RE: New Contest from @Xpilar 4/11-2017 "get free upvote"

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New Contest from @Xpilar 4/11-2017 "get free upvote"

in contest •  7 years ago 

Sciences Fiction part 2.

In today " Once upon the time" - i will be discussing about " Science and the suffering humanity – what do i mean by this? continue reading for to understand what i mean.

Travelling became easy through science, Electricity, Rocket and missiles, plus the atomic energy and industry.

Science is man's helpmate. It has been a great blessing to man. It has conquered nature. With the help of science, man controls the greatest forces. In fact in every field of life science enables man to lead an easy comfortable life. It has added very greatly to the progress of civilization.

There are many benefits of science. It has helped the blind to see, the deaf to hear and the lame to walk. The invaluable help rendered by the physicians to the suffering humanity is highly praiseworthy. In the olden age, ordinary fever took a huge toll of life.

There used to be no preventive measures against epidemies like smallpox, plague and cholera but now highly efficacious treatments are invented by the scientists. Great researches have been made in the field of medicine. Operations have become painless.

The discovery of vitamins has given greater health to man. It is now possible to prevent many infectious diseases T.B. is no longer an incurable disease. The X' rays have also done much good to man.

Science has made our travelling comfortable. We can travel in railways, ships, motor-cars and aeroplanes. The most distant places of the world have become nearer to one another. Very little time is required to go from one place to another. Now aeroplanes fly at 1000 miles or even more per hour. The journey that once took months can now be covered in a few hours. Journeys have become safe.

Electricity has done the greatest service to man. It has lighted our paths, houses, factories and mills. It keeps us away from darkness. Electricity runs for us our fans and air-conditioners. It has given us T.V., radio, photography and talkies. When we are tired by the day's hard work these inventions provide us nice recreation.

Rockets and missiles have no match and have conquered space flight. The conquest of the moon has become possible with the help of the rocket. This success has made man bold He is now thinking of conquering the other planets.

Lastly, atomic energy is yet another recent scientific achievement. This kind of energy can also replace all other conventional fuels and sources of energy. Atomic reactors are producing cheaper Source of power and energy. This will help us in producing electricity at a very cheap rate.

Wonderful competition from a wonderful man.
@xpilar ..i like that designed picture....well-done.


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I like your story, thanks for sharing buddy!

Great story. I like this one, thanks buddy!


Thanks for sharing a good story!

Thank you for your fine story and very good information @dabbey