RE: Snowpocalypse Survival Challenge Day 6

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Snowpocalypse Survival Challenge Day 6

in contest β€’Β  7 years agoΒ 

If you choose Option 3 Instruct them to get to the edge of the ice where they were before they fell through and spread their elbows to lift out of the water, comment here.

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Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

I wil choose Option 3,talking to my partner to stay calm and get to the edge of the ice where he was before he fell through and try to use his elbow to partially lift himself up or stay afloat until I get him. Option 1 is not the best option because I have to be very careful not to break another ice that can put me too danger. Crawling is good on the part of the rescuer instead of taking steps but first I need to tell my roommate do option 3 and try to stay calm.For the bonus,remove his wet clothes asap and warm him up.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Hooray yayyay! I am still alive! Okay back to saving my partner story. I will run as fast as I can but not too close as the ice might not be stabil. And with a calm voice start yelling on top of my lungs to tell him to swim to the edge of the ice and use his elbows to lift himself partially out of the water. Make sure he understand how to go to the edge of the ice where he was coming from. HONEY! GET A GRIP ON THE EDGE OF THE ICE!... IF YOU HAVE SHARP OBJECT USE IT TO GRIP! KICK YOUR LEGS HARD! GET HORIZONTAL AND ROLL AWAY FROM THE WATER! FAST HONEY! YOU CAN DO IT! I LOVE YOU!

Yes, don't sacrifice yourself. If you fall in then what- there is noone else there

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I choose this one.

And, what would I do after? Probably cry at this point lol. Did they really have to fall in? πŸ˜‰

But as others have said you would want to get them out of their wet clothes asap and wrapped and warm. Guess we’re staying put for the night drying clothes by the fire while we regain body heat in a snow cave.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

This is what I'll do. I won't want to break the ice any further. When she's out, I'll get her wet clothes off, and then perform a skin to skin contact so she can warm up.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Being that I don't want to get too close to the ice since it is a little weak, I'll have to direct him on what to do.
And when he is out, I'll get his wet clothes off, and then carry out a skin to skin contact, wrapping ourselves in the emergency blanket.

This option seems best to me. I really want her out, but being that we are the only ones around, I don't want to risk handicapping both of us by going too close to the weak ice.
When she is out, I'll surely take off her wet clothes, and then make sure she warms up by conducting a bare hug, so the warmth from me can get to her.

The rescuers actually usually end up being in more trouble than the ones they are trying to rescue

I choose this option. Going close to the ice only makes it weake.and when he us out, I'll take off his wet clothes, then I'll take off my coat. Then we'll carry out skin to skin contact together inside e emergency blanket , and then after some time, he will wear my coat so he can warm up.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Best not to risk joining them in the drink. Give them encouragement and advice, but dont sacrifice yourself. Often it id the rescuer and not the rescued that suffers death when water is involved.

Once they are clear of the dangerous thin ice, strip them of their wet clothes and place the two that just got out of the icy water into your snow cave next to the fire. Strip down yourself and gather them into a bundle around you.sothatthey can start to get their core temps up to yours.

Yes, don't sacrifice yourself. If you fall in then what- there is noone else there

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

OH nice, we survive and Frank still has his fingers. Good. (uhm, not that I'm implying anything by it haha) My boobs saved his cold fingers! Yay!

No, the St-Laurent is the wrost river to be in lol The fleuve is so polluted.

Frank says we should choose Option 3, he wants to survive this lol and he says if his head is out of the water and he can grab hold of the ice, instructing him is the best thing I can do and has less risk of me falling in with him.

And if I get him out of the water, what would I do next, he would need to slide to me, and we could then move to more solid ground. I guess figuring out how to start a fire would be good to help dry his clothes. I'd suggest seeing if he can take anything off and I can pass him anything of mine without me freezing, but that could help him keep warm. Defo make a fire.

I don't want to add another weight to the weak ice, so I'll not go too close.
When he is out, I'll help him take off his wet clothes, and wrap him up in the emergency blanket, and the take him undertake skin to skin contact for steady heat.

I choose this option. I would not risk falling in myself.

I'll go with this option. Being that am not a good swimmer, I don't want to get too close to the thin ice. When she is out, I'll take off her wet clothes, and then use the emergency blanket to cover her up, and then take her close to the fire.

I'll go with option 3.Remember, we are alone in this place, and I'll want to avoid getting into the water with him.
After he is out, I'll remove his wet clothes, and then wrap him up in the emergency blankets.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I choose option 3.

And oh my god. This snow survival has turned into a freakin nightmare.. i am already dead once. Lets hope this was the right answer.. πŸ‘»

Since she is not yet at an extreme state of drowning, I can still talk her into coming out, so we don't get stuck. When she is out, I'll surely help her remove her wet clothes and then carryout a skin to skin hug, and then give her my coat, and also cover her with the emergency blanket.
I'll not use the fire as warmth, cause she needs a steady heat, not direct heat.

All the options seem right, but this looks like the most appropriate to me. I don't want both of us to get stuck in the ice. So I'll direct her in how to come out. And then try to get her dry by taking off the wet clothes.

I go with option 3.we are the only ones available, it's risky going closer.
When I bring him out, I'll make sure to get him warm by using the fire, after I have removed his wet clothes, and wrapped him with the emergency blanket.

I'd go with this.... Option 3

Though really, if in this situation I would tell them to FIRST, stay calm and not move any more than needed. Then, get to the edge of the ice and begin to kick their legs so as to make it easier to get their belly up on the ice (assuming the hole was too large for the elbow thing). Once on the ice I would have them roll or shimmy (as flat and spread out as possible) towards land. No telling where it might break again, so I'd be instructing from safety.

Then, we'd remove his clothing and mine and wrap in a tiny emergency blanket I still had, hugging to raise body temp.

*If he was already too tired to hoist himself out I would unwind the Paracord belt I was wearing, and throw it to him, hopefully able to reach while I'm still on solid ground. Then pull him out and to safety.

But damn, all that would totally suck. πŸ˜•

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Will go with the option 3. It's entirely possible to get up from the ice by yourself with a good tehnique. Other two methods will put yourself at risk.

Bonus: Then I take off my partners wet clothes and put them on top of sticks for example, spreading them so that the clothes dry and do not freeze. I will place the outside of the jacket against the wind so that the inside gets warmer, also for protection from the wind.

Option 3 is the most viable of the three choices

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Option three is best, but option one and two will be cool to play with ;]