How to make a Steem Contest (with a contest for 15 SBD total)! [Pro Tips]

in contest •  6 years ago 

A great way to increase exposure and build your following on Steem is to host contests. People love to engage when you offer a way for them to earn far more than normal up votes would generate their response! Hosting a contest is very simple!

[For Contest Skip to Bottom Of Post]

Step 1

Make sure you have enough SBD or STEEM to cover the cost of promotion and prize(s) before starting the contest. People who check your wallet and do not see the funds there for the prize you are offering may question if you are actually going to pay out.

Step 2

Come up with a theme for your contest. It could be a photo contest, a poem contest, a best comment contest, or something fun and unique to you! The best contests are the ones that make it fun for the entry. For an example see below for the contest I am offering!

Step 3

Specify the rules! People need to know what the rules are and when the deadline for entry is. This ensures everyone knows the contest was run fairly!

Step 4

Explain each prize you are going to offer. List the amount the prize is and how it will be decided.

Step 5

For the Tag section use "Contest" as the first tag. Include 4 other tags as well.

Step 6

Post the contest and make it live! Let the fun begin!

Step 7 (optional)

Pay to promote the post. Remember to check the amount others are paying for promotion in the Contest section to ensure if it is worth it.

Step 8

And finally after the contest is over, decide your winners and pay them out. Then grab the proof of tx (you can get that from steemd) and create a new post, congratulating the winners and showing proof of payment.

I hope this helps a few people get noticed faster here and build up more followers while having fun and contributing back to the community!


I am very curious of what everyone thinks of Facebook, Zuckerberg, this Congress testimony and how that plays into social media and Steem. Reply below with your thoughts on this whole scenario.


  1. If you are not a @shadowbot member you must up vote this post OR join shadowbot to enter.
  2. You must include at least 1 full paragraph. Yes that is 4+ sentences. I am looking for insight, not "he sucks! fuck fakebook!".
  3. Entry cut off is April 18, 2018 at midnight eastern time zone.
  4. Only one entry per person.
  5. You may only win 1 prize.


  • 5 SBD for the response I like most.
  • 5 SBD for the response that has the most earnings.
  • 3 SBD for the response with the most up votes
  • 2 SBD for the response that is the funniest.
Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE STEEM!
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We finally have the discussion about Facebook and the use of the data they got from the user. That's a good thing. But apparently I can't see any reaction from the wider user base to get more protection of their data. They don't delete their Facebook accounts nor are they demanding a better protection. And that's troublesome.

The average user seems to be convenient, lazy and is saving at the wrong end. Instead of paying for a Facebook to get an ad-free and data protected enviroment, they are paying with their data. Cambridge Analytica is business as usual and is happening all the time. I don't trust Zuckerberg that they are only using the data to be able to bring the ads to a specific audience.

The sad part ist, the user is doing that only to save 6.18 US-Dollar per month. That's only 0.206 US-Dollar per day. They are giving Facebook basically their whole life, the complete dataset, what they are doing, what they like and dislike, which friends they have and so on. And they are only making 0.206 US-Dollar per day. Every daily poster on steemit knows how much that is.

Facebook has to stay for free or the user base will vanish in the blink of an eye. Based on that they will keep on going with selling the user-produced data and with that companies will still get that data flow. For 6.18 per User per month. The total surveillance is still quite cheap.

Source :

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Zuckerberg seems to be an emotionless sociopath who has a hard time communicating with average people and only seems to be able to read from a script. He seems to have no problem with reading from his cheat sheet. He should be made to answer from his knowledge alone. I'm not sure any action will be taken against facebook as these comities seem to be toothless. And the brainless sheeple still seem to be pumping there personal data on there.

I didn’t get a chance to see all of Zuckerberg’s testimony, but from what I saw and read, he seemed to use a strategy of deflecting questions and downplaying what Facebook does. He also seemed somewhat ignorant to the core technology that Facebook uses. Either he really doesn’t know the technology that we’ll, or he’s faking ignorance. How this plays into social media and Steemit is unclear, but I think it helps open the door to Facebook alternatives —hopefully with Steemit being a beneficiary.

I was recently talking to my wife about Facebook and expressed my concerns and why I rarely use it. She totally gets my points, but doesn’t want to leave because her friends and family are already on Facebook. So until a viable alternative comes that the mainstream can adopt, I think Facebook is the king for the foreseeable future.

I am a current @shadowbot member and I have been very impressed with the composure and quick responses Mark was able to make to the questions by congress. He made it very clear that Facebook does not sell your data but sells advertising that can target based on the data they collect. He explained and informed many congressman that did not understand how all the information is given freely by the users from Opt in and Opt out features. I think the amount of censorship concerns and ideas that it breaks the 1st amendment right to free speech are great for Steemit because the self governing user platform here allows for free speech and content deemed unfit by the users not the site is what gets hidden.

is it okay @bigdeej that I upvoted my own comment I did not see it mentioned in the rules?

So cool

I think they got caught with there pants down, I don't know why everyone acts surprised when the backbone of facebook was to rape the information from its users.

Zuckerberg is rich and powerful now and has a lot of big connections so he will get a slap on the hand and a big fine at most. If you use facebook all your information is exposed. Zuckerberg out sources projects to do things they can't do legally so if it does get exposed only the corp created entity takes the big fall while the facebook says they didn't know anything about it. Guess what they will do it again because they can get away with it. Pay a big fine and move on.

You see at the end everyone acting like they are best friends with Zuckerberg standing in line to shake his hand... Yes nothing going on here move along.

Look its all corrupt at the highest levels so its up to you to protect your data and privacy and i think that's why people are looking for an alternative to companies like facebook. Soon they will have one...very soon.

hi @bigdeej , With the unfavorable news I get with Fecebook users' data leak is so very worried for me what else our data is used for negative things and violate the rule of law, I have to rethink to use it again fecebook. because with this user data leakage. the more we really do not believe in Fecebook anymore. what else according to the news there are 1 million data fecebook users leaked for the territory of Indonesia.

how are you brother ? I see your post is very interesting to permit me to follow you, in this steemit in the company so that we can be stoned each other in pursuit of his points. thank you

I've got a bit of a pessimistic view of the whole debacle. I am not an FB user. I avoid it all avenues. I'm not anti-social, but I have never thought of "social media" as the end-all, be-all of mass communication that it has become. Early on I was one of the small voices trying to inform people of just HOW much of their personal info and more importantly, their habbits, were avaialable for EVERYONE to see. Online. But we were called nay-sayers and nut jobs. Paranoid whackos. That's not the case any more. I just wish more people would have bothered to listen back then. Now, they have to -because it's costing everyone $ in one way or another.

Wow, that's interesting!
We recently posted an article about how the community is now requesting for Mark Zuckerberg to step down as CEO from Facebook! This all happened after the scandal with lack of protecting user's privacy. Anyways, go check out the article when you get a chance and let me know what you think👋🏼! I found a recap video of the hearing on Tuesday and posted it also! I'll take you to it so follow me!

The programmer websites can earn money with this platform ?

Most of the people will follow the media, mainstream news and things alike, most of facebook users are too engaged into the "popularity exposure" they get from facebook, others have gotten used to their "connections" with their friends and relatives on facebook, I know facebook has all rights over every account, unless one made a legal statement post, declaring what you believe and want, but there are few who have done that, I myself thought that statement was bogus (it was about 4 or 5 years ago) but nowadays I see it was real, and I see the consequences of not reading the "small print guidelines", anyway, my information on facebook does not include my bank accounts, and it never will!

Zuckerber, with "his invention" is stealing us the most precious resource, that is our limited time?

Most people are unaware of how much time they invest in such a tricky place?
I think so, and you?