50 SBD GIVEAWAY!!! 3 Prizes of 10 SBD and 20 Runner up Prizes of 1 SBD just to help decide the future of my beard.

in contest •  7 years ago 

G'day Frothers,

Most of you know that a 20 hour work day is not something that bothers me. I love what I do. I work hard when the right opportunities arise so I can enjoy extended periods of freedom.

Fortunately for you, I also like to be entertained and to entertain others.

I have made a significant amount of money on ChainCoin and would like to share the wealth.

Step 1 of The Competition (compulsory):

Watch at least 10 seconds (more if you like) of these 2 videos to decide whether I should grow my beard back.

2 Followers (and now friends) of mine who are Minnows will leave one comment each:

@nickwilson (U.S.A) please leave a comment saying "Have a shave ya Wombat". If you think I should stay shaven please Upvote Nick's comment.

@marcovanhassel (Netherlands) please leave a comment saying "You look like a Potato, grow it back, mate." (inside joke, check our Maro's joke contests for more info). If you want to see the beard back Upvote Marco's comment.

Step 2 of The Competition (compulsory): Upvote Nick's or Marco's comment to vote and FOLLOW BOTH Marco and Nick.

The first 20 people (total) to upvote Nick or Marco's comment and FOLLOW NICK AND MARCO will be awarded 1 SBD.

Step 3 of The Competition (optional): Leave a comment about the videos both on this article and the comments section of any of my YouTube videos (positive or negative..... just funny). The 3 comments with the highest upvotes will receive 10SBD

The competition will begin from the time Marco or Nick leaves a comment and run for 7 days from that time. All winners will be paid within 7 days of The Competition close date.

I will ask that you Resteem and Upvote this article if you feel it is an opportunity for your followers and or is worthy content for the contest tag in steemit.com. I will decide whether the Steemit community would like me to continue to run contests based on the response this article gets.

Resteeming, Upvoting, and Following me is NOT required to enter although it certainly would be appreciated.

Stay stoked Frothers,


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"You look like a Potato, grow it back, mate".

Fish, your a sack of potatoes for putting me to work in this manner, but fine:
Your face looks like a newborn baby's ass without the hair on it. Be a man and stop shaving! FOREVER! You're not called the @beachbuminvestor for nothing, mate👍

Marco.... Finally. I literally lol'd when I saw your comment. And thanks to Nick being a no show at this point.......THE BEARD IS COMING BACK.

I still refuse to wear shoes though.

Lol. Good to hear from you mate. Speak soon. Fish

Poke nick a little more....this is no contest😀. Happy to help though buddy!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am standing for @nickwilson

Have a shave you Wombat

Hey nick where are You?

ATTENTION ALL VOTERS: I have given the power to make me shave to Sam (@globearn). At the moment the beard is winning. All those baby face Fish fans better get voting.

I was trying to surprise Nick. Backfired big time, lol. This competition is about rewarding the community. I will do my best to make sure everyone is rewarded. Please don't hassle me too hard for not organising it better.

My intention is only to share some of the profits I have made recently.



@globearn, you made a typo....it's @nickwilson not @nickwison

Oh Oh

U in trouble there @globearn?

go for the beard lol

You might have a point.

I vote beard :>

The beard it is! Already growing back, lol

Upvoted post: done.
Followed both steemians: done.
Videos: already seen Chain Thang. Checked your other video now as well.

Like that you're still using your board as a whiteboard mate. And for the record... I will upvote Marco because I feel you're not a bum without a beard. So the beard goes with the name.

One of my earliest Steemit friends. How are you mate? I might have to use you in the next competition. Speedy answer legend. Good luck for the 10 SBD. I really want it to go to one of my early Steemit friends.

That's 1 vote for bringing back the beard! Make sure you vote (and follow) for Marco or Nick's comment when they get a chance to leave theirs. They are cool guys and I'm sure you'll get along with these boys also.

Speak soon mate,


Mr Fish!

Have you looked into Minnowsupport yet? With minnowsupport you can have 1 post upvoted every 21 hours. Look at some of my posts and you'll see what minnowsupport can do. In order to join the team you'll need to get on Discord and join a server. I can give you an invite if you can't find a link that works.

When you're on Discord let me know as well because then I'll invite you to a crypto investments server. Your content will do good there.

Thank you mate. That would be great. Can you please forward the link to [email protected] and I'll have my computer guy take a look.

I'm not in a rush. I had 2 million people watching online when I surfed in the 2105 World Championship. If I get desperate for followers I'll rely on FaceBook. I never did like FaceBook though.

Plus despite the $20k hit I took in Sri Lanka I am sitting on a fair chunk of equity in the real estate market. I am not very liquid at the moment but I don't need to make money from this. Writing is a hobby.

But please still send the article. I suppose if I can make more money that's more I can give away.

Thanks Again Valdy.

