The Good Vibes Contest - Round 3

in contest •  6 years ago 

Hello dear Steemians!

Here we are with another round of this amazing contest. (I did say you wouldn't have to wait too long didn't I? :D) If you took part before, you know we're in for a joyful time, so get your writing gear ready!


Write a detailed post about the best gift you ever received.

Include the occasion, the person it came from and the reason you loved it

As always, no copy/paste or plagiarism accepted



1. Include #gvcontest as one of your 5 tags

2. Include The Good Vibes Contest in your title

3. Follow me, upvote and resteem this post

4. Leave a comment on this post with the link to your entry

5. Content must be in English


1st Place: 10 SBD

2nd Place: 5 SBD

3rd Place: 3 SBD

If anyone not participating would like to help chose the winners, please let me know in the comments.

(must have rep over 55)

Entries will close on 1st of May at 19:00 GMT

Good luck and Happy Steeming!


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Nice contest! Just wondering, how are winners chosen? Is it by you with the recommendation of the people with 55+ rep or is it based on a voting system?

At the moment it's me choosing them, and @mrprecious who offered to help out. It's hard to implement a voting system as that would involve asking people to read 70+ posts.

Gifts whatever it is must be treasured all through our lives, nice entry you have there, good luck!

Thank you Sir @long888

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

God loves you that is why He sent angels that time where youre sad and troubled.

Great article good luck!

What a great entry not only worth to win but also worth to be curied. Good luck!

Im not also sure for the deadline I hope you made it.

You are lucky to have a loving husband, God bless you and grant you more happy and fruitful years together.

Good luck!

ahhh Nice comment sir @long888 Thank you 😘

Thank you for this contest - it forced me to write an article about something associated with both fond and painful memories. Here is my submission! Upvoted, resteemed, and followed!

I just read your post quite touching .

Thank you, I appreciate it!

Also I just wanted to let you know that I mentioned this contest in the most recent Weekly Homesteading Newsletter in order to help promote it a bit! Thanks for the fun challenges!

Here is my entry. Thanks @corina for this opportunity and chance of winning cool sbds.
Here's my entry:

it is very good amazon gift @corina upvote me.

hello maam @corina.. thank you so much for your contest! and here is my entry maam.. thank you and godbless .. upvoted, followed and re-steem :)


Although your choice for an asssitng judge on this contest is a rep of 55 I am a 52 but am well capable to choose a winner dearie ,and seeing I was the first winner of the goodvibes contest ,what better way to give back than to hop in and help with selections, besides no one with that reputation has indicated interest yet I hope I get picked though .

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest to help out! Of course you can! Once the entries are closed I would be super grateful if you would read all the posts and pick your favorite 10. Then I can compare yours with mine and chose the winners!

Then count me in dear.always ready to help

How are you getting on?

Winners are ready wanna grab a look?

Hi, doing this contest put me a smile in my face! This is my entry...

Here's my entry:

Persons are Gifts from God to me” - The Good Vibes Contest

Thanks for valuing my simple gift sir @long888. God Bless you.

I value even the smallest/cheapest gift I receive as long as it is heartily given, kanang wala napugos lang

Hi, this is the story about the most special gift I have ever received.
Thanks to @corina for creating this oportunity to share good vibes.

Greetings @corina from venzuela very interesting your contest this is my entry

This is such an amazing contest. I have written my heart out. I hope you love it. Here is the link to my post

Here is my entry.
At first thanks dear @corina to give us a chance for sharing our beautiful moment with our best gift in our entry...

Hi @corina

This is my entry to your contest. Followed you, upvoted and resteemed.

Excellent idea, I love to choose and write which has been the best gift I have received. Of course I will participate. @corina

I’m going to try my very best to enter this contest, because I really love the idea

Hmmm let's see... I have to think long and hard. 😂

Here is my entry mam @corina.😊 im thankful for this contest and i hope you like my entry.😊

I would like to thank @corina for this awesome contest! Great idea. By the way here's my entry. Have a blessed day! 😊

Not sure if I'll take part (I want to keep many of my most precious gifts private,) but I love reading stories about how our world is beautiful. Keep up on this contest.

And have fun judging, @corina.

Hello this is my entry, that beautiful contest. It is very sencible the concept and makes us reflect the best gift is not material things:

Yey! i'm so excited to participate :)

i hope this contesr isa very woking,,yeh i join this

Here is my entry. Thank you @corina for this opportunity in sharing our stories behind evert gifts. God bless you!

Good afternoon friend @corina, here is the link to my participation in the contest. Thank you for making me remember what was the best gift I have received.

contest participation

I am excited to join this contest!I really love sharing my thoughts and experience in real life

What a great contest, I really like this, now to have a good think and participate. Resteemed and already following you xx

Well now this is challenging, so many different moments in my life through the many years that could be considered a "Gift".
I'm sure as I think back through my life I'll remember one that stood out as significant. 😃

Great contest

Hi @corina. Your contest is always fun to join at. I hope I'm not too late yet. Here is my entry: The Good Vibes Contest: The Best Gift I Ever Received

Great contest, @corina!

Congratulations you have been resteemed as part of the @newbiegames selection of top contests for minnows of the day

To reach more people, try out the #newbieresteemday Discord Chat channel Contest Promotion Box.

We invite everyone to follow our @newbiegames account and use the #newbiegames tag for their next game or contest to connect with more of our members.

@newbiegames is a part of the #newbieresteemday initiative.



Thank you for the tips @corina. Formatting is really important too.

Fabulous contest, cool prompt question.

Writing this conjured up some great memories so thankyou :D

My entry;

May your journey be magnificent :D

Alright is this inspired by the gratitude train started by Bosslady aka Jaynie Lea?

Wow amazing

This was really great!

Wow amazing
this is my post. Thank you for hosting this meaningful contest

Actually, i never recieved a gift to share with you. Can i write with imaginitive things?

No dear ,the concept behind the good vibe contest is to share real ,life happenings that are positive and gives good vibes afterwards.

I see....

Ohh its too late for's almost 12midnight/ here in the Philippines, just seen your contest now mam @corina...I still say thank you mam for initiating this contest ,ive seen some of my friends able to submit their entry..Godbless and hopefully next time i can join your contest mam..(if i am given the chance to join iam proud to say to the whole world that my son is the precious gift as precious as gem that i received fromGod)..

Love this. Will be posting my entry soon . Hope you love it ❤️ here's mine i forgot to post my link here in comment section i made my post 3 days ago.

Hello @corina, I send you my best gift hoping that it fulfills some of your expectations, successes. This is my link address

Darn I am late maybe next time have to be more alert in watching out for contests

Hi @corina. I forgot to attach my entry. My bad. I don't know if this would still count. But at least you'll read it, that'll be fine. 😊

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment