Weekly Wednesday quiz 2: money, money, money

in contest •  7 years ago 

This is episode 2 of the weekly Wednesday quiz. It's a weekly contest where you have to answer a question. The person with the best answer wins. The best answer is either the answer that is correct or the most funniest.

Last weeks winner

The result from last week is delayed. Also die to the subject I will communicate it in a separate post.

What's the prize?

That's always a surprise!

The question: money, money, money

This weeks question(s) is (are) all about money.
What do you think is the best strategy to earn lots of money with Steemit?
What is your highest earning for a post? And a comment?
What is your worst result?
What are your average earnings per week?
And you can share more of these money related things....

Contest rules


My suggestions

So there are basically no contest rules. However I have a few suggestions:
1 You can't score of you don't have the ball (got it? 😁).
2 don't resteem this post as the quality is really below anything.
3 for the same reason you should not upvote this BS.
4 ask questions if you need a hint.
5 ask these questions when this post is about 5 or 6 days old.
6 a combination of a serious answer together with making laugh gives you bonus points.


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Best strategy to earn money on SteemIt: be stupid enough to become a victim of a phishing attack and make a big deal out of it: write a post in which you thank everyone that has been helpful.

My thank you post about it earned me over $20 in organic votes.

I had to take a peek at one of @abh12345’s lists to see what the most rewarding comment was. It was about $2.20. Silly enough it wasn’t even such an insightful comment. Somehow I had been able to resteem a post that had been past-payout. Someone asked me how I did it, and I had to admit I didn’t have a clue. That answer earned me $2.20. Really weird how things turn out sometimes, lol.

As for averages, I always plan to keep track, but never do, so I don’t have a clue about that :0)

I do wonder about the tips you keep giving at the end of your posts. It’s very original to ask people not to upvote or resteem your post, but I don’t think you should underestimate your posts like that ;0)

Where you really a victim of a phishing attack?

Those tips are meant to be funny. Perhaps that's not fully clear?

I was actually the victim of a phishing attack like two months ago. Weren’t you around back then?
It was actually one of the best things that ever happened to me.
It was really scary for two days, but then i got my account back. All they stole was 14SBD, and the articles I wrote about it gave me my 15 minutes of SteemIt fame, and good payouts :0)

I was around then. But I think my priorities were a bit more at winning the curation league...?
And I was following to many Steemonians. So I was unable to catch up with all interesting/relevant posts from everyone. That is something I'm getting in control just a bit now. As the number of Steemonians I'm following is below 200. And it does also contain a lot of inactive ones.

How did you bring down the number?
I tried once, comparing the list of the people I’m following with the list of people who I’m interacting with, but it took hours to unfollow like 25 people...

In the beginning it was really easy. I scrolled through my feed and could instantly unfollow a bunch of users.

Now is getting more difficult, since a big part is inactive, but I don't want to scroll through all my follows to unfollow these. They basically don't bother me as they don't post.

And there are still to many Steemonians that I follow if I don't want to spend more than 1 hour a day on Steemit. But the ones I follow now are mostly the ones I really like.

  1. The Best strategy is to post innovative, insightful and educative contents on steemit.
  2. My highest rating is 1.59 on my POWER OF CONSECRATION post.
  3. Worst result is creating a post that even after 10upvotes you earn 0.01
  4. Average earning per week isn't fixed . Let's just say it's been a "rough patch"

About item 3, you might not even know that if a post or comment has a value below $0.025, there won't be any part out. So we as red fishes have a disadvantage that quite some of the upvotes we receive disappear because of this so called dust vote threshold.
Neither can we upvote each others comments, cause those upvotes will be lost.

Insightful... THANX for the "enlightenment"

  1. the best strategy to earn with steemit is to make friends like family , post quality content and be very consistent.
  2. The highest earning on a post is 3.22. that was my introductory post.
  3. Worst result is creating a post and the earning is 0.00
  4. Average earning per week isn't fixed not one source of income am i attached to.

About 3, did that happen also for posts where you really put a lot of effort into? And where you had high expectations?

About item 4, so your rewards really go up and down from one week to another? So do you for example earn like 25 SBD in one week, while in another only 3 SBD?

I think my earnings more or less are always close to 2 SBD and less then 1 Steem per week. And I never have weeks where I earn more then 5 SBD and 2 Steem.

  1. Yeas it happened for the post i have really spent days on.
  2. the highest in a week is 0.5 sbd
  1. Best strategy to earn is to get into a community! Here you will find people with shared interests which makes it easier to score upvotes. It will make it also easier to find article which you like, hence where you can score upvotes!
  2. Commnent a little above $1.80, post $29.23
  3. Like everybody the worst earning was 0, I am pretty sure that I would have written these posts now, they would have scored around $2. So don't shoot all your dry powder to soon!
  4. It depends on my activity. I do guess around $25 per week, sometimes more, sometimes less!

In which communities are you?
I think I know the betting one, SBC if I'm right. But not sure if you are in any others?

Any suggestions for communities that I could join? Is there some kind of overview?

Maybe @investorsclub is something for you! But then you will need to start writing again about investments!
For me it is @sbcbot all the way! For sure with the World Cup, I don't have much time left for other things!

Again? Did I wrote something about investments before?

Mhh, maybe not. But at least you do have to name :)
No, you mainly wrote about curation, your 2 months expirements with commenting only and posting only.
So, maybe you should start :)