@valderrama, u can finally! different timezones.......Its up now👍

Yep. Luckily I'm the same one as you ;)

Watched, Upvoted, followed all 3 of you & resteemed.

Nice rap and great talent, but I assume you don't rap often :D Beard for sure, I mean come on beards make all the difference.

And congratulations with the success, may you make much more and share more :D bless your kind soul and 'HODL' and 'to the moon'.

Thanks for the lol's mate. Very Creative entry. 1SBD awarded for effort. Coming your way legend.

Sooo good!! Upvoted for awesomeness. Thanks for competing @bodyinbeta. Following for more funny stuff like this. Well done.

Well I hope you remove your beard because of comfort because the beard is scratchy and a little annoying at the time of eating sometimes haha good this is my comment I hope you can participate in the course and follow me and I will follow the same Thank you :)

Hola, mi amigo. Como estas?..... And that is about all the Spanish I know. Welcome to the competition and I have upvoted you for understanding the personal sacrifice it takes to keep a beard. I have found food in mine several days after eating. lol

Hopefully your are already in the growing back phase because it suits you :) You kinda look like Bradley Cooper, or does he look like you. Beware, he might be stalking you for style tips... :P

Done all the steps, and thanks for this kind gesture. More power to you!

Wow. I would triple Upvote this if I could. I am a huge Bradley Cooper fan. "Limitless" Is my all time favorite movie!

Followed, Upvoted, and a little 1 SBD coming your way just because I have a little extra.

Go ChainCoin!

Thanks, you're the sweetest Bradley Cooper I know :D Yup that movie is dope. ChainCoin up up and away.

You look like the famous tennis star, Björn Borg, without the beard. You probably could walk into Wimbledon and grab any seat in the house!

Thank you. I'll take that. Followed for flattering me. (I'll always take it, lol). Upvoted for setting me a new challenge.

I might try to see if it works at the next Australian Open. I haven't been to Melbourne for a while.

I've been waiting all do on this one. I take these two aren't going to post?

Patience my friend. You are welcome to leave a comment now. (I'm sorry I should have made that clear). The voting on the beard Opens and runs for 7 days from the time the first comment is posted by one of the Steemians mentioned. But just in case they are busy this week please feel free to post your comment now and I wil just run on general concensus if this happens. I will give you an Upvote because you have been waiting all day. I'll even send you 1 SBD right now. Thank you for your support.


Thank you. I upvoted marco's post. Time for the beard.

@bodyinbeta......different timezones. Its up now👍

Well, I don't see the comments yet.. But I gave them each a follow for you, and I gave you a follow too :) Upvoted.

You look more like a surfer without the beard, and you look older with the beard. Both are cool though! :P

The entrepreneur himself! Another recent find of mine. I can strongly recommend a follow here.

And Yes @enazwahsdarb the boys are being a little slow to get the vote under way. Remember they are Minnows. At this stage they may not have the financial incentive to be on Steemit as regularly as some.

These are two random guys who I have developed a friendship with through Steemit.com. This is a competition designed to build friendships within the Steemit community. We are much Stroger together.

That's a great initiative you have going! If you stick with things, it will be noticed and you will do very well! It's true, we are powerful as a unit.

Thanks for the kind words my dude. Talk soon.

Still waiting for the comments beard beard beard beard beard beard beard beard beard beard beard beard

Lol, It's looking like the beard is coming back. Yes, the boys are a little slow to comment. Grrrr.

Thanks @watersnake101. Two lovers of the ocean, I will definitely be following you now.

Dude ocean people must have a beard or any form of facial hair. I would grow a beard like that if I could. Black Beard's beard is awesome. All I can grow is Jack Sparrow's beard. Tom Hank had a beard when he was stuck in that island. He shaved it off when he got back to his boring life. What did he get? A broken heart. Cheers lol

I got lols. I upvote. Thanks for the visual references. The beard is overwhelmingly in front.

Sorry @watersnake.....different timezones. Its up now👍

Upvoted for the beard beard beard beard beard beard beard..... grow the damn beard @beachbuminvestor

☝️what he said.

"You look like a Potato, grow it back, mate." LOL, but yeah, bring back the whiskers mate. Agree with #valderrama... beard goes with the name!
Some of your lyrics are getting drowned-out by the music... going to the Tube to check out your other vids.

I know right? Technical newbie, I'm afraid. I'm working on audio, picture, and live streaming. I will soon be flying people into the Gold Coast and interviewing them live on "Steemit TV". I think this is a great way to spend the money I have made and help build the community.

Thanks for the support and the advice on the facial hair, lol. Take it easy mate.


I love people with beard and I think it suits you. Watched, Upvoted, resteemed and followed you and two of your friends.

Thanks @mhel. Beard it is........ At least for now. Following you too .....and the community grows stronger. Thanks for supporting my friends too.

You're welcome and thanks for following back