has "never been a writer?" Rhonda drew you out of the closet, then. You've always had the talent (it shows!). Just needed someone to unlock it! https://steemit.com/writing/@gmuxx/rhonda-s-raccoon-3-the-raccoonator

I would vote for @rhondak if my vote counts.

With my own eyes I have witnessed this, @Jasonbu. Rhonda squeals like her legendary Pig-Coon-o-Goat-o-saurus when a new writer listens to critiques, implements suggestions, and WINS CONTESTS because s/he "got it" - sometimes a novice writer never gets it, but @Jasonbu and others did. @Nexusfyre won a contest after workshopping his story with the critique group Rhonda created and maintains.

I would also like to support @rhondak in this competition!

@Rhondak Spamhamner is my hero. She's done more with less for others in the community than anyone else I can think of. Time she could spend writing and capitalizing on her talent is instead given to others. Both here and in real life. She has my vote.

@rhondak is amazing, my support for her.

I agree that @rhondak should get the vote whilst I have not done alot of fictional writing recently Rhondak clearly knows her sentence and gives lots of food for thought, my vote goes for @rhondak.

@rhondak has my vote. She has helped so many people with their writing in the fiction-workshop. Plus she takes care of animals which makes her an angel.

Another vote for @rhondak. I recently got back into writing my book, and she was kind enough to look over some of it and give it some 'red ink.'
Her enthusiasm and guidance have helped give me the motivation, confidence and drive to continue writing it. I spend a good amount of time in the fiction workshop discord channel, and the group rallies around her as a leader. I can think of no one more deserving.

This is Rhonda's baby: https://steemit.com/curation/@sft/the-sft-curates-7-22-2017
Well, one of her babies. Rhonda's been busy!
Radio Hour with @GMuxx, SFT publishing house (steemit's own press! YES! Just needs $$ to launch)

And Rhonda will always credit others for their help and support, while she is the catalyst, the inspiration, the drive, grit, and determination--and as Edison said, the 99% perspiration that allows the 1% of ideas in genius to flourish.

@rhondak is a tireless supporter of everyone at the workshop, but even more so for new joiners who need some extra support. If you have a short, or even something sub-short that needs critique, she's there. She'll even review longer pieces. Anything that's a bit floppy, or needs firming up, she's all over it. You might say @rhondak's an under-short supporter. (Or something like that).

On a serious note, @rhondak has given me the confidence to contribute and to write. I'd like to give back and also see that support extended as widely as possible.

@rhondak is what Malcolm Gladwell would call both a maven and a connector. That's an extremely valuable thing for Steemit - we need to reward our mavens and connectors!

I'm a fiction writer, and @rhondak has been a godsend for the fiction community. She has helped created a space for authors of every level to get editorial help, as well as an elite curation trail. On top of all that, she runs an animal shelter, proving she is just a big-hearted in the offline world.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I've only recently met @rhondak in her Fiction-workshop, but instantly I was totally impressed. The obvious and unbelievable amount of work she puts in is only surpassed by the level of the help she offers people like me, who need a lot of it. @rhondak sets the bar high and encourages all to reach it. I find myself inspired by her to push and try harder. @rhondak is the salt of the earth and deserves all the great things that come her way and more. I vote @rhondak

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I started here like a lot of people's in the fiction workshop I think. I've been practicing writing for a long time but not marketing myself or publishing myself. @rhondak is one of the most influential people in my life right now. No shit.

I jumped in the fiction work shop, said hi, and she said hi back and told me to start sharing my work. She works super-humanly hard and deserves recognition. She lives with a dangerous animal that threatens her life every day, too. There's no telling how much longer she's got.

LOL! Those rescue animals! They eat better than she does because Rhonda drained her life savings and any income she can get, feeding, sheltering, healing, and re-homing neglected/abused animals in Appalachia. No local support there, so steemit support is her staple. Our upvotes save dogs, cats, pigs, goats, and even a raccoon who plays squatter and tries to be a resident of Rhonda's menagerie.

All for Glory.

Like many others, I joined thinking of how Steemit could help me.

@rhondak was different.

Not discouraged by the quality of writing found, she was instead impressed with its raw potential. Writers that needed guidance. Her first thought wasn’t of herself, but how should could better the community.

And so, the Fiction Workshop was born.

nice project $$$

I did my first ever radio interview with @ma1nevent last week, and before we got on the go, I was nervous as hell, but as soon as things got going, this guy made it a whole bunch easier to carry on, so nervous at first but ended up nice and relaxed with a big grin on my mug!

@sircork for his advice and recommendations, and for putting up with my crap here and there. He probably gets so many questions and nonsense he has to deal with (running a radio show cant be easy) but his advice and what he has to share is always valuable, no matter how many hours hes been givin'er

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Vote's for an amazing, hardworking and superior editor who beats out the best writing from me! I send her carbon minerals. She forces out the diamonds! I invariably semi-die of gratitude every time. I'm talking about the raccoon whisperer @rhondak! Her brilliant vision for Steemit, SFT and Workshop initiatives enhance my Steemit experience no end!

Well said! And I love your 2-part interview with her, @sandzat.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks @carolkean!

I interviewed @rhondak because I liked her from the first time I met her. (https://steemit.com/minnowsupportproject/@sandzat/interviewing-rhondak-palnet-minnowsupport-moderator-and-channel-mod-msp-fiction-workshop-part-1)

Initially, I learnt about her excellent writing and editing skills, later I was blown away by her sense of humour, her attitude towards her 'work', at the Fiction Workshop as well as her animal shelter, and her obvious tirelessly helpful nature!

I mean she was ALWAYS there! At the Fiction Workshop. Ready to help anybody who walked in.

Now, who does that ALL the time?

Nobody devotes as much time and effort, as selflessly, as Rhonda, that I know of - and she doesn't even begin to let on how much she really does, and how my privations she'll suffer. She'll also sniff out a bully or troll, tackle, and remove before anyone else caught wind of trouble in our neck o' the woods.

My vote goes to @ajala He has really inspired me in this Steemit community.

Congratulations @sammosk

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I put a small delagation of 100 sp to msp-creativebot as well, I think it's a great project @sammosk is doing for the community, bravo! The more we all help each other the more we all benifit! Never leave a minnow behind who works hard at there craft. :) Steem on!!

What's Palnet?

Rhonda has lots of posts, links, resteems, and projects to help minnows grow via PalNet.

Nice initiative. Always making a positive contribution!

Thank you for sharing with us! I hope you enjoy the upvote!

@sammosk good man as always.

Well that's a great news, congratulation @sammosk atleast our vote are worth it.

Congrats @sammosk, you deserve the honor!

Congrats @sammosk and thanks to @aggroed for the good projects

I have just finished another novel, #25 and will release it very shortly. down size is it will require a lot of my time in promoting it around the world, some touring is in order. I am getting into steemit, and know my time will be limited until the promotionals are over. Looking for a way to get it to steemians at a greatly reduced price.

Well done to @sammosk he's really gone to the next level lately and a fine example of the difference the PAL/Discord network and MSP are making and will continue to make at Steemit.

Congrats @sammosk! Thrilled for you! :)

congrats @sammosk definitely a worthwhile cause! Anyone who encourages great content and pushes for the benefit of the whole community deserves the recognition. I hope my small delegation contributes to your cause and will increase it over time

All respect goes to you for creating such a great community and I am very happy to be part of it

Can I write a story about a moderator?

Hey, Thanks, buddy!! Oh.... kicks dirt

Can write about anyone you interact with in there.

Im voting @illuminatus and @ajala